HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2009.12.03BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION December 3, 2009 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice Chair Benson. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chair Benson, Carney, Dittman, Hunt, and McQuaide Absent: Commissioners Lahey and Wright Staff: Parks Supervisor Disco and Administrative Secretary Harvey MINUTES — Minutes were approved as corrected to read, under ADOPT -A -PLANTERS ON BURLINGAME AVENUE ... (Paragraph 5) "Commissioner Benson ... noted that plants such as freeway daisies and Lantana are still working well. " And (paragraph 6) related to the on site meeting to survey the Burlingame Avenue planters, "Commissioner Benson would join them. " Under LANDSCAPE AWARD 2010 (C) Committee Appointment — Corrected to read: "2010 Landscape Award Committee: Bobbi Benson (Chair), Leslie McQuaide (Vice Chair 1), and Mary Hunt (Trice Chair 2). There was no Correspondence. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. OLD BUSINESS Community Garden - Discussion Parks Supervisor Disco reported that, at the last meeting, Commissioner McQuaide had provided the Commission with thoughts and ideas regarding development of a Community Garden in the City of Burlingame. He stated that if the Commission were to proceed, it would be the work of the Commission to provide recommendation detailing the project to the City Council. Supervisor Disco then provided the Commission with Guidelines for Basic Implementation and explained that a Committee would need to determine the following items: location of the proposed garden, how other cities monitor community gardens, installation cost, ongoing costs, and ongoing funding, etc. He concluded that once all the information is gathered and a plan developed for the project, the Commission could then move forward with a recommendation to Council. Commissioner McQuaide stated that she thought a Public Hearing should be held first to find out if there is interest in the community for a garden. She added that she had spoken to the City of Palo Alto and they have indicated that there is seed money that would help to get the project started, and that local nurseries would donate tools and seeds, so expense would not be great. She noted that Bayside Park might be a location to consider because space and parking is available. Commissioner McQuaide stated other items to be determined would be: security fencing, storage shed, insurance, what type(s) of garden to be provided, the application process and collection of dues from users, the type of maintenance and commitment guarantees from users, community garden rules, hours, etc. Commissioner Dittman asked who the organizing bodies are in other Cities. Commissioner McQuaide stated that the Parks Department oversees the garden in Palo Alto and an organized Club monitors the use. She added that the Beautification Commission would oversee the by-laws and approximately 3 people would need to oversee and monitor the garden. The Commission discussed the Bayside Park location. Supervisor Disco noted because of the clay cap, a garden in that area would need to be a "raised bed" garden. Commissioner Hunt wondered if the wind at the bayfront �- would be an issue for plants. Vice Chair Benson responded that most plants would work well in that area. -IN, '-'IN -IN OLD BUSINESS - Community Garden — Discussion — (Contd.) Commissioner Dittman noted that space is limited in Burlingame and taking space out of existing parks might raise concern. She added that although she supports the idea, the Commission serves as advisory to the City Council and that the Beautification Commission should serve more as a supporting role to club or group interested in a project like this; that a community Garden Club would be best suited to run a project like this. Vice -Chair Benson noted that the "Green Ribbon Task Force" had expressed interest to her with the idea of a community garden. Commissioner Carney stated there are many different garden clubs, and a club would get recognition for taking on such a project. The Commission discussed different clubs or groups that might be interested as well as different locations in the City where a community garden might be suitable. Following the discussion, Commissioner McQuaide asked if the Commission wished to pursue consideration of a community garden. Vice -Chair Benson commented that finding a location would be the first priority and encouraged Commissioner McQuaide to pursue identifying a location. Commissioner Carney stated she would be willing to look into information from the City of San Mateo and how the community garden at Beresford Park is operated. Commissioner McQuaide stated she would contact the "Green Ribbon Task Force" to find out their interest in pursuing a project like this and then asked that the item be tabled to the February 2010 meeting. Adopt -a -Planters on Burlingame Avenue Vice -Chair Benson reported that she met with Patricia Love (Economic Development Specialist) and Kevin Osborne and that Patricia Love agreed to contact the Chamber of Commerce to discuss any funding possibilities. She added that she, Commissioner Dittman, Kevin Osborne (DBBA), and Parks Supervisor Disco met with Malyka Chop of Community Gatepath to identify sites and to determine watering/maintenance costs. Kevin Osborne (DBBA) agreed that the DBBA to donate the water tank for the watering of the planters. Subsequently, Community Gatepath submitted separate bids for watering, planting, and maintenance to Kevin Osborne for consideration but Kevin Osborne (DBBA) has now indicated that he would need to get a second bid. Supervisor Disco stated that Patricia Love indicated that from City management's point of view, the merchants association took over the responsibility of the planters, and need to continue to be responsible for the watering, �-- maintenance, and upkeep and suggested that the merchants might consider forming a new business improvement district (BID) to fund the program. Vice Chair Benson commented that she would be putting faux (silk) flowers in the planter she adopted because it will add color and would not require water. She added that the merchants should be encouraged to maintain the planters fronting their business. Following further discussion, Commissioner Dittman proposed the Commission draft a letter to the City Council expressing the Commission's concerns. Vice Chair Benson volunteered to draft the letter to Council for the Commission to review at the January 2010 meeting. It was a consensus of the Commission that Vice Chair Benson draft a letter to Council regarding the Adopt -a -Planters and that the item be tabled to the January 2010 meeting. STAFF REPORTS ADMIN. SECRETARY HARVEY • In October, a total of 321 City trees were serviced by the City's tree crew and 104 requests for tree service were received from the public. • The October street tree planting was completed with the planting of approximately 100 trees. The next street tree planting is scheduled to begin in January with the planting of approximately 85 street trees. • The Grant planting is also scheduled to begin in January with the planting of trees in vacant planting strips in the northern, east and west section of Burlingame. Approximately 225 trees will be planted by contractor, Watkin & Bortolussi. • The Parks Division has been approved to receive $5,000 over the next 3 years into the City �-' Tree Fund from monies received from T-Mobile for an antennae installation in Washington Park. PA '-IN ''IN STAFF REPORTS — Contd. - PARKS SUPERVISOR DISCO • The nursery that indicated they could provide the City with Catalpa trees, mistakenly thought we were asking for availability of the Chitalpa tree. Staff would continue to pursue other sources to purchase the Catalpa speciosa for the 1400 Block of Balboa. Staff notified Pat Giorni that the recommendation to Council that the 1400 Block of Balboa Avenue be designated a themed block, would be delayed until availability of that particular specie could be determined. • The property owner of 1812 Easton Drive obtained a permit from the Parks Division to remove the Cypress stump in the City planter strip; as soon s the work is completed, the a Eucalyptus citriodora tree would be planted. Vice Chair Benson Vice Chair Benson reported on the following items: 1) Submitted 2010 Landscape Award information to Georgette Naylor, for inclusion in the January Chamber newsletter. 2) A landscape crew on El Camino Real left a mess in the planter strip adjacent to Mollie Stones. 3) The fencing around the Walgreens project near Lot K is messy and needs to be cleaned up. 4) A Sycamore tree and a Purple Leaf Plum tree are blocking "Stop" signs at the corners of Adeline Drive and Balboa Avenue. 5) Thanked staff as "the constants" and for doing a good job. Commissioner McQuaide Commissioner McQuaide noted that the City tree fronting the Broadway Grill disappeared one day, and soon thereafter Halloween decorations appeared in the area. Commissioner McQuaide wondered if another City tree would be planted. Supervisor Disco reported that the day after the storm, the office received a call from the Broadway Grill that the tree had been damaged; the tree crew removed what remained of the young tree. Supervisor Disco confirmed that a new Carrotwood tree would be planted after the Christmas decorations (that are now in the area) are removed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ' aA' Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary wo