HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2010.02.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION February 4, 2010 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Wright. Chairperson Wright acknowledged and welcomed Councilperson Jerry Deal. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Wright, Benson (arrived late), Carney, Dittman (arrived late), Hunt, Lahey, and McQuaide Staff. Parks Supervisor Disco and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guest: Jerry Deal MINUTES — Minutes were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. OLD BUSINESS Adopt -a -Planters on Burlineame Avenue Parks Supervisor Disco reviewed and updated Commission on the Adopt -a -Planters on Burlingame Avenue. Commissioner Lahey read through the second draft of the letter/recommendation to Council, noting Commissioner Benson had done a good job with the revisions. Following some minor changes to the letter/recommendation, Commissioner Lahey moved that the letter/recommendation be presented to the City Council, that the Commission recommends businesses on Burlingame Avenue be assessed for the maintenance of the Adopt -a Planters; seconded, Commissioner McQuaide. Motion carried, 6 — 0 —1 (late/Benson). Landscape Award 2010 — Committee Update Commissioner McQuaide noted that she had already distributed a few applications to businesses but suggested the Commission assist with the distribution. Commissioners volunteered for the following areas: Dittman/Broadway; Carney/Howard Avenue; Lahey/Southside Burlingame Avenue; Hunt/Primrose Road and Lorton Avenue; McQuaide/Northside of Burlingame Avenue; Wright/Burlingame Plaza. Community Garden Parks Supervisor Disco reviewed and updated Commission on the Community Garden discussion and stated that Commissioner McQuaide and Carney would provide follow-up information on the Green Ribbon Task Force and the Community Garden at Beresford Park in the City of San Mateo. Commissioner McQuaide reported she would be attending the upcoming Green Ribbon Task Force to see if there might be an interested body of volunteers that might be interested in developing a Community Garden in the City of Burlingame. She added: * Cities of Palo Alto, San Carlos, San Francisco, Berkeley, and Menlo Park have Community Gardens run by independent groups under the jurisdiction of the Parks and Recreation departments; many of which have waiting lists of people wanting to participate; fees for operation are divided up between plot holders; City provides the water April through October. * Some cities have property donated by a private citizen(s) or City's have allowed a "garden commission" to use an unused parking lot or other space for a garden. * Possible location to be considered could be near or in Bayside Park; * There is grant money available and nurseries are often willing to donate seeds and tools. OLD BUSINESS - Community Garden (Contd.) - Commissioner Carney reported she spoke with park staff at the City of San Mateo and received the bylaws, rules and regulations that are in place for the Beresford Park Community Garden. She noted that the garden is very well organized, require applications and fees for the plots. Irrigation was installed and is provided for by the City of San Mateo. The Commission briefly discussed possible locations. Chairperson Wright thanked Commissioners McQuaide and Carney for their reports. ARBOR DAY — March 4, 2010 (a)10:30 am - Burlingame Lion's Hall, 990 Burlingame Avenue Parks Supervisor Disco reported that the Lion's Club would be donating 6 Red Maple trees to be planted on the eastside of the City parking lot, adjacent to the Lion's Hall. A State representative from CalFire would be presenting the Tree City USA award to the City of Burlingame for the 31" straight year. Supervisor Disco reported that the public, local groups and representatives from the local elementary schools have been invited to participate in the ceremony and the tree planting. The Commission further discussed plans to provide a display table with information on trees as well as providing a City Tree Fund donation box for street tree planting in Burlingame. Administrative Secretary Harvey noted the ceremony would also be including information on the City's street tree planting program and the completion of the state grant tree planting in the City of Burlingame, Green Trees for the Golden State. NEW BUSINESS Water Conservation — Parks Supervisor Staff Report Parks Supervisor Disco reviewed his staff report addressing comments expressed at the previous Commission meeting with regard to Water Conservation: * The State of California would be imposing a water conservation ordinance if cities would not adopt their own water efficiency ordinances. * The public works department would be submitting recommendation to the City Council with regard to a new water efficiency ordinance that would also include new requirements for single family building projects. * The public works department developed a pamphlet explaining annual San Francisco water rate increases; pamphlett provided to Commission with the Parks Supervisor staff report. * The City Council approved and adopted existing street tree lists; approved trees on lists are widely accepted trees used in urban settings, and once established, would sustain on their own without ancillary irrigation. * There are no fees required for the installation of artificial turf and artificial turfs have permeable membranes to allow for the flow of air and water. Depending on increased use of this form of landscaping, temporary drip irrigation requirements for new tree planting could be adopted. Commissioner Dittman commented that as part of the Storm Drain initiative, she thought properties would be assessed based on the square foot of permeable, non permeable surfaces. Parks Supervisor Disco commented that any further information and recommendations from Public Works regarding Water Conservation/Efficiency in the City of Burlingame would be discussed at upcoming Council meetings. STAFF REPORTS PARKS SUPERVISOR DISCO • P.G. & E. has notified the City that their contractor would be trimming branches overhanging primary utility wires on El Camino Real between Bellevue to Fairfield from February 151h to the 19" STAFF REPORTS — (Contd.) ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY HARVEY • In January, a total of 132 City trees were serviced by the City's tree crew and 32 requests for tree service were received from the public. • The Grant tree planting will be completed by mid -February. Approximately 192 trees were planted during this phase in City right-of-way in the northern, east and west section of Burlingame. Less than 20% of property owners receiving notice of the grant tree planting declined. Overall the Grant Plant added approximately 370 trees to the City's street tree inventory. • The January street tree planting of approximately 80 trees will soon be completed and preparations for the April street tree planting are currently underway. Chairperson Wright Chairperson Wright stated she appreciated and thanked those who submitted reports on the Community Garden as well as the reports presented by staff. Commissioner McOuaide Commissioner McQuaide commented that she recently visited the new Aquarium in San Francisco, and raises the issue of affects to the environment due to less CO2 in the atmosphere directly caused by the increased removal of trees around the world; noting that she is pleased the City of Burlingame is doing their part to add trees to the environment. Commissioner Benson Commissioner Benson reported that she had completed conducting the winter rose pruning workshops; roses were pruned in Washington Park and in the Park Road rose garden during the course of the workshops. Commission Lahev Commissioner Lahey commended the City Street workers and Parks workers for the hard work put in during the recent storms; stating that, City workers went beyond the call of duty. She added that the Easton Drive trees are well maintained and that no large branches came down during the storms. Commissioner Carney Commissioner Carney noted that a large tree fell in the City of San Jose, killing a child, and asked if staff had received calls or concerns with regard to that incident. Staff commented that they had only received one call and clarified to the caller, the maintenance jurisdiction of trees in the City of Burlingame. Staff then submitted to the Commission, a copy of an article regarding the event. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, tZ4,U2r�-� G Karlerie Harvey Recording Secretary