HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2007.02.01BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION FEBRUARY 1, 2007 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Chairperson McQuaide. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson McQuaide, Carney, Ellis, Lahey (left at 7:15), and O'Connor (left at 7:05) Absent: Commissioners Grandcolas and Wright Staff: Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, and Secretary Harvey Guests: Christiane Chaney and Marc Filosa (2827 Arguello Avenue); Jean Silveira (2331 Poppy Drive); Fiona Hamilton (105 Crescent); and Rosalie McCloud (1528 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo) MINUTES — The Minutes of the January 11, 2007 Beautification Commission Meeting, were approved as submitted. Memorandum from Commissioners Carney and Ellis reporting on the meeting with City staff, Beautification Commissioners, P.G& E. and Asplundh Tree Expert Company representatives, regarding pruning techniques in the City of Burlingame. Memorandum from Commissioners Lahey and Wright reporting on ideas to consider regarding reinstituting the landscape award. FROM THE FLOOR — None OLD BUSINESS Order of agenda was changed to accommodate the appellants who were present. Appeal of the Denial of One Private Spruce Tree at 2827 Arguello Drive Arborist Porter stated that he found the Spruce tree to be healthy and stable. He noted that the damage to the sidewalk was not uncommon or significant and roots could be pruned during sidewalk repair. Arborist Porter concluded that the reasons stated by the applicant did not meet the criteria used to justify removal of this tree. Commissioners discussed and commented. Commissioner Lahey asked Arborist Porter if the tree could be pruned, thinned, and raised. Arborist Porter stated yes, that the tree could be thinned, and the bottom fringe could be raised up. Commissioner Ellis noted that the roots go 8 feet toward the house and asked if root pruning of those roots could be done and root barriers placed. Arborist Porter responded that those roots could be pruned to the drip line of the tree, as well as those along the edge of the sidewalk, and root barriers could be placed. Commissioner Ellis asked about the damage to the telephone/cable box. Arborist Porter responded that excavation around the root at the box could be performed, the root could be cut, and the box could be rebuilt. Chairperson McQuaide asked if the appellants had any comments. Marc Filosa explained that the tree is quite large and originally was a live Christmas tree planted years ago. He stated that the roots are on the surface, have damaged the sidewalk, that relandscaping and retaining wall work is being planned, and that the overall plan is contingent on what can be done with the tree. Mr. Filosa stated that there are other trees on the property and the planting of a smaller size tree is planned. He concluded that they are requesting permission to remove the tree because, with all the expense for relandscaping and the necessary repairs to the sidewalk, the damage is only likely to occur in another 5 years. Mrs. Chaney added that the surface roots from this tree are all over the place. N%-, Chairperson McQuaide closed the hearing. Appeal of the Denial of One Private Spruce Tree at 2827 Areuello Drive — (Contd.) Chairperson McQuaide stated that she noticed the sidewalk damage and the roots in the area. She noted that the neighborhood is without trees, this tree being the only tree in the area. She stated that this is a beautiful, specimen tree; that the shape and size of the tree is nice and the skirt could be raised if need be. Commissioner Ellis commented that she would like to see the roots pruned and root barriers placed rather than removal of the tree. Commissioner O'Connor agreed and stated she would like to see the tree saved, that it is a very healthy and beautiful tree. Commissioner Carney thought the fringe could be raised, root pruning performed, and root barriers placed. She asked Arborist Porter how long the root barriers might be effective. Arborist Porter responded that if root barriers are installed correctly, their effectiveness might last for 10-20 years. Superintendent Richmond asked Arborist Porter if they could circumscribe the entire tree with root barriers. Arborist Porter responded, yes, that roots could be pruned all the way around the tree at the drip line, and root barriers could be placed. Commissioner Lahey stated she would not approve removal, that there are very few large trees in the area, and that the tree is healthy and thriving. She stated the sidewalk damage is not uncommon and can be repaired as well as the damaged telephone/cable boxes. She concluded that there are creative landscaping options available and that, pruning the tree and roots, and the placement of root barriers can address the concerns of the applicant. Following the discussion, Commissioner Carney moved to deny the appeal of the denial to remove the Spruce tree at 2827 Arguello Drive with the recommendation that the applicant consider root pruning and placement of root barriers to mitigate the problems with the roots; seconded, O'Connor. The motion carried 5-0-2 (absent/Grandcolas and Wright). Appeal of the Denial of Two Redwood Trees at 2022 Trousdale Drive Arborist Porter reported that the applicant requests removal of two Redwood trees to open up light to their patio and open up the view from their upstairs bedroom; this is not a bay view tree issue. He stated that both trees are mid life and will get larger, and like most large trees, will continue to need regular maintenance. Arborist Porter concluded that the concerns expressed by the applicant do not meet the criteria used to justify removal of protected trees and so the application was denied. Commissioner Lahey stated that the trees are beautiful and asked if the trees could be pruned away from the building and the gutters. Arborist Porter responded, yes, that the trees can be trimmed back from the building and pruning for sunlight could also be done. He added that the trees proximity to the building is not a problem. The applicants were not present for comment. Commissioner Ellis noted that only one small window is totally blocked by the tree and removal of the tree would leave a huge expanse with no significant trees in the neighborhood. Commissioner Lahey agreed and noted that if the tree near the patio were pruned it would help with winter light. She asked Arborist Porter if the nearby Alder tree is leaning due to lack of light. Arborist Porter responded, yes, that trimming the Redwood could provide more sunlight but removal of the small Alder could be considered as well. Chairperson McQuaide stated that Redwood trees can be messy, but that they are gorgeous trees, and can be thinned and should stay as there are not many significant trees in the area. Commissioner O'Connor commented that the trees are beautiful and pruning should be considered first and would also be less expensive. Commissioner Carney agreed that both trees are beautiful and could be trimmed in order to address the concerns of the applicants. Following the comments from the Commission, Commissioner O'Connor moved to deny the appeal of the denial to remove two Redwood trees at 2022 Trousdale Drive with the recommendation that the applicants consider pruning and thinning of both trees to mitigate the concerns expressed; seconded, Lahey. The motion carried 5-0-2 (absent/Grandcolas and Wright). P.G.&E. Prunine Practices in the City of Burlingame Commissioner Carney and Ellis submitted a summary of the meeting held on January 26t' with P.G.& E. and Asplundh Tree Company representatives to discuss Line Clearance Pruning in the City of Burlingame. Commissioner Carney reviewed the following topics that were discussed: General Procedures Western Environmental Consultants(WECI) inspect the circuits and determine which trees need to be trimmed. (Most are certified arborists — but not all.) (WECI) contacts P.G.&E. and tells them which trees need to be trimmed. Asplundh then trims the trees. Inspection and trimming are usually performed in the first quarter of the year. After the trees are trimmed, California Forestry Vegetation Management (CFVM) spot-checks trees to see if they have been trimmed properly. This has been done for the last 6 years. Notification of Trimming • PG&E uses a "Utility tree Trimming Notice" to notify customers that trees will be trimmed by Asplundh in 4-6 weeks. • PG&E has developed an automated message system that notifies customers when work will be done in their area. People who have a phone number listed in PG&E's database will be called. It is a new process and will be instituted this year on an experimental basis in Burlingame on circuits with 100 trees or more. • Carlos Zaragoza will contact Supervisor Disco by e-mail (or in person) and inform him when and where trees will be trimmed by Asplundh. This information will be sent to residents who subscribe to the City of Burlingame E-Newsletter at: enews gBurlingame.org . Topping • Only trees that grow straight up are topped (example: redwood trees). Liquid amber and other trees that have been previously topped or sycamores that have been pollarded are also topped. Complaints • If a private tree is being trimmed and the owner asks the trimmers to stop, they must stop trimming. This does not apply to street trees. • People who have complaints about the work done or improper clean-up can call the PG&E Call Center at 1-800-743-5000 and speak with a customer Representative. Those complaints will be logged and forwarded to Erin Parks. Undergrounding • Undergrounding of power lines was also discussed, but residential streets usually do not qualify for Rule 20 funds. Commissioner Carney concluded that generally P.G.&E. and Asplundh representatives were very interested in cooperating with the City. Chairperson McQuaide noted that Vegetation Manager, Erin Parks, is new but seems very interested and aware of the complaints. Commissioner Lahey stated it was good to have met and discussed the communities concerns; that they now are aware that people are watching and are concerned. Superintendent Richmond stated that the meeting was valuable and it helped to open lines of communication and that the Asplundh foreman will soon be meeting with Supervisor Disco to discuss this years pruning schedule in the City. Consideration of Reinstating of Landscape Award Commissioner Lahey reported that she and Commissioner Wright met to discuss the possibility of re- instituting the landscape award. She reported that they discussed the following: 1) Types of Award: Residential or Business or both. 2) Purpose: To promote the uniqueness of Burlingame Businesses and civic pride by acknowledging special businesses who contribute aesthetically to the City. Consideration of Reinstatinn of Landscape Award (contd. 3) Award: Design an award with the City of Burlingame seal and perhaps include a Centennial "1 slogan. 4) Award Schedule: Establish a bi-annual award to maintain momentum with the first award to be presented at the tree lighting ceremony in 2007. 5) Promotion: Meet with the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the Chamber's historical role and interest in co -sponsoring or underwriting some aspects of the award, perhaps through advertising (newsletter, email blasts, trolley) etc. 6) Nominations: Develop and establish a procedure and time line for nominations, i.e., committee appointment, promotion of award that would gain publicibusiness interest. 7) Criteria: Develop standard criteria that would be monitored over a specific period of time leading up to the award, to assist committee members when selecting nominees. The criteria could be but is not limited to: Curb appeal, flowers/color/window boxes, cleanliness, and/or window display (if applicable). Commissioner Lahey concluded that she and Commissioner Wright will be meeting with Georgette Naylor on February 7, 2007 to discuss the Chambers interest/input regarding this project. Street Tree Reforestation Proiect Chairperson McQuaide stated that she and Commissioners Carney and Wright met as a committee to discuss with Fiona Hamilton the Street Tree Reforestation Project and the possibility of tying that project in with the Centennial. Chairperson McQuaide stated that Ms. Hamilton had some good ideas how to incorporate the two as well as suggesting some funding possibilities and exploring the use of volunteers. Some of the ideas discussed were: Incorporating the Centennial with the Street Tree Reforestation project or keeping them separate; Can trees be labeled with the donors name?; If a "Centennial" tree is planted, can it be protected?; If a grove of trees were planted, would they be protected?; Which areas could contain the planting of a grove? . . Downtown, near the maintenance lot on California Drive, or Trousdale Drive (with a new center island) 'IN planted with trees?; How much outside funding and how much from citizens? Fiona Hamilton stated that her vision would be to have a row or grove of trees planted for the Centennial so that they could be there for everyone to say, "Those are the trees that were planted for the Centennial...". She stated that she has experienced the difficulty of finding areas, realizing some possible areas are not owned by the City of Burlingame but belong to other agencies. She asked Superintendent Richmond about the area in Washington Park where the Bocci Ball courts once were. Superintendent Richmond stated that an Oak tree and a Maple tree were planted in the last several years that will someday become very large. McQuaide asked staff and Commission to try to identify areas i.e. Washington Park that might withstand such a grove of trees. She then asked the Commissioners to complete their research on their designated sections to determine areasiblocks without street trees, and submit their findings to her. Commissioner O'Connor excused herself from the meeting at 7:05 and Commissioner Lahey excused herself at 7:15 pm. Arbor Day —Monday, March 5th, 2007 (a) 10:00 am — Cuernavaca Park Chairperson McQuaide reported that she would 'not be able to attend this year's ceremony and that Commissioner Grandcolas is putting together a presentation that he or someone else from the Commission can deliver promoting the Commission and the importance of the trees in our community. Green Trees for the Golden State 2006-2007 Grant Superintendent Richmond stated that the grant for the residential tree planting project on Rollins Road from Burlingame Avenue, North, to slightly beyond Oak Grove, has been submitted. He noted that there are limitations to the grant: the amount of funding and how the funds can be used; preferring projects with larger canopy trees; and, requiring an in -kind match of labor and/or money. REPORTS Superintendent Richmond 1. Council will meet with the Commission on Monday, April 16 at 6 p.m. before the Council meeting. `-' 2. 3 elms were planted on Oxford/Cambridge in cooperation with Daren Schofield. 3. Hearing on the Easton Library tree occurred. Council asked Staff to provide more information by May. At its Midwinter Meeting last weekend, Council established a goal for a Tree Masterplan on Easton Drive in the next year by an outside contractor. Council will need to confirm this goal in the next few weeks when establishing the budget for 07-08. It appears that the most helpful thing the Commission can do is to approve a criteria for Tree Removal on the street. Staff will present material for the suggested criteria and will base the suggested metric from a commonly accepted Hazard Tree evaluation document. 4. Parks Division is having great difficulty finding sources for the Eucalyptus tree species that were designated for the Easton planting list. Most growers are not providing eucalyptus tree varieties for this zone. Staff will check with additional vendors. Chairperson McQuaide Chairperson McQuaide reported that she attended a Tree Failure Conference at Filoli; that it was a very informational program led by Larry Costello. Commissioner Ellis Commissioner Ellis reported that ivy is growing on a City tree at 1051 Park Road. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary