HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - BC - 2009.11.05AGENDA B URLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION NOVEMBER S, 2009 - 6: 00 PM CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD — Conference Room A Burlingame, CA I. ROLL CALL H. MINUTES III. CORRESPONDENCE IV. FROM THE FLOOR (At this time, persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter. The Ralph M. Brown Act prohibits the Commission from acting on a matter which is not on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes) V. OLD BUSINESS 1. Community Garden — Discussion 2. Adopt -a -Planters on Burlingame Avenue — Committee Report 3. Arbor Day Celebration Update —March 2010 VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Chair Rotation Beginning December 3, 2009 Meeting 2. Petition for Application for Street Tree Theme — "Catalpa Trees" on the 1400 Block of Balboa 3. Landscape Award 2010 a) Time Line b) Committee Structure c) Committee Appointment VII. REPORTS 1. Staff 2. Chairperson 3. Commissioners Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, December 3, 2009— City Hall NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7323 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlin ag me.org. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Beautification Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at 850 Burlingame Ave during normal business hours. City of Burlingame Parks and Recreation Department City Street Tree Themed Blocks The Burlingame City Council adopted a policy to establish 126 street tree themed blocks. A street tree themed block is a block in which one defined species of street tree is established and maintained indefinitely. If a street tree is removed for any reason the tree will be replaced with the same species. The Council also approved a policy for establishing new themed blocks. These policies were established to help maintain the historic beauty and charm of these blocks for future generations. If you would like more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, CA 94010, or call (650) 558-7330. Themed Blocks in Burlingame Of the 126 blocks established as themed blocks, 98 will be maintained with the same species. The remaining 28 blocks are planted with trees that are no longer considered as appropriate street trees. As trees are removed, these blocks would be replanted with different species that will maintain the aesthetic feel and canopy of the original dominant species. The designated replacement trees for these blocks are listed in the right column on the Themed Block List. Policy for Establishing Themed Blocks The policy for establishing a new "Themed Block" is as follows: • The Beautification Commission will recommend "Themed Blocks" to the City Council. • To petition the Beautification Commission for a new themed block a property owner on a block shall gather signatures of at least 2/3 of the property owners on the block. • Forms for the "Petition" will be provided by the Parks and Recreation Department Office. • Petitions shall be forwarded to the Beautification Commission for recommendation to the Council to establish a new "themed" block. • A public hearing will be set by the Beautification Commission and notification will be sent by staff to all property owners on the block. • If approved, staff will determine the species theme in collaboration with the property owners. • Selected "themed" species will replace existing trees only when removal of an existing tree is deemed necessary according to City policy. Petitions for establishing a new themed block are available at the Parks and Recreation Department Office, 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, CA 94010. Some notes on a community garden Page 1 of 2 PARKS -Harvey, Karlene From: Soylala [soylala@pacbell.net] Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:11 PM To: PARKS -Harvey, Karlene; Susie Lahey Subject: Some notes on a community garden Karlene and Susie, Here are the notes I was going to cover regarding a community garden. i. Before we get too excited or spend too much time on minor details, I think we need to hold a community meeting to see if there is any interest. I would hate to see this go the way of the `adopt -a -planter and have a fall off from interest. 2. There could be seed money available and possible donations for tools, plants, equipment from local garden supply stores. 3. I think it would be great if it could be on our side of the freeway, but �. the Bayside area is a viable possibility since there is lots of parking and no neighbors to keep happy. There is also water available I think. Definitely no pets should be allowed in the garden. Also it should be organic. 4. I feel only Burlingame residents should be involved. They should pay a minimal yearly membership which entitles them to reap the rewards of any fruits, vegetables and flowers from their plot plus aid in the expenses which will be occurred. They should also be required to put in hours to keep the entire garden in good condition like sharing in the maintenance and cleaning of the area, etc. The Beautification Commission would set the program up and the community members could then take over. Rotation of duties like being a work monitor who oversees the volunteers on site, a secretary to keep track of dues, hours and pass on news updates and maybe another one or two people. They could set up their guidelines (with our approval) and run it accordingly. 5. I feel this is a great program to bring the community together. A strong community makes for a better Burlingame. 10/29/2009 - Some notes on a community garden Page 2 of 2 Palo Alto has several community gardens around the city on vacant or donated lots. It is really successful and has a waiting list to get a plot. �-- San Francisco has a couple also and with waiting lists to get involved. Both of these cities have organic gardens only and are happy to give us pointers from their projects. You could hand my notes out so the group has a feel for this project and then discuss in December if you want. Thanks Leslie 10/29/2009