HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2014.08.18 -r* CITY 0 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of August 18,2014 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Brownrigg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Emily Beach. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Brownrigg, Deal, Keighran,Nagel, Ortiz MEMBERS ABSENT: None 4. REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION There was no closed session. 5. UPCOMING EVENTS Mayor Brownrigg reviewed the upcoming events taking place in the City. 6. PRESENTATIONS There were no presentations. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Peter Wickman spoke about the upcoming International Soccer Tournament August 22 -24, 2014 at Murray Field in Burlingame. Burlingame resident Emily Beach spoke about the upcoming Spirit Run on Monday, September 1,2014 to benefit the Burlingame School District. There were no further comments from the floor. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Brownrigg asked if any members of the public wished to remove any items from the consent calendar, and there were no requests. Councilmember Keighran made a motion to adopt items 8a, b,c, d, e, g, h, i,j; seconded by Councilmember Ortiz. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 1 Burlingame City Council August 18,2014 Approved Minutes Mayor Brownrigg noted for the record that since there were only two applicants for the two Library Board of Trustees vacancies,the item was included on the consent calendar. Mayor Brownrigg removed item 8f and Vice Mayor Nagel removed items 8k and 81. a. APPROVE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 7, 2014 CC Kearney requested Council approve the City Council meeting minutes of July 7, 2014. b. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE CITYWIDE NEIGHBORHOOD STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 6 BY D & D PIPELINES,INC. DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No. 65-2014 awarding a construction contract to D&D Pipelines, Inc. for storm drainage improvements project. C. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA)RELATED TO AMENDMENTS TO THE BURLINGAME DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AND CHANGES TO THE ZONING MAP; A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CHAPTER 3—LAND USE OF THE BURLINGAME DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AND AN ORDINANCE REZONING PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 305-371 AND 401-411 PRIMROSE ROAD AND 1401-1403 CHAPIN AVENUE CDD Meeker requested Council adopt Resolution No. 66-2014 making findings required by CEQA related to the downtown specific plan and adopt Resolution No. 67-2014 amending Chapter 3—land use of the downtown specific plan. CDD Meeker also requested Council adopt Ordinance No. 1900 rezoning properties located at 305-371 and 401-411 Primrose Road and 1401-1403 Chapin Avenue. d. ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8.18 OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE TO EXPAND AREAS WHERE SMOKING IS PROHIBITED CA Kane requested Council adopt Ordinance No. 1991. e. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2013-2014 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BURLINGAME AVENUE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (DBID) AND DECLARINGTHE CITY'S INTENT TO ESTABLISH AND LEVY ASSESSMENTS WITHIN THE DISTRICT FOR 2014-2015 FISCAL YEAR; AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 15,2014 FinDir Augustine requested Council adopt Resolution No. 68-2014 approving the 2014-2015 Burlingame Avenue Business Improvement District annual report and declaring its intention to levy 2014-2015 assessments for the Burlingame Avenue Business Improvement District. E ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP FOR A LOT SPLIT OF PARCEL 23-C KENMORE TERRACE SUBDIVISION AT 2202 SUMMIT DRIVE DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No.69-2014. 2 Burlingame City Council August 18,2014 Approved Minutes Mayor Brownrigg commented that this item was simply a ministerial decision for the Council and no developmental approvals are part of this mapping action. Mayor Brownrigg opened item 8f for public comment, and there were no comments.Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to adopt item 8f; seconded by Councilmember Deal. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. g. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PARCEL AND COMBINATION MAP FOR LOT COMBINATION AND RE-SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 2 AND 2A,BLOCK 20,TOWN OF BURLINGAME SUBDIVISION AT 904 BAYSWATER AVENUE DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No. 70-2014. h. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE REVISED AGREEMENT WITH THE BURLINGAME AQUATIC CLUB,INC. TO PROVIDE AQUATICS PROGRAMMING AT THE BURLINGAME HIGH SCHOOL POOL ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME P&RD Glomstad requested Council adopt Resolution No.71 -2014. i. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RECLASSIFICATION OF ASSOCIATE PLANNER POSITION TO A SENIOR PLANNER POSITION HRD Loomis requested Council adopt Resolution No. 72-2014. j. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SIDE LETTER AGREEMENTS WITH AFSCME LOCALS 2190 AND 829,BAMM,AND DEPARTMENT HEADS,AND UNREPRESENTED CLASSIFICATIONS 1-[RD Loomis requested Council adopt Resolution No. 73-2014. k. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff requested Council appoint Kerbey Altmann and Mike Nagler to fill the two vacancies on the Library Board of Trustees. Vice Mayor Nagel commented that she was unable to attend the interviews, but listened to the recording. Councilmember Keighran also commented that she was unable to attend the interviews,but listened to the recording. Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to adopt item 8k; seconded by Mayor Brownrigg. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0 1. ISSUE A CALL FOR APPLICATIONS TO FILL TWO VACANCIES ON THE STORM DRAIN MEASURE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Vice Mayor Nagel commented that applications for the Storm Drain Measure Oversight Committee are due September 30,2014. Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to adopt item 81; seconded by Councilmember Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 3 Burlingame City Council August 18,2014 Approved Minutes 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. REVIEW AND COMMENT ON DRAFT 2015-2023 HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE AND AUTHORIZE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO SUBMIT THE DOCUMENT TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUITY DEVELOPMENT FOR REVIEW AND CERTIFICATION CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and introduced David Javid from Metropolitan Planning Group who gave a presentation on the draft Housing Element containing the following five major components: • Review of Past Element Performance • Housing Needs Assessment • Evaluation of Constraints to Housing • Identification of Residential Sites • Program Strategy to Address Needs Council discussion and questions followed and Geoff Bradley of the Metropolitan Planning Group and Community Development Department Senior Planner Kevin Gardiner also provided clarification on some of the elements of the housing requirements. Mr. Gardiner reviewed the possible affordable housing opportunity sites throughout the City of Burlingame. Mayor Brownrigg opened the public hearing and the following individuals spoke about the need for affordable housing in Burlingame: Cynthia Cornell, Cynthia Wukotich,Katarina Uhrinova, Kerry Mundt, Sonia Jhao,Paul, John Villasenon, and Maria. Tracy Choi of the San Mateo Housing Authority, Carol Eldridge, Tony Samara, Rhovy Antonio Mark Haberecht, Ann Wallach and Jennifer Pfaff also spoke on the item. There were no further comments from the floor,and the hearing was closed. Council discussion and suggestions followed and Council asked staff to make the revisions and bring the item back for approval at the September 2,2014 City Council meeting. Mayor Brownrigg thanked the Metropolitan Planning Group and City staff for all their efforts in preparing and presenting the report. b. PUBLIC HEARING TO INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13.24 OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE TO UPDATE SPEED LIMITS ON THE BURLINGAME ROADWAY SYSTEM DPW Murtuza reviewed the staff report and advised that the City recently completed the engineering and traffic survey for 2014 and this ordinance updates the speed limits on the City of Burlingame roadways. Mayor Brownrigg requested CC Kearney read the title of the proposed Ordinance to amend Chapter 13.24 of the Burlingame Municipal Code. Councilmember Keighran made a motion to waive further reading and introduce the Ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor Nagel. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Brownrigg directed the City Clerk to publish a summary of the proposed Ordinance within five days of the public hearing. Mayor Brownrigg opened the public hearing and Burlingame resident Jennifer Pfaff spoke. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. 4 Burlingame City Council August 18,2014 Approved Minutes 10. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. APPROVAL OF INVESTMENT POLICY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 FinDir Augustine presented the staff report and introduced Carlos Oblites,Director of PFM Asset Management who reviewed the City of Burlingame's revised investment policy. Mayor Brownrigg opened the item for public comment, and there were no comments from the floor. Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to approve the City of Burlingame's revised investment policy; seconded by Councilmember Deal. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. PRESENTATION OF THE RESULTS OF THE CITY'S PUBLIC OUTREACH EFFORTS REGARDING UNFUNDED INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS AND DISCUSSION OF NEXT STEPS FOR PRIORTIZING THE PROJECTS FOR FUTURE ANALYSIS AND FUNDING CM Goldman reviewed the staff report and advised that in early April of this year, staff began the public outreach process around the 11 projects included in the final list of unfunded infrastructure needs. CM Goldman said that she and the other members of the public outreach team,the Finance Director,the Public Works Director, and a staff member from the Parks and Recreation Department met with the 14 community groups in town that responded to their request to schedule a presentation. CM Goldman advised that at the end of each community group presentation,attendees were asked to complete a questionnaire ranking the 11 projects. She further advised that the City conducted an online survey to take the pulse of the community as to the general support for the various projects, and the downtown parking garage received the most votes,followed by the Bayview Park. Mayor Brownrigg speaking on behalf of the entire City Council thanked the team for their efforts and reaching out as broadly as they did to the various community groups. Council discussion followed concerning the projects and the process for rank ordering them. CM Goldman suggested that the form be revised and brought back to the Council so they can rank order the projects. Mayor Brownrigg opened the item for public comment, and there were no comments. C. DISCUSSION REGARDING PROCEDURE TO BE USED TO FILL IMPENDING CITY COUNCIL VACANCY CM Goldman reviewed the staff report and requested Council provide direction on how to proceed with filling the unexpired term of Councilmember Deal who is resigning from the City Council, effective September 21, 2014. CM Goldman advised that the two options for filling the position would be a special election with an estimated cost of$130,000 to $190,000 depending on the type of election chosen or by appointment and State law requires that the vacancy be filled within 60 days of the vacancy occurring,or by November 20, 2014. CM Goldman further advised that in 2005 the City established procedures for filling a City Council vacancy by appointment. 5 Burlingame City Council August 18,2014 Approved Minutes Mayor Brownrigg opened the item for public comment and Burlingame resident Linda Fields spoke on the item. Councilmember Ortiz made a motion to fill the vacancy through appointment; seconded by Councilmember Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. d. PROVISION OF A BRIEF OPPORTUNITY FOR COUNCILMEMBER DEAL TO DISCUSS ELECTRONIC MEDIA SIGNS IN BURLINGAME Mayor Brownrigg advised that since Councilmember Deal had to leave the July 7, 2014 Council meeting before this item was discussed,he wanted to give Councilmember Deal the opportunity to give his thoughts on the matter. Councilmember Deal said his recommendation would have been a request for proposals for the electronic media signs and he considers the signs to be an excellent source of revenue. 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Traffic, Safety&Parking, June 12 2014; Library, June 17, 2014; Planning,June 9, 2014 b. Department Reports: Fire, April—June 2014;Finance, June 2014; Building, June& July 2014 C. Letters from Community Groups gratefully acknowledging the City's donation 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Brownrigg adjourned the meeting at 10:14 p.m. in memory of Phil Monaghan, former Public Works Department Engineer. DPW Murtuza spoke and gratefully acknowledged Phil's numerous contributions and accomplishments during his 25 years with the City. Respectfully submitted, Mary Ellen Kearney City Clerk 6 Burlingame City Council August 18,2014 Approved Minutes