HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2009.03.05BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MARCH 5, 2009 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Lahey. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Lahey, Commissioners Carney, Dittman, Hunt, McQuaide (left @ 7:00 p.m.), and Wright Absent: Commissioner Benson Staff: Interim Parks Superintendent Foell and Admin. Secretary Harvey MINUTES — Minutes were approved as corrected, under OLD BUSINESS/Street Tree Fundraising (paragraph 2) to read: "Chairperson Lahey and Commissioner McQuaide volunteered to serve on the Street Tree Fundraising Committee ... " CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Sharon O'Byrne (1533 Meadow Lane) informing her of the Commissions decision to uphold the appeal of Erin Stannard (1528 Westmoor Road) and denied the approval to remove the private Redwood tree at her address; but that, the Commission would reconsider the application after receiving further information from an independent arborist. Letter to David & Patricia Mayer, 1600 Easton Drive, (copied to surrounding properties) informing them of the scheduled removal of the City -owned Eucalyptus, in front of their address, due to trunk decay and compromised structural integrity; and that, the tree would be replaced with a Eucalyptus citriodora in the spring. FROM THE FLOOR `-- There was no business `From the Floor'. OLD BUSINESS Arbor Day/Saturday, March 7, 2009 (a, 9:00 A.M. — Bayside Park Superintendent Foell reported that everything is in place for Arbor Day; the crews would have the planting sites prepared, Jimi Scheid from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFire) would be in attendance and say a few words, and Assemblymember Jerry Hill would also be in attendance, and would present the Tree City USA flag to Mayor Ann Keighran, in recognition of the City of Burlingame receiving of the award for the 30"' year. Business Landscape Award 2009 — Committee Report Commissioner Wright staU-1te .s,}had promoted the award to the merchants on Broadway and 4� Commissioners Benson anacmade contact with the merchants on Burlingame Avenue; that the deadline is April V, and the Committee would review the applications and make recommendation to the Commission soon thereafter. Commissioner Wright also stated that Dale Perkins had again agreed to provide a water color rendering for the winning business. The Commission agreed to discuss at a future meeting, a suggestion that it consider offering `Honorable Mention' for other businesses. Networkine with Realtors Retarding Community Tree Information Superintendent Foell reviewed the minor changes to the letter to the realtors. Commissioner McQuaide noted that she would go to a general meeting of the San Mateo County Board of Realtors and would provide the newly developed flyer 'Trees — What's the Big Deal?' along with the letter, in hopes that the flyer would be circulated to new or potential homeowners in the City. Commissioner Hunt volunteered to include approximately 180 flyers in a mailer to be sent out by the Burlingame/Hillsborough Newcomers Club to new homeowners in the Burlingame/Hillsborough area. 1 OLD BUSINESS - Networking with Realtors Regarding Community Tree Information — Contd. Superintendent Foell noted that the same flyers used for networking with the realtors would be used for Arbor Day in promoting the fundraising campaign to purchase new street trees, but would also include an insert for individuals wishing to make donations. Street Tree Fundraising The Commission discussed the fundraising campaign and suggested the "flyers" be made available in the Planning Department, Water office, and Libraries as well as including flyers in a summer water bill mailing and the fall recreation brochure. Commissioner Wright suggested that the school PTA's might also be able to help promote interest. Chairperson Lahey suggested that any further promotion of the fundraising be held off until after the storm drain ballot measure so as not to confuse the two issues. NEW BUSINESS Beautification Commission Meeting "Start Time" Commissioner McQuaide stated she asked this item be placed on the agenda and explained that at one time, the Commission meeting began at 5:30 pm but had changed to 6:00 p.m. to accommodate a past Commissioner. Since two new Commissioners had been seated, she asked that the "start time" be reconsidered. The Commission discussed changing the "start time" of the Commission meetings. After a brief discussion, it was the general consensus of the Commission that the "start time" of the meetings should remain at 6:00 p.m. because it better accommodated the working public and their ability to attend meetings after work. REPORTS Superintendent Foell 1) Letters were sent to the property owners at 1600 Easton Drive (and surrounding neighbors), regarding the removal of the City -owned Eucalyptus tree due to decay in the trunk and a compromised structure. The tree would be removed in April and replaced with a Eucalyptus citriodora. 2) Supervisor Disco recently is working with a young Boy Scout who would be rebuilding steps in the Mills Canyon as a project towards his Eagle Scout. 3) Commissioner's Dinner would be held at the Rocca's Restaurant on March 13`h 4) Superintendent Foell informed the Commission that, following the approval from Parks staff and the subsequent removal of the planter in front of the Rocca's Restaurant on Broadway, it was reported that the Public Works staff had previously denied the same request [from the owner of the restaurant], because the planter had been found by the City Attorney and the Public Works staff to be ADA compliant. Superintendent Foell noted that similar items or requests from the business districts would now be referred to the Public Works department for review and consideration. Commissioner McQuaide left the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Wright Commissioner Wright reported that she had been approached several times by the owner of Rocca's Restaurant regarding the request to move the planter, and that she had also received requests from merchants regarding the pruning of trees on Broadway. Chairperson Lahey commented that she too had been approached by the Broadway merchants regarding trimming the trees but tried to communicate City policy. Secretary Harvey responded that merchants could be referred to her at the Parks office for assistance or referral to the appropriate department. Commissioner Carney Commissioner Carney asked that the Oak tree (planted in Washington Park honoring Tim Richmond) be inspected because it looked sick. 2 REPORTS — Contd. Commissioner Hunt Commissioner Hunt reported that she had completed the monitoring of the grant tree planting on Rollins Road, and noted that one the of trees had been planted under the overhang of a private Pine tree There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully Recording Secretary