HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2018.12.18• City of Burlingame BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME F BURLINGAME, CA 94010 I Meeting Agenda - Final Library Board of Trustees Tuesday, December 18, 2018 5:30 PM Library Conference Room 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of the Library Board of Trustee Minutes for November 20, 2018 Attachments: Meeting Minutes 4. FROM THE FLOOR (PUBLIC COMMENTS) Members of the public may speak about any item not on the agenda. Members of the public wishing to suggest an item for a future Library Board of Trustee agenda may do so during this public comment period The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Library Board of Trustees from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION a. November 2018 Statistics Attachments: November 2018 Trailing 12 months 6. REPORTS a. City Librarian's Report Attachments: Report b. Foundation Report C. Speaker's Series d. Strategic Plan Attachments: Strategic Plan Goal C City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 1211412018 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda - Final December 18, 2018 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Edelweiss Analytics Attachments: Staff Report b. Staff Gift Cards from Fika Cafe C. Flexibly Staffed Library Aide Classifications Attachments: Proposal d. Staff Recognition Event 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Easton Air Conditioning Attachments: Design Fee Estimate b. Books Inc. Closing 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS 10. ACTION ITEMS 11. ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Library Board of Trustees regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Reference Desk of the Burlingame Public Library, 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California. City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 1211412018 Burlingame Library Board of Trustees Minutes November 20, 2018 Roll Call Trustees Present: Kerbey Altmann, Andy Blanco, Randi Murray, Mike Nagler, Lisa Rosenthal Staff Present: Tommy McMahon, Adult Services Manager Sidney Poland, Recorder Staff Absent: Brad McCulley, City Librarian II. Library Board of Trustees Minutes The Trustees unanimously approved the minutes from the October 16, 2018 Board Meeting (Rosenthal /Altmann) III. From the Floor (Public Comments) There were not any representatives from the public who attended the Trustee meeting. IV. Statistics The Trustees reviewed the new trailing 12-month chart which shows the overall trend in Circulation, E-Media Circulation, Study Room Usage and Technology Laboratory Usage. This chart will be included on a monthly basis. V. Reports A. City Librarian's Report • Personnel Update - Circulation is recruiting for Library Aides. Adult Services and Children's Services are holding a combined recruitment. Recruitment information is available on Calopps.org. • Anson Burlingame Event - On November 16th, the library hosted the dedication of the Anson Burlingame Bust created and donated by the artist ZHOU Limin to the City of Burlingame. Dignitaries from the Chinese Consulate, City Council members, members of City Commissions and other interested parties attended the event. The bust of Anson Burlingame will reside permanently at the Burlingame Library. • California Library Association Conference - Nov. 8th_11th Elaine Tai, Adult Services Librarian, gave two presentations at CLA. One was on marketing and the other on art in the library. Elaine has been instrumental in organizing an art event the first Friday of every month. B. Foundation Report No Report C. Speaker's Series No Update D. Strategic Plan • The Strategic Plan has 5 goals: A. Provide Engaging, Customized Experiences, B. Build Inclusive Community Connections, C. Foster a wide range of literacy and life skills, E. Enable our staff members to thrive, grow and be deeply engaged in realizing our vision and mission. • Last year the staff worked on Goals B and E. Currently the staff is working on goals C and D. Staff in each department will discuss ways in which they are supporting the goals such as programs or activities. • Staff in all departments will meet to discuss the progress that is being made in their efforts to support the specific goals. E. Overdrive Advantage - Tommy gave the Trustees a brief overview of the workings of Overdrive Advantage. The program allows the library to supplement the Peninsula Library System's shared e-book collection with additional items or additional copies of popular items. VI. Unfinished Business A. Edelweiss Analytics Edelweiss is a software program that simplifies the process of retrieving information relating to collection development. Here are some of examples of how Edelweiss can be useful to libraries. • Help to weed the collection. • Assist in providing information as to library materials that could possibly be an addition to the collection. • Provides information on library materials that other libraries are adding to their collection. • Shows what is trending in different libraries throughout the United States that use it as a collection development resource. B. Staff Gift Cards for Library Cafe The Trustees approved the motion of Trustee Murray to give each employee a $10.00 gift certificate to the Fika Cafe for the total amount of $750. M/S/C (Murray/Altmann) C. Update on Employee Pay Comparisons with Other Libraries Currently there are 5 different pay increases for the Library Aide position. Each step is approximately a 5% increase. Management staff is in the process of conducting a survey with other libraries in the PLS system to determine what their salary schedule is for the Library Aide position. D. 3D Printing Tommy showed the Trustees a sample of a hand prosthesis that Jason created with the 3-D printer. There is a kit that provides screws and Velcro. The hope is that by using the 3-D printer as a tool to create prostheses the cost will be less expensive. VII. New Business A. Cancellation of December Meeting The Trustees decided to meet in December to discuss and approve funding for the Edelweiss Analytics software. B. Staff Recognition Event Trustee Nagler will contact Francesca at Sixtos Cantina to discuss plans for this event. Sunday, January 27th is the requested date. C. Library Security Trustee Nagler expressed his concern that weekend staff be trained on security measures. Panic buttons have been installed at the public desks. Also, a police radio has been placed in the Circulation workroom. This device connects directly with the police department. Emergency Trainings are as follows: • Emergency Action Plan - December 1 lth • Active Shooter Training - December 13th • Both of these trainings will be filmed for staff that could not attend. D. Holiday Schedule The Trustees approved the Holiday Library Schedule for 2019. M/S/C (Rosenthal/Randi) VIII. Adjournment The Meeting was adjourned at 6:20pm. M/S/C (Rosenthal/Altmann) The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will be held on December 18, 2018 in the Upper Level Meeting Room at 5:30pm. Respectfully Submitted Brad McCulley City Librarian City of Burlingame BPL Circulation and Study Room Usage -Main Circ -Easton Circ -E-media Circ -Study Room Usage -Tech Lab Usage 2.200 2.000 E-media 4,877 1.800 1.600 1.400 Study Rooms 386 1.200 Tech Lab 311 1.000 Easton 5,756 0.800 Main 44,079 0.600 Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 BPL Circulation and Study Room Usage - Trailing 12 Months Chart -Main Circ Easton Circ -E-media Circ -Study Room Usage -Tech Lab Usage 1.300 E-media 1.200 Study Rooms 1.100 Tech Lab 1.000 Main Easton 0.900 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 City Librarian Report to Board of Trustees December 18, 2018 BURL I NOAMI Personnel Updates: Comings and Goings o Welcome new Library Aides Sharon Campbell, Dianne Wu, Jonathan Steimnitz to Circ Dept. o Eric Wollman Police Chief — retiring Dec 28. Captain Mike Matteucci replacing. o Children's Library Asst. II Jan Eustis — retiring Dec 28. Jan will be missed for her vivaciousness and outsized personality. Recruitments o Circulation has an applicant waiting for a background check and will have a complete roster after this hire. o Library Admin will be recruiting for 25-hour Volunteer Coordinator in Jan/Feb 2019 o Adult Services and Children Services continue to host a combined recruitment available on Calopps.org General Updates: o Strategic Plan 2017 — see attachment in packet o Passport Intake update — N/A o Policy — • Library Security Camera policy pending City Attorney approval • PLS has recently updated its Law Enforcement Information Request (previously known as Patriot Act Requests) procedures. o Training — • Staff attended Emergency Action Plan training December 12 • Staff attended Active Shooter training Dec 13 • Professional Development Day is scheduled for Friday, March 29 and the Library will be closed. o Significant Events: • Dec 6 Santa Visit — 300 attendees • Dec 13 Concert and Cider • Dec 21 Winter Solstice Yoga Story Time • Dec 28 Non Year Eve Party o Facilities update: • Light bulbs will be replaced throughout library soon using LED bulbs as a cheaper more 1 sustainable alternative • Easton air conditioning: see attached with discussion Foundation report: • N/A Goal C: Foster a wide range of literacy and life skills Strategy 1. Educate and support parents and caregivers in their role in early literacy and school success. Action Item Owner Requirements Deadline Status 1a Security/Privacy Series TS & Ref 1b Provide early literacy workshops and tools Children's ongoing 1c 1d 1e 1b. Present early literacy Raising a Reader workshop for parents. -- Incorporate a literacy tip into storytimes & provide selected tips on our website as well as in a bookmark to further educate parents/caregivers. Strategy 2. Provide life skills programs for young people transitioning to adulthood. Action Item Owner Requirements Deadline Status 2a Career Seminar for Teens Children's/Teen Dec. 2019 2b Teen Home life skills Children's/Teen ongoing 2c 2d 2e 2a. Children's/Teen will offer a career seminar for teens spotlighting unusual jobs (possible partnership with Parks & Rec) 2b. Teen Home Life skills workshops for teens planned for 2019. Strategy 3. Promote digital and information literacy. Action Item Owner Requirements Deadline Status 3a Offer a series on digital Adult Services Will run literacy 4/19-11/19 3b Share the results of PLP's News Literacy Resource Adult Services/Tai 5/18 Toolkit/Pop-up exhibits 3c Offer a series of coding workshops for children and Children's/Teen ongoing teens 3d 3e 3a. Adult services will offer 3 formal classes (Scam/Fraud prevention, Internet Privacy/Security, and Google Drive), 3 pop-up info tables (Overdrive eBooks, Mango Languages, AtoZ Databases), and a page will be created on the library's website to house helpful links and info on this topic. Surveys will be used before and after for the formal classes to measure outcomes. 3b. Adult Services Librarian Elaine Tai was part of the Pacific Library Partnership's News Literacy Work Group and helped develop PLP's News Literacy Toolkit. Elaine will work to create a short version of the toolkit that we can host on our website. She will also develop interactive library exhibits that will get patrons to think about and question how information is presented to them There will be a minimum of 3 exhibits. Strategy 4. Teach financial literacy for different phases of life. Action Item Owner Requirements Deadline Status 4a Establish a connection with local, vetted financial group to teach a series of financial Adult Services June 2019 literacy courses 4b Provide personal finance for Children's/Teen May 2019 teens 4c 4d 4e 4a. City Council has expressed concerns about the library presenting financial talks. The library will find a not for profit group or individual that City Council approves of. The proposed topics are Retirement, Loan Forgiveness, and Investing. 4b. Partner with San Mateo Credit Union to present a personal finance workshop for teens. Strategy 5. Develop health literacy programs and resources for all ages. Action Item Owner Requirements Deadline Status 5a Healthy Living at the Library Adult Jan. 2019 o 90/ series Services 5b Register as a liaison library with Adult the National Network of Jan 2019 50% Services Libraries of Medicine Sc Provide health programs for preschool and toddler storytime Children's Dec. 2019 groups 5d Se 5a. Based on the strategic plan, the Adult Services department created their first program plan based on a theme, Healthy Living at the Library. The majority of the plan ran from July -Sept 2018, but the theme extends through the end of 2018. Programs included mindfulness, happiness through yoga, nutrition, body positivity, and self-defense. Future programs include a series on mindfulness and a program on mindful travel. 5b. The Library is registered as a liaison library with the NNLM. They will provide us with information and training opportunities so that we can better serve patrons on health issues. The mission of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) is to advance the progress of medicine and improve the public health by providing all U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information and improving the public's access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health. 5c. Kelly is checking with San Mateo County Health about health programs that can be presented to educate children/parents. --A Dental Care puppet show will be offered for young children in February 2019. TRUSTEE STAFF REPORT To: Library Board of Trustees Date: December 18, 2018 From: Megan Wong, Tech Services Manager Subject: Request for Funding for Edelweiss Analytics RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends funding for Edelweiss Analytics (EA) as a beta purchase for one year. BACKGROUND Circulation numbers have slowly plummeted in Public Libraries throughout the United States. Staff are exploring new ways of recapturing some of these circulation statistics such as counting materials used in-house only as a circulation. EA will allow us to run broad "state of the collection" reports and very targeted reports for individual collections. More importantly Libraries are notorious for "silo mentality" where one or two staff members hold the keys to certain functions. Every librarian will be able to review their collection for needs, weeding, and any improvements. DISCUSSION / REVIEWS EA will provide staff with an assessment of the Library strengths and weaknesses of its book collection to assist Librarians in collection development, increasing patron satisfaction and by; 1. matching the collection genres to industry -wide peer and bookstore holdings, 2. evaluating collection genre on four metrics; freshness, relevance, hit rate, turnover 3. Making analyses actionable. FISCAL IMPACT Funding is requested in the amount of $5,000 subscription plus $500 one-time set up fee, totaling $5,500. This is a yearly subscription fee. Monthly updates will be included in Trustee Reports and an assessment before January 2020 to review funding. Exhibits: • List of reviews from Libraries currently using EA • Sample report? 1 11 BUFUNOAME To: Brad McCulley, City Librarian, City of Burlingame Date: November 21st, 2018 Subject: Readjustment of Library Aide Pay Scale/Creation of Library Aide 11 Classification Recommendation We recommend the creation of a Library Aide II classification in order to stay competitive among other libraries and to retain exemplary employees who replenish higher level library - staff positions when they become vacant. Background There has been high turnover within the position of Library Aide. Employees leave the position due to various reasons including the high cost of living in the Bay Area, finding better opportunities in other libraries, and getting promoted from within our organization. Our current opening of Library Aide on Calopps.org has been open since April 2018. Two of four new hires within this recruitment have left the Library to pursue opportunities elsewhere. In May, one potential new hire rejected the position stating that, "...the hourly rate doesn't justify the time commitment I would have to make." These trends suggest that our current pay scale does not reflect the impact of the rising costs of living in our area. Discussion The position of Library Aide is ideal for those pursing a start to their career in libraries. As such, the Library needs to stay competitive with neighboring libraries to attract potential employees to its workforce. The City of San Mateo will soon enact a $15.00 minimum wage. The SMCL organization just recently raised their pay scales for the position of Library Aide. Below is a table comparing current Library Aide pay scales to those of neighboring libraries. Library Aide Pair Scales - Burlingame, San Mateo County, City of an Mateo, and San Francisco STEP BPL SMCO SMPL SFPL A $ 12.57 $ 16.00 $ 15.00 $ 21.71 B $ 13.17 $ 16.92 $ 15.68 $ 22.77 C $ 13.83 $ 17.89 $ 16.39 $ 23.92 D $ 14.55 $ 18.92 $ 17.13 $ 25.12 E $ 15.25 $ 20.01 $ 17.91 $ 26.36 11 BURLINOAME Below is an estimated pay scale for the position of Library Aide I I followed by the pay scale for the classification after Library Aide, Library Assistant 1/11. Library Aide II Estimated Pay Scale Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Library Aide 1 14.57 15•17 15.83 16.55 17.25 Library Aide II 16.03 16.73 17.46 18.23 19.04 Library Assistant 1/11 Pay Scale Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F Library Assistant 1 21.51 22.64 23.75 24.84 26.15 26.81 Library Assistant II 24.00 25.09 26.43 27.6o 28.96 Conclusion While the proposal aims to create a classification of Library Aide II with a higher pay rate, it also aims to steady employee turnover leading to less recruitment efforts by hiring managers, administrative assistants, and oversight from the HR department. More importantly, it would assist these employees with the rising costs of living in the Bay Area while also providing them additional opportunities for step increases after reaching Library Aide Step E. City of Purlingame - HVAC Upgrade for Easton Library # Task Budget Hours 1 Estimate AC loads through modeling of existing building 16 2 Review as available Structural plans for the building and electrical plans 8 3 Review building adjacencies to confirm no show stoppers for placemet of AC condensers immedialtly next to building. 8 3 Develop schematic plans for cooling additon, while minimizing addition of any new weight on roof for structural reasons 80 4 Upon approval of schematic plans, produce construction documents and specs. For plan check 80 5 Coordinate with City and PG&E for addional power feed to the building if needed 16 61 Review and update plans based on plan check comments 40 7 Assist City during bid walk and job advertisement 8 TOTAL 256 Average Billing Rate ME-EE and SE disciplines $185 Proposed Fee Through Design Phase $47,360