HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2008.09.04L BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Carney. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Carney, Benson, Ellis, Lahey, and McQuaide Absent: Commissioners Grandcolas and Wright Staff: Interim Parks Superintendent Foell and Admin. Secretary Harvey Guests: Jennifer Pfaff (615 Bayswater), Pat Giorni (1445 Balboa), Ajaipaul Ram (8 Belvedere Ct.), and Nelam Wassi (8 Belvedere Ct.) MINUTES — The minutes of the August 7, 2008 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Email from Secretary Harvey with attached article emailed to the Bay Area Newsgroup, S.M. County Times, The Examiner Peninsula Edition, San Mateo Daily Journal and Burlingame Daily News announcing that the Business Landscape Award would be presented to Solo Bambini at the September 15, 2008 City Council meeting. Letters from the City Manager's Office to Jo -Ellen Ellis and Susie Lahey informing them that their terms on the Beautification Commission would be expiring, including information regarding re -application for re- appointment to serve a subsequent term. Email from Pat Giorni to Supervisor Disco regarding the Tree Replacement List and Themed Streets list, requesting reconsideration of the decision to eliminate the Catalpa from the revised tree list, and to also consider the 1400 block of Balboa as a themed block. FROM THE FLOOR There was no business from the floor. OLD BUSINESS Business Landscape Award Update Superintendent Foell reported that Al Escoffier, City Librarian, approved displaying Dale Perkins water color rendering of the winning business ('Solo Bambini') in both libraries. The water color will be prominently placed in both Libraries for a month or two and then later will be moved to another designated area of the Library(s). Commissioner Benson took pictures of business owner, Elizabeth Moore. The pictures were submitted along with an article (written by Commissioner McQuaide) to the local newspapers announcing the upcoming award presentation at the September 15"' City Council meeting. Commissioner Wright will soon be meeting with Director Schwartz to discuss the final details of the September 15th presentation. Approval of "Themed Block" Tree List Superintendent Foell reported that at the August meeting, the Commission received the four revised Official Street Tree lists as well as the "Themed Block" list. The Commission was asked to make comment before final approval. At the August meeting, after some suggested changes, the Commission approved the four revised Official Street Tree lists. Approval for the "Themed Block" list and policy was placed on the September meeting Agenda. He noted that after last months meeting, he received comments from Jennifer Pfaff and believed those comments have been addressed. Superintendent Foell then presented the final draft of the "Themed Block" tree list to the Commission and reviewed with the Commission the Staff Report `Adoption of the City of Burlingame Themed Block List and the Policy to Establish a Themed Block". The primary focus of the Staff Report includes background information leading to the Commission's original recommendation to Council, "Themed Blocks", the process used to identify the blocks, and a Policy for establishing "Themed Blocks" by residents on non-themed blocks. Approval of "Themed Block" Tree List - (Contd.) Superintendent Foell directed the Commission to an email from Pat Giorni regarding the Tree Replacement List and Themed Streets list, specifically requesting reconsideration of the decision to eliminate the Catalpa from the revised tree list, and to also consider making the 1400 block of Balboa as a themed block because the Catalpa was the only specie on that block 25-30 years ago. Supervisor Disco commented that the 1400 block of Balboa did not make it on the "Themed Block" list because it did not meet the established criteria for determining "themed blocks". He commented that the Catalpa was removed from the approved Street Tree list because the trees are susceptible to heart rot and can have some structure problems at maturity. Supervisor Disco noted that in order to have an improved structure at maturity, extra maintenance and pruning would be required when the Catalpa tree is young. Supervisor Disco concluded that because of the trees overall size and root structure, he would only consider putting the Catalpa species on the 6' wide and over street tree list, noting that the 1400 block of Balboa only has a 36" wide planter strip. Following the review and discussion of the "Themed Block" list, Commissioner Ellis moved approval of the City of Burlingame "Themed Block" list as presented by staff; seconded, Commissioner McQuaide. Motion carried S — 0 — 2 absent (Grandcolas/Wright). Approval of "Themed Block" Policy The Commission discussed and reviewed the following "Themed Block" policy: • The Beautification Commission will determine "Themed Blocks" within the City of Burlingame. • To petition the Beautification Commission for a new themed block a homeowner on a block shall gather signatures of at least 2/3 of the homeowners on the block. • Forms for the "Petition" will be provided by the Parks and Recreation Department Office. • Petitions shall be forwarded for appeal to the Beautification Commission for the establishment of a new "themed" block. • A public hearing will be set by the Beautification Commission and notification will be sent by staff to "1 all homeowners on the block. • If approved, staff will determine the species theme in collaboration with the homeowners. • Selected "themed" species will replace existing trees only when removal of an existing tree is deemed necessary according to City policy. Superintendent Foell noted that it is important to have a policy that provides an opportunity for residents on a block to "petition" to the Commission for establishing their block to be "themed". Commissioner Benson thanked staff and commented that the recommendations are fair to homeowners as well as fair to staff. Commissioner Lahey stated that the policy covers all the bases for homeowners to be involved while still being guided by staff. Following review and discussion of the "Themed Block" policy, Commissioner Benson moved approval of the Policy for Establishing a Themed Block within the City of Burlingame as presented by staff; seconded, Commissioner Lahey. Motion carried S — 0 — 2 absent (Grandcolas/Wright). Jennifer Pfaff thanked the staff and the Commission and Pat Giorni stated she was happy with the process, commending staff and the Commission for the good job. NEW BUSINESS Commission Training — Public Hearings Superintendent Foell reviewed with the Commission, the Public Hearing process. Following the review, Superintendent Foell stated that laminate copies of the process would be provided to the Commissioners at the next meeting. OR REPORTS Superintendent Foell Superintendent Foell noted that Commissioners Ellis' and Lahey's terms will be expiring and that the application and reapplication deadline will be September 12'' for anyone wishing to apply to serve on the Commission. Superintendent Foell reported that there were several changes on the newly revised Street Tree list which involved moving a couple of larger canopied trees down to the smaller planter strips. Commissioner Lahey Commissioner Lahey noted that she saw Commissioner Benson cleaning up on Broadway and pulling weeds. Commissioner Ellis Commissioner Ellis reminded everyone of the upcoming Shoreline cleanup on September 20"' beginning at 9:00 AM at the Embassy Suites Hotel where donuts and coffee will be served. The public is encouraged to attend. Following the Shoreline cleanup, a raffle will be held and participants will be provided lunch. She concluded that anyone interested in helping out at the booth should arrive at 8:30 AM. Commissioner Benson Commissioner Benson reported that she trimmed, weeded, planted and gave supplemental water to the plants in the planters on Burlingame Avenue and Broadway. Chairperson Carney Chairperson Carney reported that the Burlingame Women's Club planted a Crape Myrtle in front of the club on Park Road as part of the City's Centennial Celebration. She also stated that the Centennial Pin Oak planted in Washington Park is growing beautifully. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, ' Respectfully Harvey Recording Secretary