HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - BC - 2010.12.02AGENDA BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION DECEMBER 2, 2010 @ 6: 00 PM CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD — Conference Room A Burlingame, CA I. ROLL CALL H. MINUTES III. CORRESPONDENCE IV. FROM THE FLOOR (At this time, persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter. The Ralph M. Brown Act prohibits the Commission from acting on a matter which is not on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes) V. OLD BUSINESS 1. 2011 Landscape Award - Consideration of Presentation of Two Awards VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for Removal of City Owned Sycamore Tree @ 732 Neuchatel Avenue 2. BID/Merchants Potted Planters on Broadway — (Update from Commissioner Wright) VII. REPORTS 1. Staff 2. Chairperson 3. Commissioners VIII. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, January 6, 2011 -City Hall NOTICE. Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7323 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.orQ Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Beautification Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at 850 Burlingame Ave during normal business hours. CITY C E►RLINGAME STAFF REPORT S NI 9 �y ti Am sr JYK a To: Burlingame Beautification Commission DATE: December 2, 2010 FROM: Bob Disco, Park Supervisor SUBJECT: 732 Neuchatel Avenue — City -Owned Sycamore Removal BACKGROUND: In August of 2010, Bill Farac, homeowner at 732 Neuchatel Ave. requested the removal of a City -owned Sycamore in front of his house. The basis of his request was that the tree is too large for the planting strip and that he will have to replace the sidewalk again after replacing it less than a year ago. This is coming to the Beautification Commission because it was noted during my inspection, that the tree is healthy and structurally sound, as documented on the Aug. 14, 2010 Tree Evaluation (attached). It is City policy that a healthy tree not to be removed. However, this Sycamore is growing in unique conditions that necessitate Commission's consideration of the following findings: 1. Tree has outgrown its planting area. Root buttress is growing onto sidewalk and curb. 2. Sidewalk has been replaced or repaired several times at homeowner's expense. 3. "Criteria for City Street Tree Removal" form (attached) has been met noting high rating to `Cost to Homeowner' and `No Significant Impact' on neighborhood. 4. Root pruning is not an option since best practices do not allow for roots to be severed at base of tree. 5. Curving sidewalk around tree to comply with ADA would expose and leave root buttress without support from sidewalk and it is unknown what roots would need to be cut. 6. Neuchatel Avenue is unique that it is a narrow street, with small statured trees and this Sycamore is the only large tree on the block, and is situated in a 2.5' planter strip. RECOMMENDATION: Based on these findings and sound arboricultural practices, I am recommending the Commission approve the removal of this tree, with the condition that the property owner pay for the replacement costs for two 15 gallon size trees to be planted in the planter strip at 732 Neuchatel Avenue. '"*N ''\ "\ M CITY OF BURLINGAME TREE EVALUATION Person Reporting: Bob Disco Details of Tree: Genus: Platinus Species: acerfolia Common Name: London Plane tree, Sycamore Approx. Age: 70, Height: 50' DBH: 24", Cir. 6' 7" Tree Location: 732 Neuchatel Date August 14, 2010 Title: Park Supervisor 1. Assignment: Homeowner called and requested removal of Street Tree on the basis it was lifting sidewalk and too large for neighborhood. 2. Observations: Structural Defects: Tree has no structural defects Soil/Root Condition: Growing in a 24" wide planter strip and root buttress is growing over curb and sidewalk. Roots have lifted sidewalk and homeowner has replaced sidewalk several times. Injuries: No injuries visible except for routine pruning wounds. Assume root pruning from past sidewalk repair History of tree/site: N/A Street set back 8.1 ft from face of curb. 3. Analysis / Testing: All analysis and testing were visual observations. Discussion: Homeowner is'concerned with continuous maintenance cost of sidewalk. Most recent replacement was 15 mo. ago, since then PW has patched raised sidewalk. He also claims it is difficult to maneuver around tree when walking side by side. Neighbor is also claiming this large sycamore is too large and out of place on this little street and would like to see tree removed and replaced with appropriate size tree that fits the block. Conclusions - This particular sycamore is healthy and structurally sound but was planted in an area only 24" wide. As the tree matured, it out grew its planting area and is now growing over the curb and sidewalk resulting in a lifted and cracked sidewalk that has caused the homeowner considerable money to repair over the years. It is my opinion the tree will continue to uplift and damage the sidewalk as it matures. Root cutting is not an option since the roots will have to be severed at the root buttress. The tree meets the "Criteria for City Street Tree Removal" form with a score of 125. This situation is unique in that this large tree is growing in a planter strip only 24" wide and should not set precedence for other removals unless situations are similar. Impact on neighborhood was rated low since all of the trees on Neuchatel are small species and this sycamore looks out of place. Future cost to homeowner must be considered as continuing sidewalk maintenance can be a nuisance and a financial burden. This was an inappropriate tree to plant for this size planter strip and now should be removed to prevent further damage to infrastructure. I-,- Recommendation: Remove sycamore and replace with two (2) more appropriate size trees. Al Criteria for City Street Tree Removal Adopted Copy Health and Structure - existing/projected after remedy 5 points 15 points 45 points 100 points Minimal Significant Potential Dangerous for hazard Cost to Homeowner - Present & Future to sidewalk, curb, gutter, pipes, drainage, etc Minimal Significant High Present Cost Cost & Future Cost Species Inappropriate for planting area L Slightly Significantly Inappropriate Inappropriate Impact on neighborhood if removed Extremely Somewhat No Significant Negative Negative Impact Does not allow for / ADA Width/Slope j 5 Some Acco(modation Accomodation Accomodation Difficult or Not Possible Necessary Expenses Total points + 3y `-- Total of 100 points would require removal (updated Aug 13 2007) _ � 2 S� TOTAL FMO "N CITY OF BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010 Telephone: (650) 558-7300 - Parks/Trees (650) 558-7330 Fax: (650) 696-7216 - Email: recreation@burlingame.org November 15, 2010 Bill Farac 732 Neuchatel Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 ? •�4jnGnuC�'• J�"6' RE: REQUEST FOR THE REMOVAL OF A CITY OWNED SYCAMORE TREE @ 732 NEUCHATEL AVENUE - BURLINGAME ' We are in receipt ofyour letter and that of your neighbor, Katie Treu, requesting removal of the City owned Sycamore tree in the planter strip fronting the above address. Your request will be forwarded to the Burlingame Beautification Commission and a hearing will be scheduled for the December 2, 2010 meeting. The Commission meets at 6:00 PM at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, (Conference Room A) should you wish to attend and address the Commission regarding this matter. Adjacent property owners are L also being sent copies of this letter, pursuant to City Ordinance, so they may attend the Commission meeting and make any comments if they wish to do so. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, Z�� i a'('t (its Bob Disco Parks Supervisor CC: Katie Treu 745 Neuchatel Ave. Burlingame; CA 94010 Property Owner Property Owner Property Owner 721 Neuchatel Ave. 724 Neuchatel Ave. 733 Neuchatdl Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Property Owner Property Owner �. 736 Neuchatel Ave. 737 Neuchatel Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Nov. 12'hP 2010 To: Burlingame Beautification Commission 850 Burlingame Ave Burlingame, Ca. 94010 ATT: Karlene Harvey RE: City of Burlingame to remove a hazardous 60' tall Sycamore tree at 732 Neuchatel Ave. Honorable Members of the Commission, My name is William Farac and I reside at 732 Neuchatel Avenue in Burlingame. I am retired and on a fixed income. 1 am asking the Burlingame Beautification Commission to remove an overgrown 60" tall Sycamore tree (which the city planted many years ago). In return I will, at my expense, pay for two new trees at the same location, which should be similar to those trees are planted on the bloc as recommended by the Arborist Mr. Bob Disco. A neighbor across the. street at 733 has no tree and is also interested in getting a new, similar tree. Approximately IN years ago I was ordered by the Engineering Department of Burlingame to replace my sidewalk that was uprooted; at my expense. The sidewalk had to be detoured around the tree to give more room for the tree to grow. Once again this same tree is uprooting the sidewalk growing over the sidewalk, over the curb and creating cracks in the sidewalk. 1. 1 observed other trees on other streets in my neighborhood that were planted in areas from 3.5' To 6' wide 2. This overgrown Sycamore tree was planted in an extremely small 26 %" wide area. The base of this Sycamore tree is 451/2" x 79". THIS SHOE DOES NOT FITI 3. This tree is far taller, bigger and oversized than any other tree on our block. 4. Neuchatel is a very narrow street as only one auto can pass at a time and is a hazard to pedestrians. 5. 1 believe this would be a fair and equitable exchange for us; one overgrown and hazardous Sycamore tree down and two new trees planted of a smaller variety that would improve and be in line with the beatification of our streets. 6. Also, the large, overgrown Sycamore tree's branches have fallen on my auto, sagged and pulled the power lines away from my house and over the street, creating a very real danger and hazards to garbage and delivery trucks. I had to correct that problem, at my expense, to ensure the safety to passing vehicles and pedestrians. The winter season is upon us and I fear that the heavy rain and storm could cause further damage to properties, mine and the neighbors and to any of the many pedestrians who use our street to get to the train station and/or schools. Burlingame Public Works Engineer, Mr. Victor Voong and Mr. Bob Disco, the Arborist, have both been investigating the tree and the damages it has caused .Both agreed that the size of tree will cause continued major problems. Both gentlemen were very cordial, professional and empathetic; I very much appreciate their concern for mine and my neighbors' safety. Also,on August 27. 20101 tripped on a raised sidewalk and immediately went to the Public Works Officer at City Hall to report the incident. Engineer Chang observed my left elbow bleeding and gave me bandages. J also had an abrasion on my left hip, left knee and left thumb. An assistant in the office took notes. Public works took immediate action and patch work was done to the raised sidewalks in my neighborhood. Thank you to the Committee for your attention to this matter. Respectfull yours, G��ZiI Bill Farac 732 Neuchatel Ave. -� Burlingame Nov. 10, 2010 "I-- TO: Burlingame Beautification Commission 850 Burlingame Ave Burlingame CA. 94010 ATT: Karlene Harvey RE: 60 ft high Sycamore Tree at 732 Neuchatel Honorable Members of.. -..the Commission, My name is Katie Treu, I live at 145 Neuchatel in Burlingame (have lived here for over 40 years) and am writing in support of the quest of my neighbor, Mr. Bill Farac, to have his extremely tall (over 60 feet) tree in front of his approx. 12 feet tall house removed and replaced with two purple leaf plum trees. Mr. Farac moved into our neighborhood a few years ago and has diligently remodeled this lovely, but small wooden house. The tree has totally grown out of proportion with the house and the neighboring trees on the street. The roots have grown over the sidewalk all around the tree and are causing a hazard to folks walking by. We have many commuters and parents with small children who walk to the train and/or escort the small children to school. Mr. Farac repaired the sidewalk very recently and it continues to spread further from the narrow planting area between road and sidewalk and the sidewalk is buckling up again. \.- Our street, Neuchatel, is a very narrow street. We have a major parking problem with too many apartment folks from Oak Grove parking on our street. It is impossible to avoid walking on the sidewalk around the tree since there are always cars parked and it would be extremely dangerous to actually step out into the street because it is one of the narrowest streets in Burlingame. Neuchatel should really be a one-way street- but that is yet another issue. During the rainy season this tree gives many of us in the neighborhood further concern that it may cause more damage to the overhead wires and/or Mr. Farac's and/or the neighbors' houses. Mr. Farac has already experienced accidents that caused power outages and damage to his cars. The Neuchatel and Willborough area is very special and quaint and often referred to as the "Disneyland of Burlingame". Entering Neuchatel from Oak Grove could be much improved with this overgrown Sycamor tree removed and more homogenous trees planted. There is nothing more beautiful in the early spring than to see these lovely trees be the first ones to blossom in an abundance of pink. For me this is always the first sign of the coming of spring, the renewal and the beauty of the season. Please help us enjoy our street even more by having this totally out of place and hazardous tree removed. yours, atke reu 745 Neuchatel Ave. -73 ( N-U-k-c.t- rule 1 72- Y 7 3 "7 -73 3 -7�?-/ --N � ��:�\?�. � s.. : � d 2 � Jf � � � \� �. . g � .g� : y� g >: . , «,\ � 2� / � ' 2 d :\ . »�� *< . �:��\ ., zzf ��x �� � v ��: '� � a + „� � "' �' ali �� )ICY � _ e � -� a �� ♦ � v "elf ,�♦ 1F'`bs '"H` -`z� :�':i I r c `P �' Ali Tti Tt 00 IQ "\ View Work Order Page 1 of 2 M Work Order 10-356 Scheduled: August 25, Edit Date Scheduled 2010 Completed- Not Completed Complete Order Last changed by: Karlene Harvey (kharvey) on 8/25/2010 Add More Work Records Delete This Work Order Printable Work Order Work Records Site 113:9514 Site RemotelD: 10081 Address: 732 NEUCHATEL RD Oide: Front Site: 1 Species: Piatanus cerifolia/SYCAMORE/LONDON PLAN Work Info: Work Record ID: 65682, Routing Number:0 Work Type: 0201 INSPECT Priority: Crew: TREE Status. lRequested Default ICREW Cost: none Sched: Com Re : 8/25/2010 record comment: BILL FEREKE - 343-8869 - INSPECT. REQUESTS TREE REMOVAL BECAUSE IT REPEATEDLY LIFTS SW OR INFORM OF OTHER SOLUTIONS. REFERRED H.O. TO P F/S.W. GRINDING OR PATCH. REPORT BACK. Select None 0 Select All Total work record(s): 1 J View For All Selected Work Records: 0change request dates change schedule dates September 22 2010 '� O change completion (select "month," "date," and "year" to erase the dates) dates O change project Project:! Select O change work type Work Type ' Select O change priority Priority:' Select O change crew Crew: Select Ochange routing num Ochange comment O apply rule O remove from work order Routing Number: Work Record Comment:',- Rule: Select Rule Update http://www.treekeeperonline.comltkolburlingamelworder view.cfin?worderID=3059 9/22/2010 --N .—%s roo CITY OF BURLINGAME BURUNGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010 Telephone: (650) 558-7300 • Parks/Trees (650) 558-7330 Fax: (650) 696-7216 • Email: recreation@burlingame.org December 10, 2010 Bill Farac 732 Neuchatel Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: REQUEST FOR THE REMOVAL OF A CITY OWNED SYCAMORE TREE @ 732 NEUCHATEL AVENUE - BURLINGAME t At its meeting of December 2, 2010, the Beautification Commission voted 4 - 2 -1 (absent) to uphold the recommendation by Parks Supervisor Disco, to approve removal of the City owned Sycamore tree, based on the following: • The large tree is growing in a small T wide planter strip and is inappropriate for area. • The mature tree has outgrown the planting area and is growing over the curb and sidewalk. • Sidewalk repair/replacement has been required several times at the cost of the homeowner. • Root pruning is not an option because roots would need to be severed at root buttress. • Ongoing future cost to homeowner is an unreasonable financial burden. • Homeowner has agreed to pay for the replacement of 2 trees from the appropriate Street Tree list. Anyone may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council in writing by December 27. Such letters of appeal must be accompanied with a $255 fee (made payable to the City of Burlingame) and delivered to the Parks & Recreation Department, 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, CA, 94010. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may call the Parks Division at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, a. --D o V4— Bob Disco Parks Supervisor bd/kh CC: Katie Treu 745 Neuchatel Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 Property Owner 724 Neuchatel Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 Property Owner Property Owner 736 Neuchatel Ave. 737 Neuchatel Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame, CA 94010 Property Owner 733 Neuchatel Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 Property Owner 721 Neuchatel Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 BROADWAY PLANTERS/MAINTENANCE JURISDICTIONS PARKS DIVISION ❖ "Street trees and sidewalk cutouts" under trees (pruning trees, Star Jasmine plantings in cutouts, maintenance, bubbler irrigation) — Jane Gomery (PW) approved the BID putting Crushed Granite or Gold Fines in empty sidewalk cutouts where the star jasmine can not be sustained. ❖ Comer "bulb outs" (plantings, maintenance, and irrigation) — Parks has weeded and is purchasing new plants, and will try to maintain consistency in plant selection. ❖ Irrigation only in "small round planters" on north and south sidewalks of Broadway, near the curb (approximately 40). If any changes or repairs are needed for irrigation, please contact the Parks Division office at (650) 558-7330. MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION/SHOP OWNERS/PUBLIC WORKS • "Permanent" flower boxes attached to the buildings are the maintenance and watering responsibility of the individual shop owners; "Large" planters are the maintenance responsibility of the merchants association/BID with watering agreements from nearby s. hop owners. • "Small round planters" are the maintenance responsibility of the shop owners across from the planters. Irrigation is the Parks Division responsibility. If any changes or repairs are needed to the irrigation, please contact the Parks Division office at (650) 558-7330. • 3 "alleyways" (later added on at the request of the merchants association/BID) is `-' maintained by the BID and property owners adjacent to the alleywa}_s • "Litter cleanup" of cigarette butts, food and drinks, napkins from outside tables, bags, newspapers etc. are the maintenance responsibility of the Public Works employee assigned to Broadway and Burlingame Avenue. Any questions or comments regarding "litter" on the "avenues" should be directed to the Street and Sewer Department at 558-7693. Contacts: Ross Bruce (BID) — AVR — 342-2073 Bob Disco (City of Burlingame) — Parks Supervisor — 558-7330 Jane Gomery (PW/City of Burlingame — 558-7240 Street & Sewer (City of Burlingame) — 558-7693 5/18/2009