HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2008.02.07BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION FEBRUARY 7, 2008 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Carney. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Carney, Benson, Ellis, Lahey (arrived late), McQuaide, and Wright Absent: Grandcolas Staff: Superintendent Richmond and Admin. Secretary Harvey, MINUTES — The minutes were corrected under ROLL CALL: Absent. Grandcolas and McQuaide; under OLD BUSINESS: Centennial Tree Planting at Cannon Park, (which subsequently has been moved to Washington Park). Under REPORTS: Superintendent Richmond . . . #3 We now have 3 Eucalyptus Citriodora's planted in the City ..... The minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Copies of the Sudden Oak Death flyer and advertisement, the Landscape Award advertisement in the Chamber Newsletter, and the Centennial Tree Donation flyer and advertisement in the Recreation brochure Arbor Day Committee Minutes of January 2, 2008 FROM THE FLOOR None. OLD BUSINESS Arbor Day 2008 Planning — Tree Planting at Local Elementary and Junior High Schools Chairperson Carney noted that the Committee has met several times. Superintendent Richmond reported that 6 of the elementary schools (including BIS) have agreed to have Arbor Day tree plantings on their school sites. He noted that St. Catherine's and Our Lady of Angels will not have trees planted on their properties but have been invited to participate in the Centennial Tree planting on March 8. Superintendent Richmond concluded that the City property next to Franklin School (on Trousdale) will be the site for Arbor Day 2009. Arbor Dav Centennial Tree Planting in Washington Park— March 8.2008 na,10:00 am Superintendent Richmond reported that Supervisor Disco has selected a beautiful 60" box Pin Oak from Bonfante Gardens in Gilroy to be planted as the Arbor Day Centennial Tree. He noted that the tree has good structure, is 24' tall, is 15 years old with a 5" caliper and was moved from a 48" box container a year ago. Cost for the tree is approximately $2,000 and installation with a crane and planting costs will run around $3,250. He added that additional funds will also be needed for the plaque, listing donor's names, which will be installed sometime after the planting. Superintendent Richmond submitted pictures of the tree for the Commissions review. Superintendent Richmond stated that Mayor O'Mahony, other Council members, and John Melvin from Cal Fire will be attending the Centennial Tree Planting. Superintendent Richmond commented that he had mentioned to a Cub Scout group that the tree would be planted "with a crane" and they seemed intrigued. Commissioners McQuaide noted that it would add to the celebration to perhaps have the Burlingame High School band or the Burlingame Intermediate School band, perform. She will make further inquiries as to the possibilities. Following the discussion, it was a consensus of the Commission that the selection of the Pin Oak tree be approved for the Centennial Tree planting. OLD BUSINESS — (Contd.) Landscape Award Committee Update Commissioner Wright reported that the Committee has not had a chance to meet since the last meeting. The Commission discussed how to distribute the nomination forms to local businesses. Secretary Harvey will duplicate the nomination forms and Commissioners can pick up at the Recreation Center for distribution. Commissioner Lahey will deliver forms to Linda and Quint Cordair for the Burlingame Avenue businesses, and Commissioner Wright will deliver forms to Ross Bruce to be distributed to the Broadway businesses. Commissioner Lahey also volunteered to hand -deliver the nomination forms to the Burlingame Plaza businesses. Commissioner Benson added that other commercial businesses need to be encouraged to apply as well. Commissioner Wright noted that Dale Perkins sent a letter to the Committee offering, as part of the Centennial celebration, to donate his time and materials to do a drawing or painting of the winning property. The Commission was pleased to hear of Mr. Perkins generous gesture and expressed the desire that the information be included to promote the Landscape Award. Sudden Oak Death Public Workshop — Tuesday, February 12 (-, 6:30-8:30 pm — Library/Lane Room Superintendent Richmond reported that all arrangements have been made for the public workshop and that the workshop has been well publicized in the ENewsletter and in the San Mateo County Times, through mailings to Mills Canyon residents, Mercy High School, other Cities, Friends of Mills Canyon, and the Hillsborough Garden Club. Commissioner Benson noted that Master Gardeners announced the workshop as well. Superintendent Richmond noted that the presentation will be similar to the same October workshop held in the Town of Hillsborough and will also have a full hour devoted to questions and answers. NEW BUSINESS — —� Current Meetine Start Time for Beautification Commission Superintendent Richmond reported that Commissioner Grandcolas started a new job, making it difficult for him to arrive at 5:30pm and that the Commission may wish to revisit the start time of the meeting. The Commission discussed perhaps moving the meeting from 5:30 to 6:00 pm but will discuss further and take action at the next meeting. Chairperson Carney also reviewed with the Commission the letter to all the Commissions, dated September 29, 2007, reminding all the Commissions regarding meeting attendance rules. REPORTS— Superintendent Richmond 1. Tree Crew is working through current Sycamore section 2. January 4 storm required the better part of the next week for cleanup; Parks Division responded to 90+ calls. 3. Last year, the City Council adopted a process to establish a Walk of Fame to honor long time community volunteers. This will be an annual recognition with the first group of honorees being recognized at the City's Centennial Gala on June 6, 2008. Director Schwartz is looking for two commissioners to serve on a committee to select individuals for the Burlingame Walk of Fame. Chairperson Carney and Leslie McQuaide volunteered to serve on the committee. 4. Future Agendas a. Tree selection criteria for current single species blocks b. Liquidambars—general discussion of policy formation 5. Current Tree Planting —approximately 40 street trees are being planted; school plantings will follow during Arbor Day week. 6. Friends of Mill Canyon work day scheduled for Saturday, February 8, 10 a.m. to Noon. Meet at the Arguello entrance. 7. Commissioners Dinner date is March 14 at the Double Tree. Invitations are being mailed. REPORTS — (Contd.) Commissioner McQuaide Commissioner McQuaide asked the status of the Reforestation Grant. Superintendent Richmond reported that the grant documents have been signed by the City and have been returned to CalFire; the fully executed documents should be signed and returned from CalFire within the next 2 weeks. Commissioner Benson Commissioner Benson reported on the following activities she has been involved in: 1) Alerted CalTrans about newsracks on El Camino Real; CalTrans removed the racks. 2) Alerted Public Works that there should be a sidewalk for pedestrians on El Camino Real near the hospital; Public Works is reviewing Commissioner Benson's request. 3) Reported the 'Durham' fence sign on El Camino; however the sign is still there. 4) Spent 3 hours cleaning up litter on El Camino. 5) Planted Poppy seeds at Molly Stones and spent 2 days trimming on Burlingame Avenue. Commissioner Benson announced Saturday, February 9t' at 10:00am, the Friends of the Mills Canyon will be clearing ivy and spreading wood chips, and that everyone is welcome to come. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary