HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 068-2000RESOLUTION NO. 68-2000 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR ACTIONS TO IMPROVE REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY WHEREAS, the City of Burlingame represents approximately 29,000 citizens and has purchased water for these customers from the SanFrancisco Public Utilities Commission for over 90 years; and WHEREAS, the water system is like an artery carrying an essential element of the lifeblood of the community, and the community's economic power provides an important foundation for the Bay Area's vitality and way of life; and WHEREAS, in January the Mayor of San Francisco released the Facility Reliability Report citing the potential for extended interruptions in supply from San Francisco's regional water system for up to 90 days, endangering an economic vitality and job potential that are the envy of the rest of the world; and WHEREAS, in February the California State Auditor issued a report criticizing the Commission's ability to implement capital improvements to the system and suggests that the Commission may be unable alone to raise sufficient funds to pay for them; and WHEREAS, the Mayor of San Francisco has publicly noted the regional importance of upgrading the water system, and the Commission's recent approval of the Water Supply Master Plan is a welcome indication of the Commission's desire and intention to meet system -wide demands expected over the next 30 years, and -1- WHEREAS, these steps, while necessary, are not sufficient in themselves to assure the suburban agencies that their concerns will be addressed, or that they will be addressed in a lasting manner; THEN BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that in light of these concerns, and in order to provide the Commission with a clear statement of its neighboring customers' expectations, the City of Burlingame joins with other similarly situated agencies, collectively responsible for supplying water to over 1.4 million residents and to industries, businesses and institutions which provide jobs for over 800,000 Californians (including many San Franciscans) in respectfully urging the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to do the following: Take immediate steps to safeguard the water system against damage from earthquakes and other hazards. 2. Secure negotiated water transfer agreements for back-up supplies during dry years in order to "drought proof' the overall service area for existing customers. 3. Implement diligently the elements of the Water Supply Master Plan strategy so that high priority short-term projects are built on the schedule contained in the WSMP. 4. Commit to operating the Hetch Hetchy system to produce water as the first priority, with electric power as a byproduct. 5. Continue to protect the purity of Hetch Hereby water and commit to providing its wholesale customers with water that meets applicable EPA and State of California drinking water standards. 6. Commit to fair water rationing methods. A new shortage allocation system is needed which does not penalize long-term conservation efforts or development of alternative supplies such as recycled water. It should be in effect by the end of this calendar year. Commit to maintaining cost -based pricing on a long-term basis, after 2009, with the cost ofthe wholesale water system continuing to be allocated between the City and its wholesale customers based on their proportionate use; and -2- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that to the extent independent actions by the Commission can accomplish these objectives, we urge the Commission to undertake them now and pursue them diligently to completion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that to the extent accomplishment of these objectives requires agreements between the City and County of San Francisco and its wholesale customers, we urge the Commission to promptly begin formal discussions with the Bay Area Water Users Association, which represents our interests, and pursue them in good faith so that mutual and reciprocal commitments of both San Francisco and wholesale customers can be incorporated into durable and enforceable contracts on which all parties can prudently rely in ordering their affairs. Mayor I, ANN T. MUSSO, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 11144 day of JU4-f' , 2000, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: COFFEY,, GALL I GAN, JANNEY, SP I NELL I , 0' MAHONY NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE City Clerk -3-