HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2007.01.11BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION JANUARY 11, 2007 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson McQuaide. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson McQuaide, Carney, Ellis, Grandcolas, Lahey, O'Connor, and Wright Staff: Superintendent Richmond, Supervisor Disco, and Secretary Harvey Guests: Bobbi Benson and Fiona Hamilton. MINUTES — The Minutes of the December 7, 2006 Beautification Commission Meeting, were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Evelyn Reed appealing the denial of the removal of two private Redwood trees at 2022 Trousdale Drive. Letter to Evelyn Reed, 2022 Trousdale Drive, stating that the appeal of the denial to remove two private Redwood trees would be placed on the February 1, 2007 Beautification Commission agenda. Letter from Christiane Chaney appealing the denial of the removal of one private Spruce tree at 2827 Arguello Drive. Letter to Christiane Chaney, 2827 Arguello Drive, stating that the appeal of the denial to remove one private Spruce tree would be placed on the February 1, 2007 Beautification Commission agenda. FROM THE FLOOR — Bobbi Benson introduced Fiona Hamilton and stated that Fiona had an interesting idea for a Centennial Tree Fund to mark the City's Centennial and that it could be called: 100 Trees/$100/for 100 Years. The fund would be established so citizens could donate toward the Street Tree Reforestation Project. Ms. Benson concluded that she believes this is a good idea and hopes the Commission would support this idea. Chairperson McQuaide thanked Ms. Benson and Ms. Hamilton for the suggestion and invited both to remain for the discussion on the Street Tree Reforestation Project. The order of agenda was changed to accommodate the audience. OLD BUSINESS Street Tree Reforestation Project Chairperson McQuaide and Commissioner Carney reported on some initial strategies: 1) Identify areas (residential blocks) in the City devoid of trees. 2) Determine how the project will be funded: sponsors, families, businesses, residences, grants. If grants are pursued, proposals would need to be submitted (Commissioner O'Connor noted that she would be willing to assist in writing a grant proposal); outside funding would be pursued first, and then funding from the citizens and then developing strategies on the best approach. 3) Tie in the project with the Centennial celebration by soliciting donations to plant 100 trees through advertising in the Recreation Brochure, on Cable TV, at the Library, in the local newspapers, and combining it with the Arbor Day celebration. 4) Public Education with regard to Urban Forests. The Commission further discussed the possibilities of a Centennial Tree fund and incorporating the Street Tree Reforestation project into the Centennial celebration, involving service groups such as the boy �. scouts and girl scouts, in the planting of trees. OLD BUSINESS - Street Tree Reforestation Project - (Contd.) Chairperson McQuaide opened the meeting to the floor. Fiona Hamilton stated that she believes residents are "itching" to donate trees to the City and would like to see something in place that promotes and provides the opportunity for citizens to do so. Chairperson McQuaide invited Ms. Hamilton to meet with the Committee and provide further input. Ms. Hamilton agreed to meet with the Street Tree Reforestation Committee. Chairperson McQuaide closed the meeting to the floor. Parks Supervisor Bob Disco suggested that staff could provide a map, (used for the Sycamore pruning) that is broken up into quadrants of the City, to assist Commissioners in identifying blocks devoid of trees. The Commission agreed and asked that the map be sent with the minutes including the name of each Commissioner assigned to a quadrant. P.G.&E. Pruning Practices in the City of Burlingame Superintendent Richmond stated that P.G.&E. Vegetation Manager, Erin Parks and an Asplundh representative, can meet with City Staff and Commission representatives on January 23rd, 24d', or 26"' to visit select sites to review pruning practices. Commissioners Ellis and Carney agreed to meet with staff and P.G.E. representatives on January 26d' at 10:00 am. Consideration of Reinstating of Landscape Award Commissioner Lahey and Wright reported that they were able to meet briefly and reported that the Commission should consider providing 2 separate awards; one for businesses and one for residential, noting that there would be very different considerations for each award. Commissioner Wright stated she will be contacting the Chamber and discussing how requirements might be met, as well as the advertising and the promotion of the award. Other forms of advertising such as the Recreation Brochure, "1 newspapers, etc. will also be pursued. Commissioner Lahey stated the Committee will also be researching, brainstorming, and soliciting information from other cities that have/had landscape awards and will compare that information with Burlingame's past landscape award. Commissioner Lahey concluded that she and Commissioner Wright will be meeting again soon and encouraged input from other Commissioners. Arbor Day — Monday, March 5`h, 2007 (a)10:00 am — Cuernavaca Park Superintendent Richmond reported that, to date, there has been no response from neighbors that may be concerned about view issues and the planting of small ornamental trees near the Cuernavaca Playground. He stated that Supervisor Disco has selected Crabapple and Crape Myrtle trees to be planted during the Arbor Day ceremony. The Commission discussed increasing their participation in the celebration as well as providing refreshments i.e. cookies, etc. Commissioner Grandcolas stated that it would be a great opportunity to promote the Commission and their work and a good way to advertise to the public the great things that are planned for next year with regard to trees: The Street Tree Reforestation Plan, 100 Trees/$100/for 100 Years, etc. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Grandcolas agreed to put together a presentation that he or someone else from the Commission could deliver. Supervisor Disco stated, that if the Commission agrees, he could order ISA pamphlets that could be handed out as part of the presentation to those in attendance. The Commission agreed and asked that the pamphlets be ordered. Fruit Bearing Gingko Trees on the West end of Donnelly Avenue Superintendent Richmond stated that these trees were part of a discussion at the Burlingame District Cleanup Task Force because of the noxious fruit and it has been forwarded to the Commission for a recommendation. He stated that at the request of the Commission at the last meeting, Supervisor Disco conducted an inspection of the trees to determine if removal of any or all of the trees might be justified based on standard criteria. OLD BUSINESS - Fruit Bearine GinLrko Trees on the West end of Donnelly Avenue — (Contd.) Supervisor Disco reported that 3 female Gingko trees and 3 male Gingko trees were planted between 1964-1977, all are in a healthy condition, and all are in need of light pruning and shaping. Supervisor Disco noted that tree #5, a female Gingko, had been topped and has poor structure; tree #4 has a co - dominant leader; and tree #2 is leaning toward the West. He noted that there are also 4 vacant planting areas East of the trees that could also be planted with Gingkos. He continued that, if removal was recommended, he would suggest first planting trees in the vacant sites and then gradually removing and replacing the 3 Gingkos, starting with tree #5, then #4, and then #2. Superintendent Richmond stated that the Commission has two options to consider: 1) Plant out the vacant planting sites and gradually remove and replace the 3 Gingkos or, 2) Plant out the vacant planting sites, leave the existing Gingko trees and request that the Cleanup Committee continue removing the dropped fruit. Commissioner Grandcolas stated that he was glad that there were some trees in the area and would consider letting the Cleanup Committee continue removing the fruit. Commissioner Carney remarked that the trees are healthy and she would be reluctant to recommend removal. Commissioner Lahey stated that she would like to see other Gingkos planted in the vacant areas and would recommend fruit cleanup continue as opposed to removal. Following further discussion, it was recommended that because the Gingko trees are healthy and not structurally unsound, the trees remain and fruit cleanup continue, and that, male Gingko trees be planted in the vacant planting areas on Donnelly. NEW BUSINESS Green Trees for the Golden State 2006-2007 Grant Superintendent Richmond stated that a grant for residential tree planting has been made available through the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection but the pre -proposal application must be submitted by January 315`. Grant monies are made available for enhancement of public property, preferring projects with larger canopy trees, and will require an in -kind match of labor and/or money. IN1.1 Council has initially approved the staff recommendation of a residential tree planting project on Rollins Road from Burlingame Avenue, North, to slightly beyond Oak Grove. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Ellis moved that staff apply for the grant for residential tree planting on Rollins Road; seconded, O'Connor. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS Superintendent Richmond 1. Commissioners' Dinner will be Friday, March 9, 2007, 6:00 p.m. at the Broadway Grill. 2. Council will discuss the decision to remove the Eucalyptus tree at Easton Library at its Tuesday, January 16 meeting. 3. Parks has acquired a collection of bare root trees. Some have been planted already (Sam's Sandwiches elms); others will be potted in the Parks nursery area, so that they can add size before planting. Among the plants are Accolade Elms, Triumph Elms, Golden Desert Ash (a small Ash that may be appropriate under utility wires), and Columbia var. Sycamores (a disease resistant variety, one of which is planted on the street at Anita/Howard, SE corner). Supervisor Disco Supervisor Disco reported that a Eucalyptus in front of the Recreation Center was removed due to disease and a Catalpa on Balboa between Hillside and Adeline Drive was removed due to a large cavity in the trunk. He also stated that the City Attorney reported to him that the City received only 4 claims this year (with regard to property damage caused by trees), compared to 9 last year, and 12 the year previous. Supervisor Disco concluded that he attributes the decline in claims filed, to the aggressive pruning program in place. REPORTS - (Contd.) Commissioner Grandcolas Commissioner Grandcolas reported that on the corner of Bernal and Hillside, on the North side of the intersection, a mature City -owned Sycamore has ivy growing 12' up the trunk. Commissioner Wright Commissioner Wright reported that there are tall weeds at a house and an SUV on a corner creating a visual problem crossing Hillside Drive. Staff referred Commissioner Wright to the Public Works Department and the Weed Abatement program. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, -� !c' Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary "IN