HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 2017.03.21Library Board of Trustee Minutes March 21, 2017 Call to Order President Altmann called the meeting to order at 5:30PM. II. Roll Call Trustees Present: Kerbey Altmann, Mike Nagler, Lisa Rosenthal Trustees Absent: Andy Blanco, Randi Murray Staff Present: Brad McCulley, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder III. Library Board of Trustee Minutes The February 14, 2017 Board of Trustee Minutes were unanimously approved. M/S/C (Rosenthal/Nagler) IV. Correspondence and Information A. February Statistics and Misc. Issues • Circulation at Easton has been in a slight decline over the past few months. Winter weather could be a reason. The Children's Department is making plans for summer reading events which always has a positive attendance. Room Scheduling Software - The Technology staff is considering purchasing a room scheduling software through Lib Cal. Patrons would be able to schedule room usage for study rooms A, C, D and the teen room without staff assistance. The current room scheduling system, DIBS, has not met the needs of library staff. Streaming Movies - Brad has arranged for staff, Foundation members and Trustees to try out Kanopy, a streaming video service. Brenda is compiling comments from the participants. American Film Institute - The library currently has a total of 80 films from the American Film Institute Collection. Brenda is in the process of completing the library's collection. V. From the Floor (Public Comment) - No one from the public attended. VI. Reports A. City Librarian's Report - Highlights 1. Passport Intake Update - Passport reservations are booked through the month of April and must be made through our website. It is not possible for the passport agent to accept walk-ins. Staff has been instructed not to give out information regarding filing out passports. The City receives all monies relating to the passport service the library provides. 2. Library Budget - Brad met with the City Manager and Finance Director on March 21 st to review the library's budget for the next fiscal year. 3. Strategic Plan - In keeping with the part of the Strategic Plan that encourages the library staff to reach out to the community, the library hosted a community discussion on the subject of Immigration on March 9th. Dr. Lee Ryan Miller from the College of San Mateo facilitated the discussion. The attendees were all grateful for this opportunity to express their concerns and thanked the library for making this experience possible. City Council Member Michael Brownrigg attended the event. 4. Library Teen Room Progressive Discipline Policy Kim Day, Teen Supervisor, has drafted a discipline policy for teens who are continually being disruptive to other patrons and exhibiting unacceptable behavior such as harassment of other teens in the teen area. The policy states 5 action steps that will be taken to discipline the individual with the final step being a formal presentation of the patron's behavior record before the Library Board of Trustees. The Trustees may make the decision to ban the patron for one year. The Progressive Discipline Policy will be placed on the Trustees' agenda for approval at the April meeting. B. Foundation Report • The on-line auction will open Sunday evening April 2nd. So far approximately 200 items have been donated. • The Book Sale will open Friday April 21 st at 12:OOPM and close on Sunday at 4:OOPM. Sunday is "bag of books day". Each bag is $6.00. II. Unfinished Business A. Silicon Valley Community Fund Meeting Brad McCulley, City Librarian and Trustee Murray will meet on March 31st with Bill Nagle and Albert Horn, who are the attorneys that were instrumental in preparing the legal documentation for investing monies allocated to the Library through the Roger and Jean Hunt Duncan Trust with the Silicon Valley Community Fund. The purpose of the meeting is to review the investment procedures and discuss the role of the library in overseeing its investments. B. Tutor.Com 1. Cost Overage - Brad McCulley and Tommy McMahon, Reference and Adult Services Manager, met with the patron who caused the cost overage on the Library account. Patron was advised of the seriousness of her actions. 2. Preventive Actions Limits will now be set on Burlingame card usage. Working on process to have full card authorization. Entire card number must be provided in order to gain access to Tutor.Com Currently access to the college portion of Tutor.Com has been discontinued to Burlingame card holders. This service will be reinstated in July. 3. Request from City Librarian Brad asked the Trustees to consider allocating funds to cover the overage on the Library's Tutor.Com account resulting from the actions of an unauthorized usage by a patron up to July 1st which is the beginning of the new fiscal year. 4. Trustee Action - The Trustees unanimously passed a motion to allocate up to $4,000 from the copier fund to be used as needed to cover the overage on the Library's Tutor.Com account up to June 30tn. M/S/C (Rosenthal/Nagler) C. E-Books Brad brought up the e-book collection issue regarding the County's special e-book collection that is only available to County patrons at the PLS Admin. meeting last week. • Brad noted that not being able to access the County special collection makes it difficult for patrons who notice that an item is available but are not able to obtain it. • Menlo Park has an audio book collection that is only available to their patrons. • Burlingame does have the option of using Overdrive Advantage. • Carol Frost and Brad have formed a sub -committee to develop a strategy plan for the e-book collection. • A possible goal would be that all PLS patrons have the same opportunity to access collections from any San Mateo County library. • Ancestory.Com is an example of a consortium that any patron could access. VIII. New Business A. Professional Development Grant for Sharon Murata and Jason Yap The Trustees approved grants of $500 each to Sharon Murata and Jason Yap. Monies will be allocated from the copier fund and given to the Foundation. The Foundation will disburse the grant funds to Sharon and Jason. M/S/C B. Exhibit Policy - Review and Approval The Trustees reviewed the Exhibit Policy that Elaine Tai, Reference Librarian, has written to inform community groups, agencies and organizations that wish to use the gallery space of the terms and conditions that they are expected to follow. The Trustees passed a motion to approve the Library's new Exhibit Policy. M/S/C (Nagler/Altmann) X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:OOPM. The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will be held April 18, 2017 in the Library Conference Room at 5:30PM. Respectfully Submitted, Bradley McCulley City Librarian Burlingame Public Library