HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - BC - 2009.04.02AGENDA B URLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION APRIL 2, 2009 - 6: 00 PM CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD — Con erence Room A Burlingame, CA I. ROLL CALL H. MINUTES III. CORRESPONDENCE IV. FROM THE FLOOR (At this time, persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter. The Ralph M. Brown Act prohibits the Commission from acting on a matter which is not on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes) V. OLD BUSINESS 1. Reconsideration of Denial to Remove Redwood Tree @ 1553 Meadow Lane 2. Commission's Level of Involvement — Broadway Planters 3. 2009 Business Landscape Award/Entries for Committee Review 4. Street Tree Fundraising VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Preliminary Budget Discussion 2009-2010 VH. REPORTS 1. Staff 2. Chairperson 3. Commissioners Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, May 7, 2009— City Hall NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7323 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.or . Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Beautification Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at 850 Burlingame Ave during normal business hours. City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. AM r'► 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010s"" BURLINGAME phone: (650) 558-7300 • fax: (650) 696-7216 recreationAburlin me.org a� ,} STAFF REPORT To: Beautification Commission Date: April 2, 2009 From: Greg Foell, Parks Superintendent Steve Porter, City Arborist Subject: Removal of the redwood tree at 1533 Meadow Lane Recommendations: Reverse the Commmission action of February 5, 2009 that upheld the appeal to deny the removal of the redwood tree at 1533 Meadow Lane. This action will result in the removal of the redwood tree at 1533 Meadow Lane. Background On February 5, 2009, the Burlingame Beautification Commission heard an appeal of the permitted removal of a private redwood tree at 1533 Meadow Lane. The Commission upheld the appeal denying the tree removal. In the findings the commission wanted alternatives such as pruning and/or cabling considered and indicated that they would reconsider the application at a future meeting after receipt of a report by an independent certified arborist. On March 10, 2009, the applicant submitted a request for reconsideration with a certified arborist report on the tree in question. The independent certified arborist report supported the City Arborist's recommendations that the tree be removed due to the fact that the tree is structurally unsound and is a safety hazard. The arborist described why pruning or cabling would not be a viable option and the reasons the tree is a safety hazard. Recommendation/Motion: I move to reverse the Commission's action of February 5, 2009 and deny the appeal of Erin Stannard allowing the removal of the redwood tree at 1533 Meadow Lane. The findings for this action include that the tree has been evaluated by two certified arborists and deemed structurally unsound and a safety hazard due to having multiple co -dominant trunks. The owner is required to replace the tree with one 24-inch box size tree. Attachments: Independent Certified Arborist Report, Correspondence Creating a Better Place to Live, Work and Play CITY OF BURLINGAME BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010 Telephone: (650) 558-7300 • Parks/Trees (650) 558-7330 �~ Fax: (650) 696-7216 • Email: recreation@burlingame.org.,,eL""�Y March 16, 2009 Sharon O'Byrne 1533 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PROTECTED REDWOOD TREE @ 1533 MEADOW LANE - BURLINGAME Dear Ms. O'Byrne: We are in receipt of an independent arbonist report and your letter requesting the Commission reconsider your request to remove the Coastal Redwood tree in the back yard of the property at the above address. The documents will be forwarded to the Burlingame Beautification Commission and placed on the April 2, 2009 agenda. Adjacent properties are also being notified. The independent arborist report affirms the decision recommended by the City's Arborist to approve removal of the redwood tree based on findings that the tree poses potential safety concerns. Based on the reports of two certified arborists, City staff will be recommending the Commission reverse the decision made at the February 5, 2009 Commission meeting, and move to approve the removal of the Redwood tree based on the findings that the ,,,.ree is structurally unsound and poses potential safety hazards to properties and residents in the surrounding area. The Commission meets at 6:00 PM at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, (Conference Room A) should you wish to attend and address the Commission regarding this matter. Sincerely, /51 Greg Foell Interim Parks Superintendent GF/kh CC: Erin Stannard TR Eric & Daniele Botelho Paul Sahlin, Jr. 1528 Westmoor Road 1529 Meadow Lane 1537 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Janine Poimiroo Jean Ann Carroll Susan Gambrioli Mark Zagorski 1532 Westmoor Road 1525 Meadwo Lane 1541 Westmoor Road 1536 Westmoor Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 lo� 1533 Meadow Lane Burlingame CA 94010 ~ Mr Greg Foell Parks Superintendent City of Burlingame Parks & Recreation Department 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame CA 94010-2899 March IOth, 2009 RE: Removal of Coastal Redwood tree from 1533 Meadow Lane, Burlingame, CA 94010-3350 Dear Mr Foell, As requested by the Beautification Commission, I am submitting an independent certified arborist's report on the Redwood that is in my backgarden. You will see from this report that a second arborist has deemed the Redwood unsafe. �.- As I previously reported to the Commission on February 5th, I have been concerned regarding the safety of this tree since observing movement in the leaders during the high winds on Christmas Day (2008). As I also stated on February 5`h, I am not in favor of removal of protected trees, however, this Coastal Redwood is clearly not in an appropriate environment and has an abnormal growth pattern as noted by 2 experienced and certified arborists. I hereby state that I renege all responsibility for any safety related incidents regarding this tree as I have been waiting for over 2 months to reach resolution on this safety concern for me and my surrounding neighbors. I would be very grateful of your immediate attention to this matter. Yours sincerely, Sharon O'Byr Tel: (650) 467 1687 (work) (650) 697 7063 (home) (415) 606 9186 (mobile) kk Maguire TREE CARE EVALUATION REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REMOVAL PERMIT ON COASTAL REDWOOD Report Prepared For: Sharon O'Byrne 1533 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 Report Prepared By: Paul Maguire Maguire Tree Care, Inc. Certified Arborist #5204A 2/23/09 MEMBER Paul Maguire Lic #672891 P.O Box 608 , Moss Beach, CA 94038 • 650-574-0215 Fax 650-563-9734 • www.Maguire'TreeCare.com WEISA #5204A Maulre � v FPS asa:t TREE CARE ASSIGNMENT I was asked to write a report on an existing Coastal Redwood tree that is growing in the back yard of Ms. Sharon O'Byrne's property, located at 1533 Meadow Lane in Burlingame. The purpose of my report is to evaluate the condition of the tree and make a recommendation for a removal permit if seen fit. OBSERVATIONS Site Description: The location of the subject tree is at 1533 Meadow Lane in Burlingame. The house is located at the end of the court, on the right side. Numerous large trees line the street, mostly Liquid Ambers. The actual property address has quite a few mature trees located on it. There is a Douglas Fir along the south side of the house, a couple of medium size Podocarpus trees along the back fence, and a large Liquid Amber tree in front. The size of the lot is of typical size for homes in this area. Also worth noting, there are power/utility lines that run along the back fence line where the subject tree is located. The lot itself is very flat, with little to no grade noted. The location that the tree is in is a typical backyard, maybe with a depth of 25' and a width of 50'. The location of the subject tree is in the back, left rear corner of the yard, growing to the side of the power and utility lines. Looking over the fence to the side neighbors to the south, there is clear evidence of root damage shown by the uplifting of the concrete patio. The photo on the following page shows an aerial view of the site, with a thumbtack marker placed over the subject tree. This photo was obtained through Google Earth. ,�tn a. MEMBER Paul Maguire Lic #672891 �- P.O Box 608 , Moss Beach, CA 94038 • 650-574-0215 Fax 650-563-9734 • www.MaguireTreeCare.com WE1SA 45204A =k Maguire "WON. "in - TREE CARE From the bird's eye view of this picture, it clearly shows the size of the tree in proportion to the lot. The property owners home is the house with the black colored roof that is just front/left of the tree. Tree Description: This is a large Coastal Redwood, with a DBH of 63 ''/2". The approximate height of the tree is close to 120', with a canopy spread of 30-40'. According to Zillow.com, this house was built in 1941. So, if this tree had been planted at the time the home was built, it would be 67 years old. This is very, very young for a redwood. MEMBER Paul Maguire Lic #672891 �-- P.O Box 608 , Moss Beach, CA 94038 • 650-574-0215 Fax 650-563-9734 • www.MaguireTreeCare.com WE1SA 45204A I v Maguire TREE CARE Typically, Redwood trees have a single, dominant leader and branch off that. This tree does not exhibit a typical growth pattern of Redwoods. Rather, this tree has many multiple leaders, 3 of which reach full canopy height. This tree has clearly been topped in the past, which resulted in the numerous leads. The picture below shows the tree, as seen from the front of the house: This profile shows the multiple leads, and how the 3 leads on the left side of the tree reach full height. As you can imagine from this picture, all these tops move independently of each other when there is a strong wind blowing. The problem LVAH MR rrr,.= MEMBERe Paul Maguire Lic #672891 P.O Box 608, Moss Beach, CA 94038 • 650-574-0215 Fax 650-563-9734 • www.MaguireTreeCare.com WEISA 45204A 101"N UV Mauire TREE CARE with this is that it puts quite a strain on the point of attachment, with the risk that one of the leads can completely fail off of the main trunk. The actual point of topping in the past was at a height of approximately 15'. Given that the height of the tree is close to 120', that makes for sprouts that are 115' tall. Not a good scenario. The picture below shows the view looking up into the tree, showing all the separate leads. Note the point that the leads stem off from, which right about at the height of the utility lines. Also note the very sharp angles of attachment of each lead. Because the leads come off at sharp angles, the connection to each other is much weaker. I also noted bulging at each crotch, which is an indicator of included bark. Included bark is a sign of weak unions, and the wood is not connected as it should be. It is exactly as it is named, the bark folds in on itself, so no direct wood connection is made. As time goes on, and the stems increase in diameter, the problem of included bark compounds, and the pressure becomes greater at the point of attachment. The next picture below shows a head on view of the trunk, showing the point of where the tree was topped. c[Rnn[O apOMA(f ARRORI;T 99BURIC��� RO Box 608, Moss Beach, CA 94038 • 650-574-0215 Fax 650-563-9734 • www.MaguireTreeCare.com t r AV avow Of A" \ 0.^ WAS m JJcc � h QWv 3� Maguire TREE CARE The above picture is perhaps the best view of the defect of the tree. As you can tell from the picture, the overall diameter of the combined stems actually increases in diameter from the main trunk. What you would really want to see is a tapering of the trunk, from wide at the base to narrow at the top, kind of like a pool cue. This picture also shows how sharply these leads are attached to the trunk. If you go back and look at the first picture of the whole tree profile, you can see how far apart the tops spread from each other. All that movement puts a direct strain on the point of attachment, 100' below. LAW LUNMI e�na- MEMBER Paul Maguire Lic #672891 P.O Box 608 , Moss Beach, CA 94038 • 650-574-0215 Fax 650-563-9734 • www.MaguireTreeCare.com WE1SA #5204A ti W k Maguire TREE CARE Another point of history on this tree that should be noted was a large limb failure that occurred a few years back. Apparently, a large limb from high up in the canopy had broken off in a windstorm and fell onto the neighbors home to the south. The damage was not major, but the homeowners do have small children. Also, the roots from the tree have uplifted the concrete patio in the neighbors yard. DISCUSSION To the untrained eye, this looks like a very nice Redwood tree, especially when viewed from a distance. If a person does not have a clear understanding of proper tree structure, the thought of removing this tree seems very unwarranted. A quick lesson in topped trees, included bark, tree biology and typical redwood growth will quickly make a person understand the enormous threat this tree poses to the surrounding homes. To make matters worse, this tree is only 60-80 years old. For a Redwood, this is just a baby. As this tree grows, the defects it now has are only going to get worse. Fast growing redwoods also exhibit growth rings spaced out further, creating weaker wood then slow growing redwoods. Being that this tree is only 60-80 years old, it has grown extremely fast. Arguments could be made that there are methods of work that could be done to make this tree safer, but all that would do is mask the problem with a false sense of security. Further more, future owners of this tree will have to be made aware of the risk factor, and will HAVE to keep up on maintaining the tree on an annual basis. The only feasible work to be done on this tree would be a severe height reduction of each lead, and then have a cable system installed into the canopy 2/3's the distance up from the point of attachment. Since the tree would have to be reduced, it will sprout very heavily at the point of reduction, requiring yearly removal of the sprouts. Also, the point of reduction would now become a wide open area for secondary pathogens to get to the tree. It is extremely important to understand the use of cables. On a tree of this size, using cables to try and make it safer is a very bad idea. Due to the fact that the leads are all upright, there will still be lots of deflection on the spars, causing major strain at the cable points. This strain can cause a J lag to be pulled out, a preformed tree grip to break, or actual cable breakage. Who knows what could happen if a cable fails in this tree after years of being tied together. CERTIFIED ppUNA, f aesouft 99BUnil Paul Maguire N%.,. Lic #672891 P.O Box 608 , Moss Beach, CA 94038 • 650-574-0215 Fax 650-563-9734 • www.MaguireTreeCare.com WE1SA 45204A m F F Ma uire TREE CARE The bottom line is that keeping this tree around for aesthetic value would be a very irresponsible choice. This tree is a threat to the surrounding homes and the people who live in those homes. If this tree where located on a large lot with no other targets within the vicinity, trying to keep it through proper arboricultural practices would be a possible solution. This tree has clearly outgrown its space, and has no place in this landscape. RECCOMENDATIONS This tree should have a permit issued for removal, and then be removed as soon as possible. Then, an appropriate species of tree can be planted in its place to grow for the future. Removals of trees are a hard thing to do, especially when they have been a part of the landscape for so long. People can become attached to them, just like with humans or pets. It is important not to make a call based on attachment to the tree, but rather how the tree currently fits in the landscape. Lastly, if you view the photo provide by Google Earth, you can clearly see many of the homes behind the subject property, mainly along Westmoor Rd. that are absent of trees, both in the front and back yards. A proper step towards beautification would be to initiate a planting project for these homes absent of trees for the community to enjoy, rather then try to uphold the removal of a hazardous tree. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, Paul Maguire Maguire Tree Care, Inc. Certified Arborist WC-5204A UN M,.rm MEMBERe Pau] Maguire Lic #672891 P.O Box 608 , Moss Beach, CA 94038 • 650-574-0215 Fax 650-563-9734 • www.MaguireTreeCare.com WEISA 45204A 100) e) CITY o CITY OF BURLINGAME %J RLINGAME BUPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT y 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, California 94010-2899 •� Telephone (650) 558-7300 " Parks / Trees (650) 558-7330 Fax (650) 696-7216 " E-mail: recreation@burlingame.org February 11, 2009 Sharon O'Byrne 1533 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: APPEAL OF THE APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PROTECTED REDWOOD TREE @ 1533 MEADOW LANE - BURLINGAME r• At its meeting of February 5, 2009, the Beautification Commission voted 5 -1 -1 (absent) to uphold the appeal and deny the City Arborists approval to remove the Redwood tree at the above address. The decision was based on the Commissions findings that other options such as pruning and/or cabling might be considered instead. However, as part of the motion, the Commission indicated re -consideration of the application at a future meeting after receipt of a report by an independent certified arborist. You may obtain an independent certified arborist report and return for re -consideration at a Beautification Commission meeting or you may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council in writing by March 2"d. if you appeal to the City Council your appeal must be accompanied with a $255 fee (made payable to the City of Burlingame) and delivered to the Parks & Recreation Department, 850 Burlingame ., Avenue, Burlingame, CA, 94010. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may call the Parks Division at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, Greg Foell Parks Superintendent gVkh CC: Erin Stannard TR Eric & Daniele Botelho Jean Ann Carroll 1528 Westmoor Road 1529 Meadow Lane 1525 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Paul Sahlin, Jr. Janine Poimiro Susan Gambrioh Mark Zagorski 1537 Meadow Lane 1532 Westmoor Road 1541 Westmoor Road 1536 Westmoor Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 r) el I C,TY o CITY OF BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BURLINGAME 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, California 94010-2899 �t Telephone (650) 558-7300 • Parks / Trees (650) 558-7330 Cam........ • 5. Fax (650) 696-7216 E-mail: i-ecreation@burlingame.org - January 26, 2009 Erin Stannard 1 528 Westmoor Road Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: APPEAL OF THE APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PROTECTED REDWOOD TREE @ 1533 MEADOW LANE - BURLINGAME We are in receipt of your letter appealing the approval to remove a protected Redwood tree at the above address. Your appeal will be presented to the Burlingame Beautification Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting of Thursday, February 5, 2009. Pursuant to City Ordinance, the applicant and your neighbors are being sent copies of this letter as well as your letter appealing the removal, so they may attend the Commission meeting and make army comments. The Commission meets at 6:00 p.m. at the Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, should you wish to attend and address the Commission regarding this matter. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, j/ <� l Greg Foell Acting Parks Superintendent CC: Sharon O'Byrne 1533 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 Paul Sahlin, Jr. 1537 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 Eric & Damele Botelho 1529 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 Janine Poimiroo 1532 Westmoor Road Burlingame, CA 94010 City of Burlingame Parks & Recreation Department To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in reference to your letter dated January 8`h regarding the removal of Redwood Tree at 1533 Meadow Lane, Burlingame, CA. I am asking that you reconsider this decision. This tree is 80 years or older and is therefore of historical significance not just to myself but to the surrounding community as well. It adds to the character and beauty of the landscape, and its absence would noticeably detract from the surroundings and, consequently, the value of the surrounding homes. Myself and many residents of this neighborhood would like this situation to be reassed It is with great sadness that we have seen so many trees removed in Burlingame over the years --particularly in a city which has been known over the years as the "City of Trees". Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Erin Stannard 1528 Westmoor Rd Bulringame, Ca 94010 f • J v A; tH bP HIM • x 4 i s b '4� •� � p,, �$' �' bhp •:!r 3 \. ��y� T9TM S•3 ?� �'• 4tb Sd:w '�yi T y p T f a a x- - tN,v P � ry 06 i.yr .C5 re r a � f R k a • e b` � 1 � ex All ADO' W .1 at A 51, op A,r 7--Iq " rh N"t 4F, S. no all «: , _ K G � ,h � X r Yb` kry M "14 1. 's 4f M1�2 Ni _ L � h� I - II � b M 'a Yn t 4 , M � 13 'C ink .III Rk�b §�dy T -M y k � CITY OF BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BURLINGAME 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010 Telephone: (650) 558-7300 • Parks/Trees (650) 558-7330 Fax: (650) 696-7216 - Email: recreation@burlingame.org April 3, 2009 Sharon O'Byrne 1533 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: RECONSIDERATION OF DENIAL TO REMOVE A PROTECTED REDWOOD TREE @ 1533 MEADOW LANE - BURLINGAME At its meeting of April 2, 2009, the Beautification Commission voted 7 - 0 - 0 to reverse the Commission's action of February 5, 2009 by denying the appeal of Erin Stannard, and instead allowing removal of the redwood tree at the above address. Findings for this action include that the tree has now been evaluated by two certified arborists who have both deemed the tree to be structurally unsound and a safety hazard; having multiple co -dominant trunks. The Commission further stated that the planting of a 24" box size landscape tree will be required as a condition of the permit. Anyone may appeal this action in writing to the City Council by April 20`h. Such letters of appeal must be I-- accompanied with a $255 fee (made payable to the City of Burlingame) and delivered to the Parks & Recreation Department, 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, CA, 94010. If there are no letters of appeal by April 20`h, the permit will be issued on April 21, 2009. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may call the Parks Division at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely,lIze 4��7 Greg Foell Parks Superintendent -}j CC: Erin Stannard TR Eric & Daniele Botelho Jean Ann Carroll 1528 Westmoor Road 1529 Meadow Lane 1525 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame,CA 94010 Paul Sahlin, Jr. Janine Poimiroo Susan Gambrioli Mark Zagorski 1537 Meadow Lane 1532 Westmoor Road 1541 Westmoor Road 1536 Westmoor Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 001 W CITY OF BURLINGAME BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT �� R MJ850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010 Telephone: (650) 558-7300 • Parks/Trees (650) 558-7330 Fax: (650) 696-7216 • Email: recreation@burlingame.org �'^• �^{'�tl March 16, 2009 Sharon O'Byme 1533 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PROTECTED REDWOOD TREE @ 1533 MEADOW LANE - BURLINGAME Dear Ms. O'Byme: We are in receipt of an independent arborist report and your letter requesting the Commission reconsider your request to remove the Coastal Redwood tree in the back yard of the property at the above address. The documents will be forwarded to the Burlingame Beautification Commission and placed on the April 2, 2009 agenda. Adjacent properties are also being notified. The independent arborist report affirms the decision recommended by the City's Arborist to approve removal of the redwood tree based on findings that the tree poses potential safety concerns. Based on the reports of two certified arborists, City staff will be recommending the Commission reverse the decision made at the February 5, 2009 Commission meeting, and move to approve the removal of the Redwood tree based on the findings that the �- tree is structurally unsound and poses potential safety hazards to properties and residents in the surrounding area. The Commission meets at 6:00 PM at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, (Conference Room A) should you wish to attend and address the Commission regarding this matter. Sincerely, Greg Foell Interim Parks Superintendent GF/kh CC: Erin Stannard TR Eric & Daniele Botelho Paul Sahlin, Jr. 1528 Westmoor Road 1529 Meadow Lane 1537 Meadow Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Janine Poimiroo Jean Ann Carroll Susan Gambrioli Mark Zagorski 1532 Westmoor Road 1525 Meadwo Lane 1541 Westmoor Road 1536 Westmoor Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010