HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2014.03.17 CITY G BURLINGAME m RIRLG DYNE 6 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of March 17, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Brownrigg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Kerbey Altmann. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Brownrigg, Deal, Keighran, Nagel, Ortiz MEMBERS ABSENT: None �.. 4. REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION There was no closed session. Mayor Brownrigg advised that the Council had a study session prior to the meeting to discuss Code Enforcement. 5. UPCOMING EVENTS Mayor Brownrigg reviewed the upcoming events taking place in the City. 6. PRESENTATIONS a. PRESENTATION OF A PROCLAMATION TO THE AMERICAN RED CROSS RECOGNIZING MARCH AS RED CROSS MONTH Mayor Brownrigg presented Rachel Ungaretti of the American Red Cross Bay Area Chapter with a proclamation declaring March as Red Cross Month and honoring the Red Cross mission to prevent and relieve human suffering. Ms. Ungaretti thanked the Mayor, provided some statistics on assistance provided by the Red Cross, and advised of the upcoming Heroes Breakfast on May 29, 2014 at Poplar Creek. b. PRESENTATION BY CALTRAIN ON THE ELECTRIFICATION DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) Marion Lee of Caltrain addressed the Council and thanked them for the opportunity to present the report. Ms. Lee advised that the Electrification Draft Environmental Impact Report was a part of the Caltrain 1 Burlingame City Council March 17, 2014 Approved Minutes Modernization Program and the change from a diesel system to electrification. She said Caltrain's commitment to an electrified system is targeted for 2019. Ms. Lee introduced Project Manager Rich Walters, a consultant with ICF who gave the presentation with a very thorough overview that covered the project history, CEQA requirements, project purpose and need, project description, visual simulation, right of way needs, electric safety zone needs,key regional benefits, stakeholder key concerns, trees/vegetation, overhead contact system, noise, local traffic, Caltrain station access/egress, freight rail, and high speed rail blended system. Mr. Walters advised that the EIR would be finalized in the fall of 2014. Mr. Walters concluded his presentation and reviewed the upcoming public draft EIR meetings. Mayor Brownrigg opened the item for public comments, and Burlingame residents Pat Giorni,Jennifer Pfaff and Kerbey Altmann spoke. Councilmembers had questions and expressed concerns over tree impacts along the corridor and Mayor Brownrigg suggested looking into the Eucalyptus trees debris damaging the wires in other countries, such as Australia, to know if Eucalyptus trees can be next to an electric system without too much maintenance. Ms. Lee wrapped up and said that,while the electrification of Caltrain will be built to support high speed rail, it is a stand-alone system. She also referenced the issue of the tree impact analysis and said it is a reasonable worst case scenario and Caltrain does not want to remove trees. Ms. Lee also emphasized that Caltrain will coordinate with staff for each of the technical questions that were asked and will follow-up and provide the information. She said that the Caltrain staff in attendance were taking notes and the comments made at tonight's meeting would definitely be considered in the final report. DPW Murtuza advised the Council that City staff would be presenting a staff report on the draft EIR at the April 7, 2014 Council meeting. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Burlingame resident Pat Giorni spoke about the City's Housing Element Community Workshop on March 18, 2014. There were no further comments from the floor. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Brownrigg asked if any members of the public wished to remove any items from the Consent Calendar, and Burlingame resident Pat Giorni asked for removal of item 8d. Councilwoman Keighran asked for removal of item 8c and Mayor Brownrigg removed item 8a. Mayor Brownrigg commented on item 8g and requested that the Public Works Department post the names of the streets that are scheduled for resurfacing on the website. Mayor Brownrigg also commented that two items on the consent calendar involved approval of significant grants to the City and thanked staff for their efforts in obtaining these grants. Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to approve items 8b, e, f, g, h, i,j, and k of the Consent Calendar; -� seconded by Councilman Deal. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 2 Burlingame City Council March 17,2014 Approved Minutes Mayor Brownrigg noted for the record that going forward voice votes that are unanimous include all five Councilmembers voting yes and if there is a no vote, it would be recorded who voted affirmatively and who voted against. Mayor Brownrigg advised that this is an effort by Sacramento to make city decision making more transparent. a. APPROVE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 2014 AND THE BUDGET STUDY SESSION MEETING OF MARCH 5,2014 CC Kearney requested Council approve the City Council meeting minutes of March 3, 2014 and the Budget Study Session meeting minutes of March 5, 2014. Vice Mayor Nagel made corrections to items 9a and 9b of the March 3, 2014 meeting minutes. Mayor Brownrigg made corrections to items 9a, 9b, 10a and lob of the March 3, 2014 meeting minutes. Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to approve the amended minutes of March 3, 2014 and to approve the minutes of March 5, 2014; seconded by Councilman Deal. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 25.68 OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE TO EXPAND THE DEFINITION OF "HOME OCCUPATION" TO INCLUDE COTTAGE FOOD OPERATIONS CA Kane requested Council adopt Ordinance No. 1897 amending Chapter 25.68 of the Municipal Code to expand the definition of"home occupation"to include cottage food operations. C. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A NEW JOB CLASSIFICATION OF PARK AND FIELD MONITOR P&RD Glomstad requested Council adopt a Resolution approving the new job classification of Park and Field Monitor. Councilwoman Keighran asked for clarification of the 20 hours a week and how those hours would be determined. P&RD Glomstad said the hours would be determined by what activities are taking place on the fields since that varies during the year. She said the hours would probably be 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays and maybe one day on the weekend. Mayor Brownrigg commented that he understood the importance of monitoring field use after hours, especially to prevent abuse and to ensure that those who rented the fields were able to use them. He asked staff to ensure, however, that such monitors not become over-zealous in their enforcement, and that allowing casual groups or families to use the fields was part of being in our community. P&RD Glomstad agreed and said the goal is that the Field Monitor educate people. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 15-2014 approving a new job classification of Park and Field Monitor; seconded by Councilman Ortiz. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 3 Burlingame City Council March 17,2014 Approved Minutes d. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES FOR APPEAL HEARINGS BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL CA Kane requested Council adopt a Resolution setting forth procedures for appeal hearings before the City Council. Burlingame resident Pat Giorni spoke and suggested some edits to the proposed Resolution included in the staff report for this item. Vice Mayor Nagel suggested that the appeal applicants and appellants be given information on how the process works and the rules of the Brown Act. Mayor Brownrigg said he appreciated the public's input, but the guidelines would remain as written. The Mayor then asked about guidelines when a Councilmember calls up an item, and CA Kane advised that would be a future follow-on item. Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 16-2014 setting forth procedures for appeal hearings before the City Council; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. e. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 7,2014 TO CONSIDER AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S FEBRUARY 24,2014 APPROVAL OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARAATION, CONDOMINIUM PERMIT,DESIGN REVIEW, PARKING VARIANCE AND TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR A TEN UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT AT 1433 FLORIBUNDA AVENUE CDD Meeker requested Council schedule a public hearing on April 7, 2014 to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's approval for a ten unit residential condominium development at 1433 Floribunda Avenue. f. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 7,2014 TO CONSIDER REVIEW OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S FEBRUARY 24,2014 DENIAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR VEHICLE STORAGE AT 960 DAVID ROAD CDD Meeker requested Council schedule a public hearing on April 7, 2014 to consider review of the Planning Commission's denial of a conditional use permit for vehicle storage at 960 David Road. g. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE 2013 STREET RESURFACING PROJECT BY O'GRADY PAVING,INC. DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No. 17-2014 accepting the 2013 street resurfacing project by O'Grady Paving, Inc. h. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BURLINGAME PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BY BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No. 18-2014 accepting the Burlingame pedestrian lighting improvement project by Bear Electrical Solutions. 4 Burlingame City Council March 17,2014 Approved Minutes i. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PACIFIC LIBRARY PARTNERSHIP GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF$9,438 TO FUND THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY'S SCAN IT DIGITAL FILM AND PHOTO CONVERSION PROJECT CL Harding requested Council adopt Resolution No. 19-2014 accepting the Pacific Library Partnership grant in the amount of$9,438 to fund the Burlingame Public Library's Scan It Digital Film and Photo Conversion Project. j. AUTHORIZE THE BURLINGAME CITIZENS ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL (CEQ TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF BURLINGAME IN THE "COOL CALIFORNIA CITY CHALLENGE" CDD Meeker requested Council authorize the Burlingame CEC to represent the City in the "Cool California City Challenge". k. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR SB 1345, STATE OVERSIGHT OF SAN FRANCISCO'S WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CM Goldman requested Council adopt Resolution No. 20-2014 supporting Senate Bill 1345, State Oversight of San Francisco's Water System Improvement Program. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearings. 10. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. ADOPTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S REVISED GOALS AND FY 2014-2015 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN CM Goldman reviewed the staff report and requested Council adopt the following revised goals and FY 2014-2015 Implementation Action Plan. Councilmembers thanked CM Goldman and commented on how much they appreciate the new way of conducting the Goal Setting Session. • Ensure that Burlingame is an attractive and safe residential community that honors its history and community character • Sustain long-term financial strength with increased and diverse revenue sources, greater expenditure controls, and strong reserves • Enhance and promote Burlingame's downtown and commercial sectors • Maintain and enhance Burlingame's high quality services that meet the needs of the community • Strive to promote more environmentally sustainable policies and outcomes 5 Burlingame City Council March 17,2014 Approved Minutes Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to adopt the City Council's Revised Goals and the FY 2014-2015 Implementation Plan; seconded by Vice Mayor Nagel. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO TO SHARE CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR A NEW ANIMAL SHELTER CM Goldman reviewed the staff report and advised that the San Mateo County Department of Public Works conducted inspections of the Airport Boulevard Animal Shelter in 2009 and 2011. She advised that due to the comprehensive repairs that would be related to bring the facility up to current animal control facility standards, the County determined that the building was functionally obsolete, and that substantial renovation of the existing facility is not a viable option. CM Goldman said the County is willing to manage the construction and advance the funding for construction of a new shelter at the Airport Boulevard site if each City enters into a cost participation agreement to pay a portion of the costs through a 30-year interest free lease of the shelter. CM Goldman advised that based on the City's current use of shelter services and current population, approval of this agreement will result in an annual estimated cost of$17,713 to $23,696, depending upon the final cost of construction. Vice Mayor Nagel asked what would happen if not all cities chose to participate, and CM Goldman asked Dean Peterson the San Mateo County Environmental Health Director to answer on behalf of the County. Mr. Peterson said if not all cities participate, the lease would be extended to 33 years. He also said there are currently eight cities who have agreed to participate and it is highly unlikely that any cities will opt out. Mr. Peterson reminded the Council that if the County owns and runs the shelter, they have more control. Mayor Brownrigg opened the item for comment and Burlingame resident Pat Giorni spoke. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 21-2014 authorizing the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the County of San Mateo to share construction costs for a new Animal Shelter; seconded by Councilman Deal. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. C. UPDATE THE LIBRARY MILLENIUM PROJECT AND REQUEST TO TAKE PROJECT TO BID CL Harding reviewed the staff report and gave an overview of the Library Millennium project to renovate parts of the interior of the Library for the modern age while still maintaining the building's historic integrity. She reviewed the numerous features of the project and advised that the new project will automate many of the services now offered. CL Harding advised that the Millennium Project is a$3.5 million undertaking and the City Council appropriated $385,000 in the FY 2012/13 adopted budget for the project; in 2013/14 Council appropriated an additional $1.2 million and the FY 2014/15 budget request is for $850,000. CL Harding said the Library Foundation and the Trustees are working hard to raise the additional $1 million, as directed by the Council. Ms. Harding said that as of February 2014,the Capital Campaign has raised $412,000 and there is a great deal of momentum for the project. 6 Burlingame City Council March 17,2014 Approved Minutes Council discussion followed and Councilman Ortiz asked if the Capital Campaign has asked the Town of Hillsborough for a donation and CL Harding said Hillsborough provided a resolution in support of the project. Mayor Brownrigg opened the item for public comment and Capital Campaign Manager Patty Annixter spoke and said the committee is fully committed to raising the $1 million. Library Trustee Betsy Corcoran spoke and echoed Ms. Annixter's commitment to the fund raising. Councilwoman Keighran asked if the Hillsborough parents are aware of the proposed improvements to the Library and Patty Annixter advised that there have been contributions from Hillsborough residents. Burlingame resident Pat Giomi spoke in support of the project. Mayor Brownrigg asked CL Harding if there is an element of the project that could be eliminated if the money is not raised. CL Harding said the furnishings would be the only place that could possibly be eliminated. Councilman Deal spoke about fund raising and gave kudos to the Foundation for their successful efforts in raising$412,000 thus far. Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to approve the request; seconded by Councilman Deal. Councilwoman Keighran commented and requested that some elements of the project be set aside for a later date since we have so many needs in the City that have not been done in years due to lack of funds. Vice Mayor Nagel said she does not agree with not completing the construction. Councilwoman Keighran said she was not referring to the construction, but rather some of the smaller needs associated with the project. Councilman Ortiz commented that he would feel more comfortable if there was a larger portion of the money raised before committing, especially since there are so many other needs that the City has put aside. He said he would not support the motion. Mayor Brownrigg spoke and said he would support the motion, but with a certain apprehension, and urged the Library to look at some items that could be postponed should they fall short of raising the funds. Mayor Brownrigg asked for a roll call vote, and the motion carried 4-1 (Councilman Ortiz voted no). d. APPOINT TWO CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO A SUBCOMMITTEE CONSISTING OF CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVES CHARGED WITH REVIEWING THE CITY'S NEIGHBORHOOD DESIGN GUIDEBOOK Mayor Brownrigg appointed himself and Councilwoman Keighran as the two representatives to the Ad Hoc Subcommittee. Mayor Brownrigg said there were a few items that the committee is being asked to consider: • Modern architecture, what is modern architecture, and is it appropriate in Burlingame. If so, where is it appropriate and what sort of design guidelines should be more specific on this question since it was clear there was enough ambiguity to create some tension. • As suggested by one of the Planning Commissioners at the joint meeting, review the incentive program for detached two car garages in the back. 7 Burlingame City Council March 17,2014 Approved Minutes • Address a very sensible suggestion by Councilman Deal,that the list of unwritten principles of design in Burlingame be memorialized and transparent, and review Councilman Deal's list for appropriateness and, if need be, add to it so these informal guidelines become formal guidelines. Vice Mayor Nagel suggested that the Planning Commissioners be asked if they had any suggestions. CA Kane advised that the Planning Commission is having a study session at their next meeting to review their concerns. Councilwoman Keighran would like the City Council to also consider a study session to make sure that they are addressing all the points. Mayor Brownrigg agreed and said an hour or a half hour study session before a Council meeting would be beneficial. 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no requests for future agenda items. 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Beautification, February 6, 2014 b. Department Reports: Building, February 2014; Finance, January & February 2014 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Brownrigg adjourned the meeting at 10:22 p.m. in memory of former City Treasurer Joe Harvey and Greg Behounek, brother-in-law of Community Development Director Bill Meeker. Respectfully submitted, /5 Mary Ellen Kearney City Clerk 8 Burlingame City Council March 17,2014 Approved Minutes