HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2008.11.06OR BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION NOVEMBER 6, 2008 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Carney. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Carney, Commissioners Benson, Lahey, McQuaide, and Wright (arrived 6:25 p.m.) (Admin. Secretary Harvey noted that Commissioner Wright would be late because she was attending the Chamber of Commerce Mixer at Straits to promote the Business Landscape Award). Staff: Interim Parks Superintendent Foell and Admin. Secretary Harvey Guests: Mary Faber MINUTES — Commissioner Benson asked that the minutes of the October 2, 2008 be corrected on page 2, under REPORTS/Commissioner Wright, 2nd Paragraph to read: Commissioner Benson responded that since there is no irrigation in the large containers, the plantings have died and or disappeared .... merchants have provided funds for the colorful faux flowers ... and (she) installed the faux plants just so there would be some color. Commissioner Benson asked that the minutes of October 2, 2008 also be corrected on page 3, under REPORTS/Commissioner Benson, I" Paragraph to read: 'Commissioner Benson reported that she planted more faux flowers for color .... on Chula Vista.' 'Commissioner Benson also reported that there are bedsprings on the corner of the Hillsborough side of Bellevue and El Camino Real. Minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letters from Superintendent Foell to Commissioners Ellis and Grandcolas, as they resign from their service on 14.1 the Beautification Commission, thanking them for their service and leadership. Spring Recreation Brochure submittals: New Street Trees for Burlingame — Green Trees for the Golden State; and Business Landscape Award Letter from the Beautification Commission Chairperson Carney to Dale Perkins, thanking him for his contribution of a water color rendering of the business, Solo Bambini; winner of the Business Landscape Award. Letter from Parks Superintendent Foell to Dale Perkins, thanking him for his contribution of the water color rendering of the business, Solo Bambini, (winner of the Business Landscape Award) as well as for his generous donation of the frame and supplies. City Street Tree Themed Blocks and attached Themed Block List. Beautification Commission Chair Rotation Order. 2009 Business Landscape Award Nomination Form. Burlingame Business Landscape Award Time Line. FROM THE FLOOR Mary Faber introduced herself and indicated she was visiting the Commission because she is considering making application to serve on the Commission. OLD BUSINESS Arbor Day 2009 — Bayside Park Superintendent Foell reported that the initial date of March 6'1' selected for the Arbor Day ceremony is difficult for some of the elementary schools so the date has been changed to Wednesday, March 4d' instead. Superintendent Foell noted that he will report on the specifics of the tree plantings for Arbor Day and any possible tree removals anticipated at Bayside Park. Business Landscape Award 2009 In Commissioner Wright's absence, Commissioner Benson reported that the Committee has divided up between themselves the different business districts for distribution of the nomination forms. The Committee will distribute Business Landscape Award Nomination forms to the following areas: Burlingame Avenue — North Side and Side Streets - Commissioner Benson Burlingame Avenue — South Side and Side Streets - Commissioner McQuaide Howard Avenue - Commissioner Carney Broadway — North and South side and Side Streets - Commissioner Wright Burlingame Plaza - Commissioner Lahey Commissioner McQuaide thanked Staff and Commission for the thank you letters sent to Dale Perkins. NEW BUSINESS Rotation of Officers — December 4, 2008 Superintendent Foell stated that Commissioner Lahey had been reappointed to serve on the Beautification Commission and will be next on the rotation to serve as chairperson. The Council has extended the application period to mid January to fill the other two vacancies. The following officers will begin serving at the December 4'h meeting: Commissioner Lahey - Chairperson Commissioner Wright - Vice -Chairperson Commissioner Benson - Secretary REPORTS Superintendent Foell 1) Green Trees Grant Tree Planting will begin just before Thanksgiving by contractor Watkin & Bortolussi; over 142 grant trees (upgraded to 173 since meeting date) will be planted in the southern section of Burlingame this winter and next winter, the grant tree planting will consist of planting over 250 trees in the northern section of Burlingame. Monitoring of the new trees by the Commission will begin in the spring. 2) The Spring and Fall City Street Tree planting is nearing completion. In October, City tree crews planted approximately 182 new street trees throughout the City; crews planting a total of 250 trees for the year. 3) The "Themed Blocks" tree planting list has been approved by Council and an explanation and the list of "themed blocks" have been included on the City's website. Petitions for establishing a "themed block" are available at the Burlingame Recreation Center. 4) Superintendent Foell submitted a sample of the "door hangers" that will be used during the grant tree plantings and the City street tree plantings. Door hangers provide information on the importance of trees in a community and other general information with regard to watering and care of the trees. 5) The Burlingame/Hillsborough Women's Garden Club has contacted the Parks Division regarding making a donation to go toward tree planting or plant purchase for Washington Park. Superintendent Foell mentioned that staff has also expressed an interest in placing a bench near the Fragrance Garden but cost is upwards from $1000. Commissioner Benson commented that she may know of some group(s) that may be interested in making a donation for a bench to be placed near the Fragrance Garden. .-IN Chairperson Carney _*N Chairperson Carney reported that on November 130', 6:00 p.m. at City Hall there would be a public meeting with regard to the storm drain replacement. Commissioner McQuaide Commissioner McQuaide stated that she would be interested in working with Real Estate companies and informing them of the importance of trees in the Burlingame community and perhaps providing a pamphlet that �- could be given to new homeowners. After a brief discussion, the Commission asked this item be placed on the December agenda. Commissioner Lahey Commissioner Lahey stated she was happy that the Council reappointed her to the Commission and is excited about monitoring the newly planted grant trees in the spring. Commissioner Wright Commissioner Wright reported that the committee will be distributing the Business Landscape Nomination forms to the different business districts and that the Chamber of Commerce will include information about the award in their newsletter. She attended the Chamber Mixer, made some good connections, and recommended that other Commissioners attend. The Commission briefly discussed advertising the award with an article and a photo of the presentation in the local newspapers; staff will provide a list of publication contacts to the committee. After Commissioner Benson suggested the Commission take turns making announcements at City Council meetings, Commissioner Lahey volunteered to make an announcement at the next City Council meeting of November 17''. Commissioner Wright reported that two women would volunteer to water the planters on Broadway containing the 'faux' flowers if Commissioner Benson would install 5 gallon plants. Following a brief discussion, it was suggested that Commissioners Wright and Benson coordinate their efforts with regard to this issue following the meeting. Commissioner Wright further reported that signage has been placed in front of the Broadway Grill and is creating a visual hazard for vehicles traveling southbound on Capuchino Avenue trying to cross Broadway. Commissioner Wright encouraged the Commission to visit La Croissant on Broadway to see the nice new plantings installed by the business owner. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, arlene Harvey Recording Secretary M