HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - PR - 2007.06.21BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 7:00pm, Thursday, June 21, 2007 Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame Roll Call Dittman, Muller, Hesselgren, Shanus, Larios, Castner-Paine, Comaroto 2. Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the April 19, 2007 regular meeting Public Comments This is the opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission regarding items not otherwise on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. The Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 4. Old Business A. Policy for Use of Private Barbecues in City Parks — Report from Council Meeting B. Arsenic Update C. Update on Centennial Celebration D. Art in the Park Recap 5. New Business A. Status of Summer Meetings B. Athletic Field Use Policies C. Park Amenities — Discussion of Future Vision 6. Reports / Hand -Outs A. Parks & Recreation Department Reports 1. Monthly Report 2. Revenue Report B. Commissioners 7. Adjournment Next Regular Meetings: Thursday, July 19 or August 16, 2007 — 7:00 pm, City Hall NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7330 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www. burlingame. org. City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 Bt1RLINGAME phone: (650) 558-7300 • fax: (650) 696-7216 a= reereationA, burlingame org ATHLETIC FIELD USE POLICIES June 12. 2007 DRAFT I. PURPOSE A. To define "Athletic Field User Groups" (User Groups) and the scope of the support to be offered by the City. Such support may be defined in allocation of field space, opportunities to conduct tournaments or sell snacks, use of indoor meeting space or other. B. Programs that offer new opportunities for the community (including existing opportunities for a different section of the community) should be encouraged. Programs competitive with City offerings may be prohibited. C. For the purposes of this policy, a Burlingame resident shall be defined as anyone who has a permanent address or attends an accredited school within Burlingame. (Please note that residency under the fee schedule only includes those with a IN, permanent residence within Burlingame) H ROLE OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT A. Parks & Recreation Department staff will enforce the use of the fields and ensure that all User Groups adhere to the requirements of the City of Burlingame. Such requirements may include items such as annual schedules, insurance, parking restrictions, collection of field use fees, etc. B. Conduct at least one annual meeting for all User Groups to discuss field space allocations and issues common to the User Groups. C. City has need/responsibility to offer programs and realize revenues to offset administrative and parks maintenance costs. D. City reserves the right to expand its program offerings. III. VALIDATED USER ORGANIZATION A. User Groups, once validated by the Parks & Recreation Commission, can request field space for seasonal sports leagues and tournaments. B. In order to be a Validated User Group, the following criteria must be met: • Group must be a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization; and • Group membership must include a minimum of 20 Burlingame residents; and • Group must offer teams for a variety of age groups • At least 50% of the membership must be Burlingame residents (How to include SAY Baseball, Coyotes Lacrosse, etc) ATHLETIC FIELD USE POLICIES For Commission_ Consideration • June 12 2007 — Page 2 C. To become a User Group, the group must apply in writing to the Parks & Recreation Commission. Applications must be received by the Parks & Recreation Department at least two weeks prior to a Commission meeting. Commission will review and discuss the information at the meeting and hold a public hearing at the subsequent meeting, before validation. Such application must include the following: 1. Written league rules and guidelines 2. Annual schedule for the organization, including practice and game dates, tournament dates, and any special events (examples: opening ceremonies) 3. Annual list of board members with their contact information (address, phone #, email address) 4. Annual rosters of league participants showing residency status 5. Presentation to the Commission 6. Description of how User Group's activities differ from those offered by existing User Groups D. The Parks & Recreation Commission can assign an organization Validated User Group status for either a one-year or a three-year term based upon the following: 1. Three-year User Group status will be assigned to groups that have displayed a history of surpassing the requirements listed in III. Validated User Organization above. 2. One-year status will be assigned to new organizations or those that meet, `- but do not exceed the minimum requirements by at least 20% for two consecutive years. 3. If an organization has a history of not being able to meet the requirements of a Validated User Organization for more than 2 years, the Parks & Recreation Commission can formally place the organization on a probationary status for one year to meet the requirements for a Validated User Organization or be dropped from that status. E. No User Group may, without approval of the Parks & Recreation Department, loan or sublet to any other organization or individual any of the privileges or services provided by the City. F. No two non-resident teams may use Burlingame fields without prior approval of the Parks & Recreation Department. G. Any organization conducting an activity on City facilities must provide adequate insurance to City prior to start of activity. H. Each year, each organization shall submit its planned schedule for on -season play, off-season play, tournaments and camps to the P&R Dept. for scheduling consideration. I. Organizations offering camps on a "for fee" basis will be allowed to rent the fields as non-profit organizations, as space is available. J. Organizations offering scholarship to low income participants will be given priority for use over those not offering scholarships. ATHLETIC FIELD USE POLICIES For Commission Consideration: June 12 2007 —Page 3 IV FIELD SPACE ALLOCATION A. Each validated User Group will be allocated field space, including scheduled times, by the Parks & Recreation Department staff. B. Factors affecting amount of field space allocation include: 1. "On -season" programs vs. "Off-season" programs 2. Number of Burlingame residents in the program 3. Percentage of Burlingame residents in the program C. The Field Use Priority Ranking is as follows: 1. Burlingame High School programs on SMUHSD facilities 2. Burlingame School District programs on Burlingame School District facilities 3. City of Burlingame Parks & Recreation Department programs 4. Burlingame School District or Burlingame High School programs on City facilities 5. Validated User Groups 6. Outside field rentals D. At the annual Field Users meeting, the Recreation and Parks Supervisors will discuss the previous year and schedule the upcoming season(s). Additional meetings may be called, as needed, to discuss field allocations. E. Each User Group shall pay a per participant fee per the City's Master Fee Schedule for each participating resident and non-resident player each season. F. City reserves the right to increase the per participant fee for each league, tournament or camp offered. G. Camps offered by local non-profit organizations may be allowed — on a year to year basis — if they do not compete with programs offered by the City or the existing programs offered by other non-profit organizations. H. Programs open to all members of the community will be given a higher priority than those serving only a specific group or team. V PERMITTED ACTIVITIES A. Each User Group is limited to conduct only the activities specified in their Use Permit. Examples of activities that will not be allowed without prior approval include clinics, conditioning camps, tournaments or off-season leagues. B. The Department reserves the right to close any field that is maintained by the City for safety reasons (examples: rainouts, park improvements). In the event of such closure, the Department will attempt to contact each field user and will post a notice on the Field Condition Line: (650)558-7319. C. Any coach or team that uses a closed field is subject to a one-year ban from using City facilities. ATHLETIC FIELD USE POLICIES For Commission Consideration: June 12 2007 — Page 4 VI APPEAL PROCESS A. P&R staff will handle the enforcement of these policies. B. In the case of a dispute over the meaning, interpretation or intent of any portion of these Use Policies, User Groups may appeal decisions of the Parks & Recreation Department to the Parks & Recreation Commission. 1%, City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. BURLIN%AME 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 a' ' phone: (650) 558-7300 - fax: (650) 696-7216 recreation �a burlin ame.org� '�►� r m LH FIELD USER GROUP APPLICATION June 12, 2007 — DRAFT "Athletic Field User Groups" (User Groups) and the scope of the support to be offered by the City are defined in the Athletic Field Use Policy. Such support may be defined in allocation of field space, opportunities to conduct tournaments or sell snacks, use of indoor meeting space or other. The policy covers existing organizations as well as programs that offer new opportunities for the community (including existing opportunities for a different section of the community). Groups offering programs competitive with City offerings may be prohibited. Per their status as fellow governmental agencies and the existing joint use agreements, the San Mateo Union High School District and Burlingame School District are pre -validated as User Groups under these policies. Application to Become a Validated User Group Applications must be received by the Parks & Recreation Department at least two weeks prior to a Commission meeting, generally held on the third Thursday of each month. Commission will review and discuss the information at the meeting and hold a public hearing at the subsequent meeting, before validation. User Groups are encouraged, but not required to attend the Public hearing before the Parks & Recreation Commission. Name of Organization Contact Person Eve Phone Field Use/Type of Sport # of Members in Organization Insurance Carrier Policy # Email 501(c)3 # Day Phone Does your organization offer scholarships to participants from low-income households? # who live in Burlingame # who attend school in Burlingame, Representative Phone # Email Signature of Organization Representative The following items must be attached to this application: Date • Written league rules and guidelines • Annual schedule for the organization, including practice and game dates, tournament dates, and any special events (examples: opening ceremonies) • Annual list of board members with their contact information (address, phone #, email address) • Annual rosters of league participants showing residency status • Description of how User Group's activities differ from those offered by existing User Groups Violation of the Field Use Policies may result in Validated User Group status being suspended or revoked City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation De t. 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 ByRu AMa phone: (650) 558-7300 - fax: (650) 696-7216 rio �a recreationAburlin ame.org rl afire to Lw4v� Date: June 21, 2007 To: Parks & Recreation Commissioners City Council From: Randy Schwartzrt-�l Re: Monthly Report Parks Division 1. Special events preparation in which the Parks Division assisted. a. Centennial Parade/Vintage base ball game b. Cancer Survivor's picnic c. Art in the Park d. Burlingame Youth Baseball tournaments e. Billie Sue Softball tournament f. Junior Fire Marshall picnic 2. Contract tree pruning concluded for this fiscal year. Timberline Tree Service will be performing the contract work assignments during fiscal year 2007-08. 3. Final County Health approval received for the Methane Gas Alarm system at the new Bayside Park Restroom building. 4. Tree Crew completed its seasonal tree planting. 5. Tree Crew member is visiting the sites of recently planted trees; he is pruning, restaking, watering as needed. Recreation Division Preschool 1. Village Park Preschool had their 3rd Annual "Parent's Night Out" Fundraiser on June 1. Approximately 50 families attended and our pledges/gifts to date are at approximately $8500. 2. The Playschool Villagers graduation took place on Friday, June 8. 24 students graduated in the 2007 class. Teens/Youth Programs 3. Burlingame Summer basketball league for 51hthrough 811i graders started with 145 kids enrolled. 4. BIS Ice Cream Social sports awards had 160 kids (for kids that participated in at least 2 sports during the year at BIS) Adult Sports 5. Jim Murray Women's Soccer league started with 6 teams 6. Adult Softball ended this month with 53 teams Senior Citizens Programs 7. Trip to Jersey Boys had 20 participants Family Programs & Miscellaneous 8. Centennial Parade and Vintage Base Ball game were held on June 2nd 9. Art in the Park featured 121 artists (16 more than 2006), improved food & music areas and anew kids' activities area sponsored by the Youth Activities Committee 10. SUMMER PROGRAMS ARE UNDERWAY, with a wide variety of camps, classes & misc activities Upcoming Events 1. Murray Field will be closed beginning June 25 and reopen August 6 for field maintenance 2. Burlingame Night at the Giants — June 29 3. Music in the Park — Sundays in July 4. Both the Colt and American Legion playoffs and tournaments will be held in July in Washington Park 5. Movies in the Park: July 21, Aug 25, Sept 22 — 8:00pm shows 6. Centennial Events: Community Picnic — October Oh; Scavenger Hunt — October 7 h L 0 BURLINGAME PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Collection Report May 2007 Recreation Division Current Month 2006-07 COLL. YTD 2005-06 COLL. YTD 2004-05 COLL. YTD Key Dept Program Gross Refunds Current Net Notes 25 01 Misc. Admin. - 41.00 1,232.23 3,479.92 3% 1 10 Advertising - - - 3,513.00 2,670.00 1,766.25 132% 26 12 Tix✓Bks/ArtSls 1,502.52 - 1,502.52 44,933.91 51,255.65 46,182.00 88% 2 13 Bldg. Rental 9,299.00 256.00 9,043.00 83,823.00 63,037.50 67,557.50 133% 27 Rental Deposits 2,575.00 4,130.00 (1,555.00) 879.00 2,384.00 2,352.50 37% 3 16 Park Permit 1,305.00 125.00 1,180.00 7,704.50 5,900.04 6,200.00 131% 28 1294 Pool Rental 120.00 - 120.00 29,530.00 32,663.00 30,557.75 90% 4 20 Sr. Lunch - - - - 0.07 - 0% 29 21 Sr. Activities 1,068.00 164.00 904.00 20,609.80 21,415.85 22,181.00 96% 5 22 Teens 2,854.00 538.00 2,316.00 21,655.00 29,539.62 30,678.00 73% 30 23 Jr. Teen Camps 9,254.00 460.00 8,794.00 29,747.50 20,223.75 43,224.00 147% 8 24 PFRN - - - - - 120.00 #DIV/01 6 30 Pre-school 12,342.00 12,342.00 160,634.85 164,994.57 142,803.25 97% 31 31 PreSch. Class 7,569.00 7,569.00 125,529.75 134,238.75 103,968.37 94% 32 41 1 Lang. Arts 314.00 314.00 13,489.00 10,496.00 14,919.50 129% 9 44 jAdultArt 6,112.00 397.00 5,715.00 100,601.00 89,020.50 90,110.50 113% 34 45 Culinary 1,689.00 - 1,689.00 10,736.00 7,114.50 7,761.00 151% 10 46 Youth Art 12,983.50 855.00 12,128.50 118,434.03 89,321.50 49,934.75 133% 35 47 Misc. Art 327.00 - 327.00 2,628.00 113.00 413.00 2326% 12 48 Computers 54.00 - 54.00 3,085.00 1,578,00 2,941.53 196% 49 Enrichment 3,882.00 372.00 3,510.00 121,318.75 118,991.58 44,882.20 102% 11 F7 50 Art in Park - - - 5,600.00 17,380.00 40,129.00 32% 37 60 Special Classes 1,805.00 33.00 1,772.00 18,624.75 22,390.96 20,361.70 83% 13 61 Fitness 3,786.75 - 3,796.75 57,578.00 54,857.65 72,267.38 105% 38 62 Sport Classes 2,625.00 61.00 2,564.00 32,223.00 24,312.72 38,017.50 133% 14 70 Youth Camps/Trips 26,502.00 420.00 26,082.00 89,590.50 46,416.60 95,589.00 1937 15 1 72 Contract Sprts 33,874.00 444.00 33,430.00 137,329.50 151,327.80 185,674.50 91 % 40 80 1 Elem. Sports 6,397.50 - 6,397.50 41,371.50 49,845.75 51,975.75 83% 16 81 BISSports 515.00 180.00 335.00 65,090.00 71,275.00 80,609.50 91% 41 82 Tennis Lessons 10,904.00 360.00 10,544.00 59,704.75 50,772.25 54,348.00 118% 17 83 Tennis Courts 466.00 - 466.00 7,818.13 7,179.75 5,188.00 =b 42 84 Golf Classes 1,008.00 116.00 892.00 12,830.00 14,813.50 15,005.76 87% 18 1 85 Misc. Sports 5,412.00 - 5,412.00 19,953.00 19,847.00 22,199.22 101% 43 86 Field Lgts/Rent 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 31,999.75 32,160.50 25,361.00 100% 19 87 Softball 2,920.00 - 2,920.00 40,334.50 43,649.99 56,815.50 927 44 88 Basketball 1,470.00 - 1,470.00 8,820.00 8,692.00 18,220.00 101% 20 89 Volleyball 635.00 - 635.00 10,840.00 12,886.00 7,622.00 84% 21 90 Yth Aqu.Class 26,510.00 137.00 26,373.00 123,940.00 104,492.75 88,264.75 119% 45 91 AdltAqu. Class 1,694.00 180.00 1,514.00 16,697.50 15,309.00 11,395.00 109% 46 92 Lap Swim @Rec 290.00 - 290.00 4,002.00 17,547.35 4,362.50 23% 22` 93 Rec Swim - - 3,375.00 20,247.90 160.50 17% 24 Yth Schlor. Fund 62.00 - 62.001 500.00 1,584.00 - 32% Sub -totals 202,126.27 9,228.00 1 192,898.27 1 1,687,114.97 1,633,178.58 1,605,599.58 Revenues@;Pool 1 2,964.50 1 - 1 2,964.50 1 47,693.90 1 70,458.25 1 49,613.20 1 % Recreation Totals 1 $ 205,090.77 1 $ 9,228.00 1 195,862.77 1 $ 1,734,808.87 1 $ 1,703,636.83 1 $ 1,655,212.78 1 102% 47 1 Parks Revenue - 250.00 200.00 3,320.00 127/6 48 Field Prep Fees - I - - 1 - 5,730.00 23 95 1 Golf Cards - - - 1.00 - Dept Totals 1 $ 205,090.77 1 $ 9,228.00 1 195,862.77 1 $ 1,735,059.87 1 $ 1,703,836.83 1 $ 1,664,262.78 1 6/13/20077:34 Aquatics Totals 3,374.50 - 1 3,374.50 1 84,600.90 1 140,916.50 1 84,693.95 60%