HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2010.04.05 CITY 0 BURLINGAME 4� 4 90 �Aai[oJ NEb BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of April 5,2010 BURLINGAME FINANCING AUTHORITY MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Cathy Baylock called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Ted Crocker. CLOSED SESSION: CA Guinan advised that Council met in closed session with Labor negotiators and all Council members,with the exception of Councilman Deal,who was absent. Council gave direction to the Labor negotiators to pursue labor negotiations. City Negotiators: Deirdre Dolan, Jim Nantell, Glenn Berkheimer Employee Organizations: AFSCME 829,AFSCME 2190,BAMM, Fire Administration, ]AFF 2400,Police Administrators, Police Officers Association, Teamsters Local 856, and Department Head/Unrepresented CA Guinan further advised that Council gave authority to initiate litigation for 1100 Howard Avenue and stated that there was no further reportable action. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Baylock,Brownrigg, Keighran,Nagel, COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Deal 4. CONSENT CALENDAR a. APPROVE A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE BURLINGAME FINANCING AUTHORITY ESTABLISHING THE DATES AND TIMES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE AUTHORITY FinDir Nava reviewed the staff report and requested Council adopt Resolution No. FA 1-2010 of the Governing Board of the Burlingame Financing Authority establishing the dates and times of regular meetings of the Authority. 1 Burlingame City Council April 5,2010 Approved Minutes p Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to adopt Resolution No. FA1-2010; seconded by Councilman Brownrigg. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-1-0 (Deal absent). 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Burlingame resident Pat Giorni requested an explanation of the action that was just taken relative to the Financing Authority Resolution. FinDir Nava explained that there are no fiscal impacts resulting from adoption of the resolution and it merely establishes the dates and times of the meetings. ADJOURN TO REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL MEETING-APRIL 5, 2010 1. MINUTES Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular City Council meeting of March 15, 2010; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved by voice vote, 4-0-1 (Deal absent). 2. PRESENTATION Council viewed the Google fiber optic trial application video and recognized the volunteers who contributed their time and expertise. 3. PUBLIC HEARING THERE WERE NO PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS The following spoke against the proposed merger of Burlingame and San Mateo Police Departments: Police Officers Bob Boll and Jim Hutchings; retired Police Officers Brad Floyd and Tom Marriscolo; Police Dispatcher Shirley Nicholas; and Burlingame residents Rich Grogan, Pat Murphy and Edna Steele. Burlingame resident Jeff Londer spoke about the Drive Less Challenge event starting April 22 through May 5, 2010 and urged residents to use alternatives to solo driving. 5. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETING CONCERING AMENDMENT TO THE SAN MATEO COUNTY TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO ADD THE CITY OF PALO ALTO AS BENEFIT ZONE C,TO ADD A PALO ALTO REPRESENTATIVE TO THE DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD AND TO ESTABLISH AND LEVY ASSESSMENTS ON THE HOTEL BUSINESSES IN BENEFIT ZONE C CA Guinan reviewed the staff report and requested Council conduct a public meeting to receive testimony, comment and other evidence. He further stated that as required by state law,before a new or increased assessment can be imposed the public agency must conduct both a public meeting and, subsequently, a public hearing. The public hearing was set for May 3, 2010. 2 Burlingame City Council April 5,2010 Approved Minutes X Mayor Baylock opened the item for comments. There were no comments from the floor, and the item was closed. b. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO LEVY BROADWAY AVENUE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 3,2010 FinDir Nava reviewed the staff report and requested Council approve the 2009-2010 Broadway Area Business Improvement District annual report and adopt Resolution No. 19-2010 declaring the intention to establish 2009-2010 assessments for the Broadway Area Business Improvement District; and set a public hearing for Monday,May 3, 2010. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve the 2009-2010 Broadway Area Business Improvement District annual report; seconded by Vice Mayor Nagel. The motion was approved 4-0-1 (Deal absent). Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve Resolution No. 19-2010 declaring the intention to levy assessments for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 for the Broadway Area Business Improvement District; seconded by Councilman Brownrigg. The motion was approved 4-0-1 (Deal absent). C. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL DIRECTION ON HIGH SPEED RAIL (HSR) ACTION PLAN DPW Murtuza reviewed the staff report and updated the Council on the status of the three items: hire an Engineering Consultant; perform CEQA review; and provide Community outreach and education that Council directed staff to proceed with at the March 15, 2010 Council meeting. �He advised that staff has been interviewing qualified engineering consultants to assist the City in the review of the alternatives and provide comments. As far as the second item to perform a CEQA review, staff will proceed with a request for proposal (RFP)to have a qualified consultant in place before the draft environmental impact report is released later this year. The community outreach item will be handled through mailers notifying residents of major milestone meetings or events, signs announcing high speed rail meetings at major thoroughfares, automated phone announcements to residents and a-news and website announcements. Council discussion followed and concern was expressed over the expense of consultants and the public outreach and education effort, especially during this difficult financial time in the City. It was suggested that the City engage citizens involved with high speed rail to assist with the outreach effort. Council emphasized that whatever money is used for public outreach be used judiciously and focus on the residents who would be most impacted. Councilman Brownrigg requested staff examine the cost of deploying decimal measuring instruments along the high speed rail line in order to have a baseline measurement of noise so if in the future there was an elevated high speed rail line it would be possible to calibrate how much louder it is. Mayor Baylock opened the floor for public comments on items 5c and 5d. Burlingame residents Ted Crocker, Pat Giorni,Mary Helen McMahon and Leslie Reisfeld all spoke. Council agreed to form a Communications subcommittee consisting of Mayor Baylock and Vice Mayor Nagel to come up with an action plan. /1 d. DISCUSS HIGH SPEED RAIL (HSR)ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN 3 Burlingame City Council April 5,2010 Approved Minutes Mayor reviewed the document and asked if Council was interested in endorsing such a letter writing campaign and Council referred the matter to the subcommittee. e. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED SERVICE REDUCTIONS CM Nantell emphasized that the proposed merger of Burlingame and San Mateo Police Departments was not part of this staff report. CM Nantell advised that based on direction from Council at the Budget Study Session on February 24, 2010, he conducted three focus group meetings in an effort to get community feedback on proposed budget reduction options. He reviewed the results of the focus group meetings and the items that they supported reducing at this time. The focus groups had a strong objection to eliminating after school sports programs and closing the Library on Fridays and Sundays. CM Nantell also advised that he met with the Department Head team on March 25, 2010 to develop a group recommendation of proposed reductions to achieve the $3.1 million reduction to balance the 2010-2011 fiscal year budget. He provided both a summary and detailed information of those proposed reductions. CM completed his presentation and Council expressed their concerns and asked questions of staff. Mayor Baylock opened the floor for public comments. Burlingame residents John Root, Don Roberts, Kris Cannon, Nancy Kux, Jim Cannon, and Ricardo Ortiz all spoke about keeping Easton Library open. Father Michael Mahoney also spoke about keeping the Easton Library open and offered to be a part of a fund raising committee for that purpose. Susan Castner-Paine spoke about Parks & Recreation Department cuts. Burlingame Parks Department employees Julio Moran and Dick Vaplon; Parking Enforcement Officer Robert Alviso; and Water Department employee Rich Stephens spoke about budget cuts. There were no further comments from the floor, and the item was closed. Council concurred with the proposed reductions but was adamant that the Easton Branch Library remain open and offered some suggestions for fund raising to achieve that end. They encouraged employees to agree to the salary freeze and stressed that the money saved by the salary freeze would only be used for preserving jobs. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR a. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE BURLINGAME IDOL AND TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ON SATURDAY, MAY 22, 2010 DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No. 20-2010 approving a street closure for the first block of Capuchino Avenue and a traffic control plan in conjunction with the Burlingame Idol event. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve Resolution No. 20-2010; seconded by Vice Mayor Nagel. Council voted 4-0-1 (Deal absent). b. APPROVE TREE PRUNING CONTRACT P&RD Skeels reviewed the staff report and requested Council adopt Resolution No. 21-2010 awarding the tree pruning contract to Timberline Tree Service, Inc. 4 Burlingame City Council April 5,2010 Approved Minutes Vice Mayor Nagel made a motion to approve Resolution No. 21-2010; seconded by Councilwoman �Keighran. Council voted 4-0-1 (Deal absent). 9. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Due to the late hour, Council postponed their reports until the next Council meeting. 10. PUBLIC COMMENTS Burlingame resident,Pat Giorni spoke on several items. There were no further comments from the floor. 11. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 12. NEW BUSINESS Vice Mayor Nagel reminded staff about the shuttle grant deadline coming up. Vice Mayor Nagel also asked staff to find out more about the recent power outages and what was being done to avoid them in the future. 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Parks &Recreation, February 18, 2010; Citizens Oversight Committee, February 25, 2010; Beautification,March 4, 2010; Planning, March 8 &March 22, 2010 b. Letter from Comcast concerning programming updates and changes 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Baylock adjourned the meeting at 11:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary Ellen Kearney City Clerk 5 Burlingame City Council April 5,2010 Approved Minutes