HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - BC - 2011.09.01AGENDA B URLINGAME BEA UTIFICATION COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 @ 6: 30 PM CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD - Conference Room A Burlingame, CA I. ROLL CALL H. NIINUTES M. CORRESPONDENCE IV. FROM THE FLOOR (At this time, persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter. The Ralph M. Brown Act prohibits the Commission from acting on a matter which is not on the agenda Comments are limited to three minutes.) V. OLD BUSINESS 1) 2011 Landscape Award Update 2) 2011 Broadway Pet Parade Participation — September 24'h @ 10:00 am VI. NEW BUSINESS — Public Hearing 1) Recommendation for Removal of a City -Owned Eucalyptus Tree on El Camino Real �. Behind 1534-A Albemarle Way (located behind 1536 Albemarle Way) VH. REPORTS 1. Staff 2. Chairperson 3. Commissioners VH1. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Next Regular Meeting: October 6, 2011 NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7323 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: w i-w.burlin ag me.org. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Beautification Commission regarding any item on this agenda ~rill be made available for public inspection at 850 Burlingame Ave during normal business �-- hours. CITY OF BURLINGAME BURL.INGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010 Telephone: (650) 558-7300 - Parks/Trees (650) 558-7330 Fax: (650) 696-7216 - Email: recreation@burlingame.org L September 2, 2011 Denise Bemardini Rundle C/O Elio & Dina Bemardini 2049 Bordeaux Lane Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 RE: Recommendation for Removal of a City -Owned Eucalyptus Tree on V Camino Real, Behind 1534-A Albemarle Way (located behind 1536 Albemarle Way) Y ff- 0". At the public hearing of the Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting on September 1, 2011, the Commission voted 5 - 0 - 2 (absent) to approve the removal of the City -owned Eucalyptus tree on El Camino based on the following findings of the City Arborist and an Independent Arborist: 1) The large Eucalyptus tree is damaging the foundation and wall of the legal rental unit in the rear of the property. 2) The tree's buttress root is impeding on the foundation. 3) The trunk of the tree is encroaching on the eave of the roof, and damage to the roof has occurred. 4) Pruning or cutting roots would compromise stability of tree. This decision can be appealed to the City council by September 26, 201 L Letters of appeal must be accompanied with a $255 fee (made payable to the City of Burlingame) and delivered to the Parks & Recreation Department, 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, CA 94010. If there are no appeals to this decision by September 26, 2011, the Parks Division will begin the process for the removal of the tree to ground level at City expense. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, Bob Disco Parks Supervisor/Arborist CC: City Attorney, Gus Guinan Parks & Recreation Director, Jim Skeels Larry & Joy Jung 4624 Empire Street Union City, CA 94587 Eric Lai 1538 Albemarle Way Burlingame, CA 94010 Rita Baldi 1540 Albemarle Way Burlingame, CA 94010 City of Burlingame CA: City News Page I of I City News L-- Recommendation for Removal of City -Owned Eucalyptus Tree on El Camino Posted Date: 9/14/2011 5:37:58 PM At the Public Hearing of the Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting on September 1, 2011, the Commission approved the: Recommendation for Removal of a City -Owned Eucalyptus Tree on El Camino Real, behind 1534-A Albemarle Way (located behind 1536 Albemarle Way). Approval was based on findings by the City Arborist and an Independent Arborist that the large Eucalyptus tree behind the property at 1536 Albemarle Way is damaging the foundation and wall of a legal rental unit in the rear of the property. This protected tree public tree is approximately 90 feet tall and 61 inches in diameter (191' circumference) and growing directly behind the structure. The buttress root is Impeding on the foundation and the trunk of the tree is encroaching on the eave of the roof, and damage to the roof has occurred. This decision can be appealed to the City council by September 26th. Letters of appeal must be accompanied with a $255 fee (made payable to the City of Burlingame) and delivered to the Parks & Recreation Department, 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, CA 94010. If you should have any questions, you may contact the Parks Division at (650) 558-7330. http://www.burlingame.org/index-aspx?recordid=3052&page=8 9/16/2011 CITY BliR�INGA N STAFF REPORT �� 9 •' 1 � tea. Am �r Jll/i � TO: Beautification Commission DATE: September 1, 2011 FROM: Bob Disco, Park Supervisor suBjEcr: Removal of City Owned Eucalyptus tree on ECR Behind 1534 A Albemarle Way (located behind 1536 Albemarle Way) BACKGROUND: On June 30, 2011, the property owner of 1534A Albemarle contacted the Park Division office requesting removal of a large Eucalyptus tree behind the property that was damaging the foundation and wall of a legal rental unit in the rear of the property at 1536 Albemarle Way. This protected tree is approximately 90 feet tall and 61 inches in diameter (191" circumference) and growing directly behind the structure. The buttress root is impeding on the foundation (photo A). The trunk of the tree is encroaching on the eave of the roof and damage to the roof has occurred (photo B). An independent aborist report and a City Arborist Report has been submitted and attached as backup documentation for this removal. Burlingame Municipal Code Chapter 11.06 Urban Forestation and Tree Protection defines removal of public or private protected trees under section 11.06.060 (d)... the director shall determine... (1) The condition of the tree(s) with respect to... proximity to existing... structures.. (2) The necessity to remove the trees) in order to construct any proposed improvements to allow economic enjoyment of the property and, (7) The economic consequences and obligations of requiring a tree to remain. RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings from the Park Supervisor's Arborist report, independent arborist report and the Burlingame Municipal Code, I am recommending the Commission approve removal of the Eucalyptus tree at the City's expense. r City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010MOO-- �1 e41R1'Ir�GAME phone: (650) 558-7300 - fax: (650) 696-7216 ' recreation(a,burlingame. org , , July 22, 2011 Elio & Dino Bemsrd►m 1427 Floribunda #103 Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: CITY OWNED EUCALYPTUS TREE ON EL CAMINO REAL BMEND 1534A ALBEMARLE WAY - BIMU NGAME Dear Mrs. Bemardim: As per your request I conducted an on site inspection on July 19, 2011, of the Eucalyptus tree adjacent to your property at 1534A Albemarle Way. - Preliminary findings suggest that removal of this Eucalyptus tree may be appropriate. This Eucalyptus tree is located directly behind 1536 Albemarle Way, on El Camino Real behind your property, and is a designated heritage tree protected by the City's "Urban. Reforestation and Tree Protection Ordinance", Chapter 11.06 of the Burlingame Municipal Code. Before any such tree can be removed, the process contained in the ordinance must be followed. Therefore, I request that you send a letter to our office requesting removal of the tree. The letter should detail the reasons for the tree removal request and should provide any documentation, including photographs, supporting your request. 'Once our office has received your letter and any other documentation, the Burlingame Beantificatiion Commission will schedule a public hearing for September 1, 2011 to consider your request.. You may attend the hearing and will have an opportunity to speak to the Commission concerning your request As City Arborist, I will also provide my recommendation(s) to the Commission. If the removal of the Eucalyptus tree- is approved by the Commission, and there are no appeals to the City Council, removal of the tree will be scheduled to be conducted later this year. If the removal order is appealed, there will be a further hearing before the City Council; the Council's decision is final. Should you have a claim against the City, you may obtain a claim form from the City's website at www.Burhngame.org or from the Office of the City Clerk. Please feel free to contact our office at (650) 558-7330 if you should have any questions. Sin Aa Bob Disco Park Supervisor/City Arborist (WCA # 6891A) KH/bd CC: City Attorney Parks & Recreation Director `.. CITY OF BURLINGAME TREE EVALUATION Person Reporting: Bob Disco Details of Tree: Genus: Eucalyptus Species: globulus Common Name: Blue Gum Approx. Age: 100, Height: 90' DBH: 61 " Tree Location: 1536 Albemarle Date July 7, 2011 Title: Park Supervisor 1. Assignment: Homeowner called and requested removal of City owned eucalyptus behind her rental property that was lifting her foundation and damaging structure. 2. Observations: Structural Defects: Tree large co-domiant leaders at Q 20ft from ground level with large horizontal limbs. Soil/Root Condition: growing in a moderate planting area surrounded by asphalt pathway, concrete and building structure. Buttress root is growing under structures foundation. Injuries: Wounds from past pruning cuts. History of tree/site: See attached work records. 3. Analysis / Testing: All analysis and testing were visual observations. Conclusions: This is a very large Eucalyptus tree with co -dominant leaders. It does not show significant signs of disease, decay or severe structural defects, but because it is growing in the immediate proximity of an existing structure and causing damage, the tree should be remove. (as per Municipal Building Code 11.06.060). Moving the structure is not an option. Trimming/pruning the roots is not feasible since the buttress root would be affected causing damage and compromising its stability. Permitting the tree to remain would allow further damage to structure, and increased liability on the City. Recommend tree be removed at Cities expense and stump to remain. Estimate budget impact for removal would be about $10,000. No replacement tree recommended. Kielty Arborist Services P.O. Box 6187 San Mateo, CA 94403 650-525-1464 August 17, 2011 Bob Disco Burlingame Parks and Recreation 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 Site: 1534-A Albemarle, Burlingame, CA Dear Mr. Disco, As requested on Friday, July 29, 2011, I visited the above site to inspect and comment on a large eucalyptus tree. The tree appears to be causing significant property damage and your concerns as to future maintenance as well as the health and safety of the tree has prompted this visit. Method: All inspections were made from the ground; the tree was not climbed for this inspection. The tree in question was located on a "Not- to -Scale" map provided by me. The tree was then measured for diameter at 54 inches above ground level (DBH or diameter at breast height). The tree was given a s condition rating for form and vitality. The trees' condition rating is based on 50 percent vitality and 50 percent form, using the following scale. 1 - 29 Very Poor 30 - 49 Poor 50 - 69 Fair 70 - 89 Good 90 - 100 Excellent The height of the tree was measured using a Nikon Forestry 550 Hypsometer. The spread was paced off. Comments and recommendations for future maintenance are provided. Large blue gum in the rear of 1534-A Albemarle. 1534 Albemarle/8/17/11 (2) Observations: The tree in question is a blue gum eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) with a diameter at breast height of 60.7 inches. The tree is located in the rear of the property on a city easement west of a walking path near El Camino Real. The tree may be a shared tree with the home owner and the City of Burlingame. Exact surveys would be needed to establish the true property lines. The estimated height of the gum tree is 85 feet with a total crown spread of 60 feet. The vigor of the tree is good with normal shoot growth for the species. The form of the gum is fair with codominant leaders at 20 feet. The crotch formation at 20 feet is fair with what appears to be no included bark. A mallet test on the trunk of the tree indicated no signs of decay. The overall condition rating of the tree is 65 on a scale from 1 to 100. The tree is causing damage to a structure at the rear of the lot and the trunk of the tree is pressing on the roof line of the building. The foundation of the structure appears to be lifted by the trees large buttress roots. The foot path near El Camino which is maintained by the City of Burlingame has been lifted by roots and is currently a trip hazard. Large gum tree between pedestrian path and wooden fence. The trunk of the gum tree is pressing on the building. Summary: The large blue gum is quite healthy with good vigor and fair form. The tree is however poorly located causing damage to private property and a public path. Due to the size tree, the size of the roots and importance of the roots, root cutting that will eliminate the damages is impossible. Remove and replace the large eucalyptus as the will continue to enlarge increasing property damage. Removal of the tree is the only method that eliminates all hazards and liabilities associated with the tree. The information included in this report is believed to be true and based on sound arboricultural principles and practices. Sincerely, Kevin R. Kielty Certified Arborist WE#0476A CITY OF BURLINGAME BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010 Telephone: (650) 558-7300 • Parks/Trees (650) 558-7330j ..� Fax: (650) 696-7216 • Email: recreation@burlingame.org August 19, 2011 Denise Bernardini Rundle C/O Elio & Dina Bernardini 2049 Bordeaux Lane Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 RE: REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF THE CITY OWNED EUCALYPTUS BEHIND 1534A ALBEMARLE WAY (ON EL CAN11NO REAL) — BURLINGAME, CA We are in receipt of your letter dated August 15, 2011 requesting removal of the City -owned Eucalyptus tree on El Camino Real directly behind 1534A & 1536 Albemarle Way, due to damage to the structure of the rental unit (1534A) behind 1536 Albemarle Way. I intend to recommend to the Burlingame Beautification Commission approval for the removal of this tree at City's expense based on based on the following: 1) my findings conducted by an on site inspection, 2) an independent arborist report, and 3) as defined in the Burlingame Municipal Code Chapter 11.06. A public hearing on this item has been scheduled for the regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission on Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 6:30 pm. The Beautification Commission meets at 6:30 PM at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, (Conference Room A) should you wish to attend and address the Commission regarding this matter. Adjacent property owners are also being sent copies of this letter, pursuant to City Ordinance, so they may attend the Commission meeting and make any comments if they wish to do so. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, Bob Disco Parks Supervisor/Abborist CC: City Attorney, Gus Guinan Parks & Recreation Director, Jim Skeels Larry & Joy Jung 4624 Empire Street Union City, CA 94587 Eric Lai 1538 Albemarle Way Burlingame, CA 94010 Rita Baldi 1540 Albemarle Way Burlingame, CA 94010 `., Denise Bemardini Rundle for Elio & Dina Bemardini 2049 Bordeaux Lane Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 415-860-7240 August 15, 2011 City of Burlingame Beautification Commission 850 Burlingame Ave Burlingame, CA 94010 ATTN: Carleen Hardey RE: CITY OWNED EUCALYPTUS TREE ON EL CAMINO REAL BEHIND 1534A ALBEMARLE WAY, BURLINGAME, CA Dear Beautification Commission, As per your letter of July 22, 2011, 1 am formally requesting the removal of the Eucalyptus tree adjacent to our property at 1534A Albemarle Way in Burlingame. The tree is located directly behind 1534A & 1536 Albemarle Way, on El Camino Real in Burlingame. For many years we have been dealing with this tree with drainage problems, every time it rained the patio area flooded and 1534A (the cottage) would also get flooded. The tree hindered the flow of water to El Camino and it would back up. After costly and timely drainage repairs we finally corrected that problem. At the time the City -would not remove the tree. Now as you can see from the numerous photos the tree has created dangerous damage to our property. Unfortunately, the tenant had an Armoire and paintings on the wall and claimed he did not see the damage. After he moved out on June 1, 2011, to our horror and surprise we discovered this extensive damage created by the tree. Preliminary Reports show the following: • Damage to roof line • Damage to exterior siding • Damage to interior wall • Damage to structural beam • Damage to foundation • Damage to drainage and water run off • Damage to fencing • Windows out of alignment L-- • Damage to bathroom sewage/plumbing, shower backs up with mud and possibly waste, toilet has backed up as well. On Thursday August 18, 2011, workers are tearing up the flooring and interior wall to assess the 1-..•damage. I will send you photos from that investigation.. I realize and understand how important these trees are to Burlingame. Unfortunately this tree has caused extensive damage and needs to be removed. This is the only way the structure and immediate problems can be properly resolved. This is rental property. My parents Elio (91) and Dina Bemardini (87) are elderly and depend on the rent. As of right now, this unit is empty. I would be eternally grateful for your speedy decision and action in this matter. They are both extremely distraught over this matter and feel quite helpless. The removal of the tree will put them at ease a bit and allow me to begin the process of proper repairs. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have, I live in Half Moon Bay, CA, (my parents are Burlingame residents) my cell phone is 415-860-7240, my email is dbrundle@gmaii.com. I remain, Respectfully yours, Denise Bemardini Rundle CC: City of Burlingame Enclosures