HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2018.05.15CITY O p ipQRATED , City of Burlingame Meeting Agenda - Final Library Board of Trustees BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 Tuesday, May 15, 2018 5:30 PM Library Conference Room 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Library Board of Trustee Minutes for March 20, 2018 Attachments: Meeting Minutes b. Library Board of Trustee Minutes for April 18. 2018 Attachments: Meeting Minutes 4. FROM THE FLOOR (PUBLIC COMMENTS) Members of the public may speak about any item not on the agenda. Members of the public wishing to suggest an item for a future Library Board of Trustee agenda may do so during this public comment period. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Library Board of Trustees from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION a. April Statistics Attachments: Statistics 6. REPORTS a. City Librarian's Report Attachments: Report b. Foundation Report 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Website Update b. Update on Speaker's Series City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 511112018 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda - Final May 15, 2018 C. June Trustee Meeting at Easton d. Update on the Plaaue for Jim Kaufman e. Term Limits for Andrew Blanco's Position 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Monthly Topic - Technical Services b. New Landscaping in Front of Library 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS 10. ACTION ITEMS 11. ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a mjaority of the Library Board of Trustees regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Reference Desk of the Burlingame Public Library, 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California. City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 511112018 Burlingame Library Board of Trustees Minutes March 20, 2018 I. Roll Call Trustees Present: Kerbey Altmann, Mike Nagler, Randi Murray, Lisa Rosenthal (By Phone Trustee Absent: Andy Blanco Staff Present: Brad McCulley, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Administration Assistant/Recorder II. Library Board of Trustees Minutes The Trustee unanimously approved the minutes for February 16, 2018 Board of Trustees meeting. M/S/C (Altmann/Nagler) III. From the Floor (Public Comments No one from the public attended. IV. Statistics Brad advised that the graph trailing 12 months of circulation and study room usage will be added to the board packet in April. V. Librarian's Report A. Highlights • Lori Lisowski a member of the Circulation Department received a promotion from Library Aide to Library Assistant. • Circulation will be hiring 3 more aides in the near future. • Passport Services has added Monday to its schedule. B. Foundation Report • New Member - Peggy McLaughlin is the newest member of the Foundation Board. • April book sale is open to the public Friday April 20th to Sunday April 22nd. Banner will be hung over Broadway on April 101h. Any staff members who want to help during the sale should contact Brad. C. Technology Services • Trustee Nagler inquired as to the training staff receives to remain current with the electronic services the library is offering to patrons. • Department managers are responsible for overseeing the skill sets of their staff and to make certain that they are able to assist patrons who are having issues with any of our electronic services. • Brad noted that on -call staff may have some difficulty in keeping up with the latest technology services as these individuals only work once or twice a month. Department managers are providing on -call staff with additional training. • Brad emphasized that all adult services staff must be able to instruct patrons in how to use the new application "Libby", which is a more user friendly version of "Over Drive", to download e-books. VI. Unfinished Business A. Update on Speaker Series The first speaker series featuring Ira Glass was well received by those who attended. The committee is now beginning to formulate plans for the next speaker series. B. Staff Development Day March 30th- Cynthia Rider provided the Trustees with a brief overview of the event. • The all day event will be held at the Lion's Club. • The Library will be closed all day. 60 plus staff member are attending. • The committee for this event are planning group activities that will keep the staff engaged with each other during breaks in Joanne Bond's presentation. • Joanne Bond, Certified Coach, will initiate her own team building activities that coincide with her presentation. • Mayor Michael Brownrigg will address the staff after the last group activity. VII. New Business A. Budget Update 2017-2018 Lisa Goldman, City Manager, approved the library budget. The budget will be presented to the City Council in June for approval. B. Library Website • The Trustees expressed their displeasure and disappointment to Brad regarding the Library Website. It is their observation that it is difficult to manage and almost impossible to navigate to specific sites of information. • The Trustees feel that the website should elevate the profile of the library. • Megan Wong and Tommy McMahon are the library's representatives to the website committee. Both Megan and Tommy have experience in creating websites. They are currently trying to work within the limited options of the design to make it more user friendly. C. California State Library Board and Pacific Library Partnership • Brad is an executive board member to the Pacific Library Partnership. Brad will be required to attend two meetings with the California State Library Board in Sacramento. • The first meeting is April 17th and therefore the Library Trustee meeting will need to be rescheduled. VIII. Action Items Plaque for Jim Kaufman The trustees discussed various places for the plaque but no decisions were made. IX Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:OOPM. M/S/C (Altmann/Nagler) The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will be determined at a later date and will be posted on the library bulletin board and at City Hall. Respectfully Submitted Brad McCulley City Librarian City of Burlingame Burlingame Library Board of Trustees Minutes April 18, 2018 Roll Call Trustees Present: Kerbey Altmann, Mike Nagler, Randi Murray, Lisa Rosenthal Trustee Absent: Andy Blanco Staff Present: Brad McCulley, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Administration Assistant/Recorder II. Library Board of Trustees Minutes The Trustee unanimously approved the minutes for March 20, 2018 Board of Trustees meeting. M/S/C (Nagler/Altmann) III. From the Floor (Public Comments) Public guests: Robin Montoya and Sara Simson IV. Statistics March statistics included the new graph created by Patti Flynn to show a 12 month comparison of circulation and study room usage. V. Librarian's Report A. Highlights • Personnel- Vince Lubrano has received a promotion to Library Assistant and will transfer to the Easton Branch. Interviews for Library aide positions will begin in the latter part of April and first weeks of May. • Facilities Staff - Legs on the long study tables in the Media and Reading Rooms are being reinforced. Moving the tables for special events in these two rooms will now be easier. • First Friday - Attendance at the First Friday Art Show continues to increase. Trustee Altmann suggested handing out application for library cards at the event. B. Foundation Report • Book Sale April 20th - April 22na. • Donor Appreciation Event in Media Room on June 8th. • Foundation and Lions Club are partnering to donate books to the African Library Project. VI. Unfinished Business A. Wrap Up of Staff Development Day Brad prepared a survey for staff to give their comments and suggestions, . • The overall event category received the following ratings: 55.58%, 29.63% very good, 14.81% good. There were zero ratings in the Fair and Poor Categories. • Overall staff had a positive feeling regarding the structure of the day's activities and want to make it an annual event. Team work was the theme chosen by the committee. Some specific comments made by staff were as follows: "Continued follow-up to keep conversations/action steps going, "Team work was great", "the day was a great balance of activity, fun and learning". • Joanne Bond was the organizational coach for the event. She created a high level of interest and energy amongst the staff. Joanne introduced "the Cycle of Renewal" and through team activities was able to help staff explore different ideas of how to better communicate with co-workers and in one's personal life. • There will be a follow up meeting with Joanne Bond to ascertain how well we are keeping the momentum of "Staff Development Day" in play. Communication will be the focus of the meeting. B. Website Update On April 23rd, the Website Committee will meet to discuss the library's website and work towards finding a path to make the website more user friendly. C. California State Library Board and Pacific Library Partnership • Brad attended the California State Library meeting in Sacramento on April 17th as an executive board member of the Pacific Library Partnership. • The focus of the meeting was to update the regulatory language of the Library Services Act to meet current and future needs of our libraries. • The meeting concluded without updating the regulatory language of the Library Services Act. • The State Finance Department did not support the suggested changes. D. Update on Speaker's Series • The Committee met and discussed the pros and cons of the event. It was noted that the process for selling tickets should be reviewed. • The featured speaker and date for the next event have not been finalized. • The date for the next Speaker's Series has not been determined. VII. New Business A. Monthly Topic - Technical Services This item was tabled until the May meeting. B. June Trustee Meeting at Easton Brad will let Kathy know that the Trustees would like to have the June Meeting at Easton. VIII. Action Items A. Plaque for Jim Kaufman The Trustees passed a motion to approve purchase of a plaque in memory of Jim Kaufman in the amount of $300.00 M/S/C (Rosenthal/Nagler) • Brad will check with his contact at Alpine Awards to find out if it is possible to get a mockup of the plaque after it has been completed. • Maryam will be asked if she can design a library emblem. Members of staff may be asked to contribute to the inscription. Final draft will be presented to the Trustees. IX. Announcements A. Trustee Vacancy Trustee Blanco has advised the Library Board of Trustees that he will be resigning his position at the end of June. Brad will check with Administration at City Hall to determine the term limits for the remainder of Trustee Blanco's position on the Board of Trustees. B. April 18, 2018 Minutes Trustee Altmann noted after the minutes had been approved, that the City Manager was given an incorrect title in Section A of New Business. The March minutes will be put on the agenda for approval at the May Trustee meeting. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:45PM. M/S/C (Altmann/Nagler) The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will be held on June 19, 2018 at the Easton Branch Library. Respectfully Submitted Brad McCulley City Librarian City of Burlingame BPL Circulation and Study Room Usage -Main Circ -Easton Circ -E-media Circ -Study Room Usage -Tech Lab Usage 1.800 1.600 E-media 3,937 1.400 Tech Lab 1.200 401 Study Rooms 400 1.000 Easton 6,755 0.800 Main 46,535 0.600 Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 City Librarian Report to Board of Trustees May 15th, 2018 BURL I NOAMI Personnel Updates: o Four new hourly Aide positions are needed at the Main for Circulation Division. Interviews have started o Coming up on last day of fiscal year June 30th so hourly staff who have worked more than 18 hours per week may have to scale back schedules as they cannot work over 960 hours per year, this sometimes causes interruptions in work progress General Updates: o Strategic Plan 2017 — no update at this time o Passport Intake update — because the natural light form doors into the Conference Room is inhibiting proper passport photos the Library is ordering new black -out shades to be installed o Training — • CPR training will commence June 1 lth for 10 Library staff. • Follow up meeting with Joanne Bond is scheduled for May 15th. Communication is the main topic managers are focusing on and will be beta -testing Outlook SharePoint as a new way of clearer communication for all staff o Significant Programs — • April 20th, 21 st, 22" d Foundation Book Sale — success! • April 24th Earth Day Crafts — Easton Branch — great! • April 27th Super Hero Dance Party O - well attended • April 28th Jazz Ensemble for Kids — much appreciated Facilities update: o Long study tables in Reading room and Media Room are being reinforced. Fred G from Facilities hand - welded corner brackets that are VERY strong and blend nicely o Scout Vikas Bobba (son of Foundation member Geetika Bobba) will be executing his Eagle Scout project here building a public bench to be located outside of the Childrens Room along Primrose. o We will be revisiting the issue of not enough of light for Reading Room (Large Type room) a possible solution of purchasing automatic blinds that can raised and lowered throughout day will be considered. Foundation report: o Spring Book Sale grossed over $6,000 o June 8th is Foundation Donor Appreciation Event in Media room