HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2011.02.03BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION February 3, 2011 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson McQuaide. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson McQuaide, Carney, Dittman, Hinckle, Hunt, Lahey, and Wright Staff: Supervisor Disco, Administrative Secretary Harvey Chairperson McQuaide introduced new Commissioner Anne Hinckle, and joined the Commission in welcoming her. MINUTES Minutes of the December, 2010 meeting were approved as submitted and the February 3'd Agenda was corrected to read under OLD BUSINESS - 2011 Landscape Award ... (Commissioners Dittman, Hunt, and Lahey [Landscape Award Committee]). Moved by Commissioner Hinckle; seconded; motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. OLD BUSINESS Landscape Award 2011— Committee Report on Publicitv/Distribution Process Committee Chair Dittman reported that the Committee met and stated the goal for this year is to try to have more nominees. The Commission discussed the publicity and distribution of the nomination forms and ways to get more businesses involved including encouraging businesses to nominate their own business. Following the discussion, the Commission divided up areas to distribute the forms: Commissioner Dittman — Broadway; Commissioner Hunt — Side Sreets off Burlingame Avenue; Commissioner Lahey — The Burlingame Plaza; Commissioner McQuaide — Rollins Road; Commissioner Wright — North Side of Burlingame Avenue; and Commissioner Hinckle — South Side of Burlingame Avenue. NEW BUSINESS Arbor Day Ceremony — Ray Park — Monday, March 7, 2011(a,10:00 AM Supervisor Disco reported that this year's Arbor Day ceremony would be at Ray Park and that 5-7 new trees will be planted to replace 2 Pine trees that needed to be removed. Administrative Secretary Harvey stated that letters had been recently mailed to the local elementary schools and community groups inviting their participation and that representative(s) from CALFIRE will attend and present the 32'd Tree City USA award to the City of Burlingame. REVIEW OF COMMISSION RELATED POLICIES, DUTIES, AND ORDINANCES Supervisor Disco reviewed and answered questions from the Commission policies, duties, and ordinances related to the work of the Beautification Commission. COMMISSIONERS DINNER — FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Ph Administrative Secretary Harvey reminded the Commission of the upcoming dinner and to please RSVP their attendance to the City Managers Secretary, Ana Silva, by the end of February. JOINT BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION/COUNCIL MEETING — MONDAY, APRIL 18a', 6:00-7:00 PM Administrative Secretary Harvey reported that the Commission has been asked to provide 2-3 consensus items to be discussed at the meeting. Item will be placed on the March 3, 2011 Commission agenda for further discussion. REPORTS — Staff 1) Final phase of grant plant has started on Rollins Road 1400 to 1800 block, planting 48 trees (Oaks ' 1 & Maples). The next grant plant area will be the planting of Accolade Elms on El Camino in keeping with the original intent of John McClaren. The Elms will replace Eucs & Ehn removals conducted by CalTrans over the last 2-3 years. Project is funded through a grant from CALFIRE, including matching funds from the City of Burlingame. 2) Davey Resource ground crews will begin the data collection of up to 17,500 Street, Park, Median, and Commercial trees throughout the City for the City's new Street Tree Inventory. Project is funded through a grant from CALFIRE, including matching funds from ABAG and the City of Burlingame. 3) City tree crew planted approximately 40 street trees during the January planting; the next street tree planting is scheduled for April. 4) City tree crew completed the pruning on the Broadway business district trees. 5) West Coast Arborist, (tree pruning contractor) has completed the Oak Grove Eucalyptus pruning and is currently trimming the trees at Bayside Park. 6) Eagle Scout project, restoring a foot bridge in Mills Canyon will begin soon. 7) Small garden in Washington Park at the end of Vernon Way, is nearing completion. Garden was funded through a donation from the Whiteside family in memory of their mother and father. 8) The median island on the north end El Camino Real will be relandscaped as part of the Peninsula Hospital project. 9) Burlingame resident, Mike Reitsma, designed and donated a website that includes pictures of all the trees (from the Official Street Tree list) so property owners can view pictures of the trees when selecting trees to be planted in the City planter strips. Chairperson McQuaide Chairperson McQuaide stated the Community Garden Survey had been completed with 190 responses with only 7 -� responses in the negative adding that the Community Garden will come before the Council at the February 7, 2011 meeting. Commissioner Writht Commissioner Wright reported a private rose bush with thorns is hanging over the sidewalk. Administrative Secretary Harvey reminded the Commission to contact the Parks office with non compliance concerns so the site can be inspected by the Parks Supervisor to determine appropriate action. Commissioner Wright noted that the merchant pots on Broadway are looking better. Supervisor Disco noted that installation of flexible irrigation in the pots is being considered by the BID so if the pots are bumped or moved the irrigation would not he damaged. Commissioner Hinckle asked Supervisor Disco if Jasmine would be an appropriate plant selection to be planted in the merchant pots. Supervisor Disco responded that Jasmine should work well in the merchant pots. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm. Respectfully submitted, Recording Secretary blo