HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2014.02.18 CITY O BURUNGAME c' 9 NniEJ uE b. BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of February 18,2014 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Brownrigg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Lisa Happich. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Brownrigg, Deal, Keighran,Nagel, Ortiz MEMBERS ABSENT: None 4. REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION CA Kane advised that Council met in a special Closed Session on Friday, February 14, 2014 and directed staff. There was no reportable action. 5. UPCOMING EVENTS Mayor Brownrigg reviewed the upcoming events taking place in the City. 6. PRESENTATION There were no presentations. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Burlingame resident Robert Bachrach spoke about the Post Office site. There were no further comments from the floor. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Brownrigg asked if any members of the public wished to remove any items from the Consent Calendar, and there were no requests. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Vice Mayor Nagel. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 1 Burlingame City Council February 18,2014 Approved Minutes 3 a. APPROVE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 3,2014 CC Kearney requested Council approve the City Council meeting minutes of February 3, 2014. --\ b. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SCHAFF AND WHEELER,INC. TO PERFORM A PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DESIGN OF THE ROLLINS ROAD AREA STORM WATER PUMP STATION AND U. S. HIGHWAY 101 CULVERT CROSSING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No. 9-2014 authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with Schaff and Wheeler to perform a preliminary engineering design of the Rollins Road Area Storm Water Pump Station, and U. S. Highway 101 Culvert Crossing Improvement Project. C. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDED JOINT EXERCISE OF POWER AGREEMENT FOR THE SAN MATEO OPERATIONAL EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION FC Ladas requested Council adopt Resolution No. 10-2014 approving the first amended Joint Exercise of Power Agreement for the San Mateo Operational Emergency Services Organization. d. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 3,2014 TO CONSIDER AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S JANUARY 27,2014 APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DETACHED GARAGE WITHIN THE FRONT SETBACK AREA AT .� 1809 ASHTON AVENUE CDD Meeker requested Council schedule a public hearing on March 3, 2014 to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's approval for a detached garage within the front setback area at 1809 Ashton Avenue. e. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 3,2014 TO CONSIDER REVIEW OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S FEBRUARY 11,2014 DESIGN REVIEW AND SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE AT 2308 HILLSIDE DRIVE CDD Meeker requested Council schedule a public hearing on March 3, 2014 to consider review of the Planning Commission's approval for a construction of a new single-family residence at 2308 Hillside Drive. f. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR THE SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES PLANNING GRANT AND INCENTIVES PROGRAM TO UPDATE THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN CDD Meeker requested Council adopt Resolution No. 11-2014 authorizing submission of an application for grant funds for the Sustainable Communities Planning Grant and Incentives Program to update the City's General Plan. 2 Burlingame City Council February 18,2014 Approved Minutes 9. PUBLIC HEARING a. PUBLIC HEARING TO INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 25.68 OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE TO EXPAND THE DEFINITION OF "HOME OCCUPATION" TO INCLUDE COTTAGE FOOD OPERATIONS CA Kane advised that due to an incomplete staff report,this item was postponed until the March 3, 2014 Council meeting. 10. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. APPROVAL OF THE ADOPT-A-TREE PROGRAM P&RD Glomstad spoke and advised that the Burlingame Parks Division plants over 300 trees each year and these trees need to be watered, for at least the first two years, in order to get established. She said the majority of these trees are cared for by the residents who live at the address where the trees are planted. P&RD Glomstad further advised that the Adopt-A-Tree program proposes to incorporate help from individuals,businesses, schools, community groups and organizations to water newly planted trees once a week for a two-year period in non-residential or industrial areas. P&RD Glomstad introduced Kathy Meriwether of the Citizens Environmental Council and she advised that her organization will be the point of contact for groups, organizations or businesses that would like to be recognized for their support of the Adopt-A-Tree Program. There was brief Council discussion concerning number of trees involved,public outreach, commitment and recognition of volunteers. Mayor Brownrigg opened the item for public comment, and there were no comments. Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to approve the Adopt-A-Tree program; seconded by Councilman Ortiz. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. STATUS UPDATE ON SUNRISE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY LOCATED AT 1818 TROUSDALE DRIVE CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and advised that the project was approved by the Planning Commission on July 10, 2006 and a building permit was issued with an initial expiration date of May 28, 2010. He said prior to the conclusion of the permit, Sunrise requested an extension of the permit, noting that the funding was lost and additional time was needed to secure funding to complete the project. CDD Meeker further advised that the City did grant a final one-year extension of the permit for the project based upon commitments from the new owners. CDD Meeker introduced Jerry Leung, Vice President of Corporate Finance for Sunrise who provided an update on the progress since the community meeting they conducted in Burlingame in August 2013. Mr. Leung advised that at the end of December 2013 Sunrise reached an agreement with a lender and was targeting April 2014 to begin construction,with completion expected at the end of 2015. He also provided some renderings of the proposed project and addressed the Councilmembers questions and concerns. Council requested that they plant mature trees and possibly provide some of the landscaping during construction so as to provide some cover of the construction. 3 Burlingame City Council February 18,2014 Approved Minutes Council strongly expressed their displeasure with the excuses for the lack of movement on this project, and how long it has been an eyesore in the community. They said their patience has run out and they hope this time Sunrise will come through. Mayor Brownrigg said that he appreciated the Sunrise representatives being at the meeting since it showed some seriousness by the company. He assured them that if they can't follow the timeline and get going on the project, the City would find someone who can. 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no requests for future agenda items. 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Beautification, December 5, 2013 b. Department Reports: Building, January 2014 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Brownrigg adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, A/ Mary Ellen Kearney City Clerk 4 Burlingame City Council February 18,2014 Approved Minutes