HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - PR - 2007.03.15BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 7:00pm, Thursday, March 15, 2007 Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame Roll Call Dittman, Muller, Hesselgren, Shanus, Larios, Castner-Paine, Comaroto 2. Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the February 15, 2007 regular meeting Public Comments This is the opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission regarding items not otherwise on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. The Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 4. Old Business A. Status of Bayside Park Restroom / Snack Shack Project 5. New Business A. Arsenic Update B. Adoption of a Policy Regarding Use of Private Barbecues in City Parks 6. Relwrts / Hand -Outs A. Parks & Recreation Department Reports 1. Monthly Report 2. Revenue Report B. Commissioners 7. Adjournment Next Regular Meetings: Thursday, April 19, 2007 — 7:00 pm, City Hall Joint City Council/Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting — 6:00pm — Monday, June 4a', City Hall NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7330 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www. burlingame. org. City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 • ` phone: (650) 558-7300 • fax: (650) 696-7216 13URLINGAME recreation(Lr�burlin ame.org � z. �ry�a�ti,or Policy for Bringing Barbecues into City Parks Drafted/Adopted February 10, 2007 Purpose The City of Burlingame has established picnic areas with barbecues in Washington Park for the purpose of community use. These areas may be reserved by contacting the Parks & Recreation Department. For the safety of persons and property, the City has also formed the following restrictions on use of personal barbecues in City Parks. Personal Barbecues are permitted to be used in City Parks under the following conditions: • Barbecues must be placed on surfaces that are paved or covered with bark chips. Barbecues are not permitted on grass areas. • Barbecues may not be set up within 50' of children's play equipment. • Barbecues are not permitted in Mills Canyon at any time. • Barbecues must have a cover that can be used to suppress flames. • Barbecues with grills in excess of 23" in maximum Q r,.0 ,& A„ e are only allowed with special permit from the Parks & Recreation Director. Ca+rm to C • Barbecues must be supervised at all times. Unattended barbecues may be confiscated by City of Burlingame Parks & Recreation employees or Police officers. • Propane tanks must be taken off premises. Empty tanks may not be discarded in City garbage cans or recycle containers. • Persons using barbecues burning charcoal or wood must have covered disposal containers on site. • All coals must be extinguished and taken out of the parks in the covered containers. • Combustible fluids used to help start fire are not allowed at any time. Definitions • For purposed of this policy, "Barbecue" means a fabricated metal container and grill designed for the cooking of food. • "Grill" is defined as the cooking surface. Randy Schwartz Director of Parks & Recreation Creating a Better Place to Live, Work and Play City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation De t. 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 �s `, phone: (650) 558-7300 - fax: (650) 696-7216 go recreationgburlin ame. org ` o� ' q Date: March 14, 2007 To: Parks & Recreation Commissioners City Council From: Randy Schwartz Re: Monthly Report Parks Division 1. All fields opened on Feb. 26. 2. Arbor Day celebration was held at Cuernavaca Park on March 5. Seven local schools participated, as well as the California Department of Forestry. Eight trees were planted. 3. Parks Division crews has been engaged in field preparation for spring sports leagues. Murray field was overseeded. 4. City tree contractor is completing work on the Burlingame Avenue Eucalyptus trees. 5. City Tree Crew is continuing to prune Sycamores in selected areas. Recreation Division General 1. Summer Brochure has gone to printer and will be distributed on approximately March 26th Teens/Youth Programs 2. Two Manners Are Fun for Boys and Girls were held with 19 students enrolled. 3. New Taiko Drumming classes began with 9 students enrolled. 4. 12 teams in 6th grade basketball 5. YAC participated in Peninsula YAC social with 90 other teens Adult Programs 6. Ballroom Dancing for adults had 38 enrolled. 7. Evening Artists Workshop class going for the 1st time 8. Adult basketball season started with two leagues — 6 men's teams; 4 women's Senior Citizens Programs 9. Friday Bridge Drop -in is averaging 12 people 10. Friday Movie Drop -in averages 25-30 people 11. Emeritus lecture featuring an Audiologist had 30 people attend 12. Film festival had 10 attend 13. Trip to Jersey Boys had 19 attend 14. Computer class at the high school has 20 senior citizens participating Upcoming Events 1. Community Golf Tournament— May 21 st — Green Hills Country Club — 12:00noon Shotgun Start 2. Centennial Parade & Vintage Base Ball Game — June 2nd 3. Art in the Park —June 9th/lOth �`' 4. Music in the Park — Sundays in July BURLINGAME PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Collection Report February 2007 Recreation Division 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 Current Month COLL. YTD COLL. YTD COLL. YTD !SeX Dept Program Gross Refunds Current Net 25 01 Misc. Admin. 220.00 220.00 175.00 980.21 2,849.59 18% 1 10 Advertising 1,188.00 1,188.00 3,111.75 1,124.50 365.50 277% 26 12 TWBks/ArtSIs 884.50 - 884.50 38,590.24 41,256.20 31,223.11 94% 2 13 Bldg. Rental 7,047.50 295.00 6,752.50 55,988.50 44,123.00 43,507.50 127% 27 Rental Deposits 1,575.00 2,248.00 (673.00) (966.00) 1,684.00 (1,225.00) -57% 3 16 Park Permit 572.00 - 572.00 4,249.50 3,775.00' 2,275.00 113% ",20, 1294 Pool Rental - - - 21,775.00 26,613.00 15,028.16 82% 4 20 Sr. Lunch - - - - - 478.00 #DIV/01 29 _ 21 Sr. Activities 915.00 87.00 828.00 15,316.80 16,084.00 15,253.00 95% 5 22 ITeens 932.00 156.00 776.00 14,692.00 17,767.12 16,740.00 83% 30 23 1jr. Teen Camps - - - 11,826.50 6,893.75 10,379.25 172% 8 24 PFRN - - - - 150.00 #DIV/0! 6 30 Pre-school 154.15 154.15 119,899.25 126,616.32 100,394.00 95% 31 31 PreSch. Class 6,664.00 6,664.00 89,973.75 98,627.25 95,647.74 91 % 32 41 Lang. Arts 733.00 - 733.00 11,966.00 8,072.00 8,917.00 148% 9 44 Adult Art 5,148.00 658.00 4,490.00 78,896.00 68,441.00 72,222.50 115% 34 45 Culinary 43.00 - 43.00 6,432.00 3,265.50 3,306.00 197% 10 46 Youth Art 4,609.00 422.00 4,187.00 60,140.03 40,700.25 23,720.50 148% 35 47 Misc. Art 109.00 - 109.00 1,273.00 42.00 407.75 3031% 12 48 Computers 377.00 - 377.00 2,696.00 1,022.00 1,775.00 264% 7 49 Enrichment 199.25 79.00 120.25 79,375.75 80,784.58 45,854.50 98% 11 50 Art in Park - - - - 750.00 630.00 0% 37 60 Special Classes 1,788.00 600.00 1,188.00 13,220.00 15,865.00 11,034.50 83% 13 61 Fitness 5,156.50 114.00 5,042.50 48,898.00 47,716.65 48,823.50' 102% 38 62 Sport Classes 1,180.00 196.00 984.00 21,456.00 16,353.02 14,083.50 131% 14 70 Youth Camps/Trips 779.00 100.00 679.00 22,472.50 16,430.60 26,163.75 137% 15 72 Contract Sprts 658.00 - 658.00 43,083.00 48,869.30 42,842.00 88% 40 80 Elem. Sports 190.00 - 190.00 26,838.00 27,977.00 27,518.50 967 16 81 BIS Sports 1,160.00 - 1,160.00 59,966.00 68,542.00 69,883.75 87% 41 82 Tennis Lessons 1,977.00 - 1,977.00 23,827.25 18,141.00 19,161.00 131% 17 1 83 Tennis Courts 195.00 - 195.00 6,676.63 6,593.75 4,424.25 0 42 84 1 Golf Classes 484.00 - 484.00 6,428.00 9,681.50 6,301.00 66% 18 85 Misc. Sports 3,754.00 - 3,754.00 11,919.00 15,307.00 15,797.00 78% 43 86 Field Lgts/Rent 5,716.00 - 5,716.00 23,309.75 18,394.50 20,449.00 127% 19 87 Softball 15,562.50 - 15,562.50 28,714.50 35,709.99 39,640,02 80% 44 88 Basketball 735.00 - 735.00 2,940.00 2,812.00 7,240.00 105% 20 89 jVolleyball 416.00 - 416.00 9,368.00 9,203.00 7,474.72 102% 21 90 Yth Aqu.Class 130.00 - 130.00 29,455.00 22,785.00 18,847.19 129% 45 91 Adlt Aqu. Class 2,007.00 185.00 1,822.00 10,329.50 7,949.00 9,334.50 130% 46 92 Lap Swim @Rec 131.00 - 131.00 1,881.00 16,155.35 2,658.00 12% 22 ` 93 Rec Swim - - - 3,337.00 20,247.90 506.00 16% 24 Yth Schlor. Fund - - 331.00 600.00 - 55% sun -totals 1 73,389.401 5,140.001 68,249.401 1,009,861.201 1,013,955.241 882,081.28I Revenues 9.Pool - 1 936.00 1 - 1 936.00 1 37,805.40 1 20,055.40 1 38,597.95 1 189% Recreation Totals $ 74,325.40 $ 5,140.00 69,185.40 $ 1,047,666.60 $ 1,034,010.64 $ 920,679.23 101% Parks Revenue - - 200.00 50.00 1,275.00 400% R23 195 Field Pre Fees _ - - Golf Cards - Dept Totals 1 $ 74,325.40 1 $ 5,140.00 1 69,185.40 1 $ 1,047,866.60 1 $ 1,034,060.64 1 $ 921,954.23 3115/20078:33 Aquatics Totals 1 1,067.00 - 1 1,067.00 1 64,798.401 83,071.651 56,790.11 1 78%