HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - PR - 2005.10.20BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 7:00pm, Thursday, October 20, 2005 Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame Roll Call Dittman, Erickson, Heathcote, Larios, Lawson, Muller, Schreurs 2. Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the September 15, 2005 regular meeting 3. Public Comments This is the opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission regarding items not otherwise on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. The Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 4. Old Business A. Update on Shared Recreation Services with Millbrae B. Commission Elections C. Community Recognition Program D. Parks & Recreation Commissioners Training — Oct. 29th 5. New Business A. Burlingame Golf Center Presentation B. No Smoking in Parks C. Speed Bumps in Bayside Park 6. Reports / Hand -Outs A. Parks & Recreation Department Reports 1. Monthly Report 2. 2004-05 fy Revenue Report 3. Teen Programs B. Commissioners 7. Adjournment Next Regular Meetings: Thursday, November 17, 2005 — 7:00 pm, City Hall NOTICE. Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7330 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.oM M RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE OFFICERS OF THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME `"1 -Adopted October 20, 2005 - I. Purpose These rules of procedure are adopted to guide the rotation of Commission officers. II. Officers. A. Offices. There will be a Chair and a Vice Chair. B. Term ofoffice. Each officer of the Commission will serve for a one-year term and hold office until the officer's successor is rotated to the office, or the Commissioner's term as commissioner ends, whichever occurs first. C. Rotations of officers. Officers will be rotated at the Commission's first regular meeting in November of each year. The rotation order is as follows: 1. Vice Chair becomes Chair. 2. Commissioner who is not an officer, who has served the longest period of time on the Parks & Recreation Commission without or since serving as Chair becomes Vice Chair. 3. If two or more Commissioners have the same length of service on the Parks & Recreation Commission, then the Vice Chair shall be chosen from among them by a random draw. 4. If a Commissioner, eligible under this subpart, declines to serve either office, an additional Commission rotation will take place. D. Vacancies. If an office becomes vacant during the year, rotations for that office shall be made as provided in subpart (C) above at the next regular meeting of the Commission following the occurrence of the vacancy. The persons rotated to new offices when such a vacancy occurs shall serve the balance of the one-year term for the offices; however, if the office that was vacant is the Chair and the term remaining is less than 6 months, the rotated officers shall serve the balance of the term plus an additional one-year term. E. Duties of the Chair. The Chair performs the following duties: 1. Presides at all meeting of the Commission. 2. Signs correspondence on behalf of the Commission. 3. Represents the Commission before the City Council. 4. Performs other duties necessary or customary to office of the Chair. F. Duties of the Vice Chair. In the event of the absence, disability, or disqualification of the Chair to act as Chair, the Vice Chair performs the duties of the chair. G. Absence of officers. If neither of the elected officers are able to perform the duties of Chair because of absence, disability, or disqualification, the remaining Commissioners shall elect one of themselves to act as temporary Chair. H. Committees and subcommittees. The Commission, or the Chair with the authorization of the Commission, may create committees or subcommittees to study or advise the Commission on matters within the jurisdiction of the Commission. These committees or subcommittees may be composed of Commissioners or members of the public, or both, so long as fewer than a quorum of the Commission serve on the committee or subcommittee. Such committees or subcommittees shall be advisory only to the Commission and shall direct all communications to only the Commission. CITY OF BURLINGAME COMMUNITY RECOGNITION POLICY Adopted by Council - October 18, 2004 I. In order to honor those who have made significant contributions to our Community, this policy of Community Recognition is established. II. For the purposes of this policy, examples of a FACILITY include City buildings and parks; examples of COMPONENTS include rooms inside of buildings, playgrounds and ballfields. FACILITIES shall be named after their geographical locations or historical names and shall not be renamed to recognize individuals, groups or donors (hereinafter "individuals"). COMPONENTS of facilities may be named to recognize individuals, as listed below. III. It is the intent of this policy to prohibit, except under extraordinary circumstances with a 5-0 vote of the City Council, the following types of recognition: A. Names of streets that have existing homes or businesses using the street name in their address; B. Naming of either FACILITIES or COMPONENTS after corporate entities. IV. Under extraordinary circumstances that would cast a negative image upon the City, any of the City recognitions may be revoked at the discretion of the City Council. V. TYPES OF AWARDS A. COMPONENTS - Unnamed COMPONENTS may be named to honor individuals for their service to the community. An example would be: Smith Field at Bayside Park. The naming of a COMPONENT for an individual will be a permanent honor. Criteria - For a City COMPONENT to be named in honor of an individual, the individual must have demonstrated or performed the following: a. Thirty (30) or more years of service to the community b. Had a positive impact on the lives of Burlingame individuals C. Been considered an appropriate role model d. Made a significant contribution to the community (examples below) (1) Created opportunities for the community through new facilities or programs (2) Made a significant impact on the continuation and/or enhancement of established community programs e. Served multiple community programs and touched many lives 2. Nomination a. Individuals need to be nominated by at least two established community organizations. b. Nomination submissions should include a list of contributions and written recommendations from community members. Supporting documentation, such as newspaper articles or minutes of City meetings, is encouraged. C. Nominations should be submitted to the City Manager's Office, where they will be held until the Selection Committee meets. The City Manager will act as the custodian of the Community Recognition Process. 3. Selection a. The City Commission whose sphere of influence is most closely associated with the facility in question will review nominations. For example, the Parks & Recreation Commission will review nominations regarding park facilities; the Library Board will review nominations regarding library rooms, etc. Commissions will consider the criteria above, including written nominations and supporting documentation, and will conduct a public hearing before making a recommendation to the City Council. b. The City Council will take Commission recommendations into account and conduct a public hearing before making a final decision. At least four (4) members of the City Council must vote affirmatively in order to approve this recognition. C. The City Manager will notify individuals who have been approved for recognition by the City Council and will arrange for a Recognition Ceremony. If the individual is deceased, that person's family will be notified. 4. Recognition Recognition will be made either at a City Council meeting or at a special ceremony at the site of the facility to be renamed. B. Walk of Fame - Recognizing that few individuals, though deserving of significant recognition for their service to the community, are likely to qualify to have a COMPONENT named in their honor, a community Walk of Fame will be established. The Walk of Fame will be a permanent honor, consisting of a marker describing the honoree's accomplishments, placed along a selected pathway. 1. Criteria - For a Walk of Fame marker to be dedicated, the individual must have demonstrated or performed the following: a. Ten (10) or more years of service to the community b. Had a positive impact on the lives of Burlingame individuals C. Been considered an appropriate role model d. Made a significant contribution to the community by (1) Creating opportunities for the community through new facilities or programs; and/or (2) Making a significant impact on the continuation and/or enhancement of established community programs 2. Nomination a. On an annual basis, nomination forms will be submitted to community organizations and placed in public facilities. b. Nominations must be endorsed and submitted by at least one (1) established community organization. C. Each community organization will be limited to one (1) nomination per year. d. Nomination submissions should include a list of contributions and written recommendations from community members. Supporting documentation, such as newspaper articles or minutes of City meetings, is encouraged. e. Nominations should be submitted to the City Manager's Office, where they will be held until the Selection Committee meets. The City Manager will act as the custodian of the Community Recognition Process. 3. Selection a. The Selection Committee will be formed each year, consisting of two (2) representatives from each City Commission. The representatives will be selected by each Commission's Chairperson. b. The Selection Committee will consider the criteria above, including written nominations and supporting documentation, and will conduct a public hearing before making a recommendation to the City Council. C. The City Council will take the Selection Committee's recommendations into account and will conduct a public hearing before making a final decision. Three (3) affirmative votes of the City Council are necessary for nominees to be recognized on the Walk of Fame. `- d. The Selection Committee will limit the number of inductees to the Walk of Fame to no more than four (4) in any one year. e. The City Manager will notify individuals who have been approved for recognition by the City Council and will arrange for a Recognition Ceremony. If the individual is deceased, that person's family will be notified. 4. Annual Timeline a. May — Applications are solicited from recognized community organizations b. August — Nomination deadline C. September — Selection Committee makes recommendations and Council votes on them d. October — Recognition Ceremony 5. Recognition Ceremony The City Manager's office will arrange for a Recognition Ceremony to honor those added to the Walk of Fame. C. One -Time Donations - The City of Burlingame may occasionally wish to acknowledge one-time donations of property or funds. 1. Criteria a. Special consideration may be given to those who greatly assist capital projects by making a significant donation of: (1) Land or a facility to be used by the City; or (2) Funds that enable the City to purchase/develop land or a facility. b. Consideration may range from placing a plaque of recognition to the naming of a component of a facility. 2. Nomination A written request for recognition of a one-time contribution may be made by the donor or by the City Department Head directly in charge of the capital project. Requests will be forwarded directly to the City Manager's office. 3. Ap roval a. The City Commission whose sphere of influence is most closely associated with the facility in question and the City Council must agree to accept any gift where recognition is a condition of donation. b. Public hearings need to be held by both the City Commission and the City Council prior to approval by either body. At least four (4) members of the City Council must vote affirmatively in order to approve this recognition. C. Other than the above recognition, donors will not be offered, nor will they receive any privileges or consideration by the City other than those offered `-- to all community members. d. In determining whether to accept the contribution, the City Commission and City Council must consider any ongoing maintenance costs that may be incurred by the City. 4. Timeline a. After a written proposal is received by the City, final approval by the City Council shall not be made for at least three (3) months. During that period, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing and will make recommendations to Council. Another public hearing before the City Council will be held at the end of the three-month period. b. If recognition is a condition of the donation, approvals must be made prior to final acceptance of the donation. 5. Recognition Recognition will be given during the dedication ceremonies of the facility or project. 4 PARKS/REC-Butler, Joleen From: PARKS/REC-Schwartz, Randy Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 5:25 PM To: PARKS/REC-Butler, Joleen Subject: FW: Vice -Chair Joleen, Karen has agreed to be the Vice -Chair of the Commission. This means the rotation will be as follows: Kirk: Chair Karen: Vice -Chair Carol Cynthia Laura Michael Ed Please put a note on your calendar for the second Thursday in October to place "Rotation of Commission Chair" on the agenda. We can start in 2006 & make this an annual recurrence. In the note section of the item, we can put the current order of rotation. Randy I City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 IDphone: (650) 558-7300 - fax: (650) 696-7216 recreation@burlingaine.org Date: October 15, 2005 To: Parks & Recreation Commissioners City Council From: Randy Schwartz Re: Monthly Report Parks Division 1. Planting 102 trees 2. Recreation Division l . YAC dance had approximately 340 attendees and netted $1,600 profit 2. BIS Flag Football & Volleyball are underway; Basketball to begin in November 3. YAC trips will be held soon to Laser Quest, Haunted House & Movies 4. Completed Adult Softball season; will begin 40 & over league for October/November 5. 4m & 5`' grade flag football will be completed by the end of October 6. Preschool class will be taking field trip to Lunardi's Shared Services 1. 4 h & 5 h grade volleyball is successfully undergoing first season with Hillsborough teams 2. Pre -kindergarten program with Burlingame School District &Community Gatepath was cancelled 3. Upcoming Events 1. Flu shots — Nov 4t' 2. Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony — December 2"d L BURLINGAME PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Collection Report September 2006 Recreation Division 2005.06 2004-05 2003-04 Key Acc Program Gross Refunds Current Net COLL. YTD COLL. YTD COLL. YTD 25 01 Misc. Admin. 168.85 168.85 Notes 1,629.69 1,924.12 1,290.21 1 10 Advertising - _ $22.00 305.50 26 12 Tix1Bks/ArtSls 2,671.50 35.00 2,636.50 33,030,65 27,881.40 21,270.00 2 13 Bldg.Rental 9,366.50 - 9,366.50 17.212.50 11 187.00 12 274.00 27 Rental Deposits 2,600.00 - 2,600.00 61200.00 _ 1,025.00 1,012.50 3 16 Park Permit 325.00 - 325.00 2,026.00 1,575.00 1,900.00 28 1294 Pool Rental 310.00 - 310.00 9,633.00 ` 4,334.00 3,311.25 4 20 Sr. Lunch 29 21 Sr. Activities 3,979.00 3,979.00 9,052.00 7,988.00 6,105.00 5 22 Teens 1,852.00 - 1,852.00 6.316.50 6.330.00 3,008.00 30 23 Jr. Teen Camps 287.00 - 287.00 7116.75` 4,782.25 5,154.75 60.00 6 30 Pre-school 2,026.00 1,265.00 761.00 48,365.00 33,57$.00 34.621.00 31 31 Pre-Sch. Class 20,406.25 734.00 19,672.25 39.967.00 31,097.70 20,437 77 32 41 Lang. Arts 2,817.00 894.00 1,923.00 415.00- 1,192.50 4,911.00 9 JiT Adult Art 15,733.00 383.00 15,350.00 31,466.00 32 267.50 31,101.10 34 45 culinary 1,072.00 - 1,072.00 2,359.50 1,649.00 3,301.00 10 46 Youth Art 3,608.00 353.00 3,255.00 8,695.75. 12,079.50 7.000.76 35 47 Misc. Art 42.00 - 42.00 42.00 25.0-0 253.00 12 48 -W Computers 116.00 - 116.00 104.00 1,347.00 482.00 Enrichment 27,804.00 73.00 27,731.00 29,573.75 19,174.50 13 634.20 r7 11 50 Art in Park - - _ 20.E 466. 00 100.00 37 60 Special Classes 6,190.00 505.00 5,685.00 8,406.00 4,890.00 5,881.00 13 61 Fitness 12,826.00 175,00 12,651.00 20154.00 24,725.00 289787.86 38 62 SortClasses 5,069.00 - 5,069.00 7,153.00 6,260.50 8,749.00 14 70 Youth Cam rips 1,017.00 - 1,017.00 12,428.10 20,593.25 29.619.00 15 72 Contract S rts 5,405.25 248.00 5,157.25 47 066.20 38,380.00 24,952.00 40 80 Elem. Sports 9,765.00 70.00 9,695.00 17.621.00 20153,50 18,132.50 16 81 BIS S orts 24,815.00 - 24,815.00 44,072.00 38,154.00 23,839.50 41 82 Tennis Lessons 2,203.00 234.00 1,969.00 16,223.00 13 332.00 15,508.00 17 83 Tennis Courts 260.00 - 260.00 5,580.00 3,388.00 3,707.00 42 84 Golf Classes 1,633.00 - 1,633.00 5,819.00 3,539.00 4,285.00 18 85 Misc. Sports 976.00 - 976.00 5,562.00` 6,761.00 6.336.00 43 86 Field Lgts/Rent 4,932.00 - 4,932.00 13,009.50 11,830.00 4,802.00 19 87 Softball 2,505.00 - 2,505.00 7,569.64 18,036.35 14,022.50 44 88 Basketball 1,110.00 - 1,110.00 11850.00 2,190.00 4,635.00 20 89 Volle ball 713.00 - 713.00 3,394.00 588.00 1,289.00 21 90 YthAqu.Class 1,920.00 - 1,920.00 19,812.00` 12,792.19 3,578.25 45 91 Adlt A u. Class 2,356.00 210.00 2,146.00 5,473.00 5,910.50 3,768.00 46 92 Lap SwimMac 2,106.00 - 2,106.00 4234.50 1,573.00 1,410.00 22 24 93 Rec Swim 431.50 431.50 3 363.65 14,471.40 18 848.00 Yth Schlor. Fund 145.00 145.00 258.00 295.00 Lap Swim �Pooi 1,951.00 1,951.00 9,330.55 11,607.50 8,079.50 Totals $ 183,512.85 183,512.85 $ 509,105.23 $ 457,620.16 $ 404,881.64 Less Refunds $ 5,179.00 $ 5,179.00 Net $ 183,512.85 178,333.96 $' 609,105.23' $ 457,620.16 $ 404,881.64 47 Parks Revenue $ - $ - - $ $25.00 $ 700.00 - 48 Field Prep Fees $ - $ _ _ $ 470.E 3 95 Golf Cards Totals $ 183,512.85 $ 5,179.00 178,333.85 $ 509,105.23 $ 458,245.16 1 $ 406,051.64 �u