HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2009.02.02 CITY C �� BIJRLINGAME a �oeq o "NwTm wWe 6 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of February 2, 2009 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Ann Keighran called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Mary Hunt. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Baylock, Deal, Keighran, Nagel, O'Mahony ,COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: None 4. MINUTES Vice Mayor Baylock made two corrections to the minutes of January 20, 2009, to correct the spelling of Ronald Duncan to read Ronald Durkee on page two. Also, on page two to indicate seconding of motion for adoption of Ordinance No. 1836. Councilwoman Nagel made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2009 regular Council meeting; seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 5. PRESENTATION a. PRESENTATION BY SOUTH BAY WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (SBWMA) Martha DeBry, SBWMA Chair, and Larry Patterson, SBWMA Board Member gave a presentation about the formation and many services provided by South Bay Waste Management Authority, including the financing of the proposed Shoreway Environmental Center, and answered questions from the Council Members. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no Public Hearings. 1 Burlingame City Council February 2, 2009 Approved Minutes 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS -- The following citizens all spoke concerning Item 8c: John Horgan, 471 Cumberland Road; Steve Alms, 1534 Meadow Lane; Donna Colson, 2626 Hale Drive; Lorie Rakstins, 481 Bloomfield. There were no further comments from the floor. 8. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 7-2009 SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 16, 2009 TO CONSIDER AN INCREASE IN SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING RATES OF EIGHT PERCENT (8%) AND TO CONSIDER ANY PROTESTS TO INCREASED RATES FinDir Nava reviewed the staff report and requested that Council hold a Public Hearing on March 16, 2009 to take public input on the proposed 8% rate adjustment for residential and commercial accounts. Councilwoman O'Mahony made a motion to approve the Resolution No. 7- 2009 setting a Public Hearing on March 16, 2009; seconded by Vice Mayor Baylock; motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5 — 0. b. CONSIDERATION BY COUNCIL WHETHER TO FILE AN ARGUMENT FOR THE MAY 54 2009 STORM DRAINAGE FEE ELECTION Special Counsel Abrams reviewed the staff report and explained the process for receiving arguments either in favor or against, as well as rebuttal arguments for the storm drainage fee election. The date for filing initial submittal is February 18, 2009 and for rebuttal arguments is March 2, 2009. The City Council is authorized to file an argument and rebuttal argument as the full City Council or authorize designated members to file an argument. Council discussion followed and Vice Mayor Baylock made a motion to name Mayor Keighran, Councilwoman O'Mahony and three members of the public as the members filing an argument in favor; and Vice Mayor Baylock, Councilwoman Nagel and Councilman Deal and two members of the public as the members filing the rebuttal argument; seconded by Councilman Deal; motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5 — 0. Special Counsel Abrams reminded the Council Members that the writing of the argument cannot utilize any City resources, including on-duty personnel. C. PROPOSAL FROM NON-PROFIT YOUTH SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS FOR BAYSIDE PARK FIELD IMPROVEMENTS PRD Schwartz addressed the Council and provided a fund raising proposal, which included a combination of public donations and private funds from the non-profit youth sports organizations. The proposal would provide approximately $500,000 towards a new artificial turf field at Bayside Park on the area of ball fields 3 and 4. He reviewed the advantages of a synthetic grass to provide year-round uses of the field and the ability to play two soccer or lacrosse games simultaneously. The time frame is very tight and the target date for construction to begin is June 2009, with the desired completion in time for the fall sports season. There are several artificial turf manufacturers interested in bidding on the contract and the estimated cost for the project is $1 ,650,000, with approximately $800,000 of local money. Council discussion followed citing very difficult economic times for the City and the need to be prudent about committing funds to the project at this time, especially with the unknown costs associated with it. Concerns were expressed about the need for soil testing to determine the condition of the field being on a landfill site; the time needed to test soil samples prior to the start of any construction; the cost involved for 2 Burlingame City Council February 2, 2009 Approved Minutes doing the testing could be considerably more than projected; questioned the legitimacy of the grant provider. It was concluded that it would be discussed, along with the other funding requests from the community, at ",the Budget Session on February 25, 2009. Mayor Keighran thanked the organizations for their diligence in providing a proposal as they had promised. d. CONSIDER VACANCY ON TRAFFIC, PARKING & SAFETY COMMISSION CM Nantell reviewed the staff report and recommended Council call for applications for the Traffic, Safety & Beautification Commission. The application deadline was set for March 16, 2009. e. CONSIDER VACANCIES ON PLANNING COMMISSION CM Nantell reviewed the staff report and recommended Council call for applications for the Planning Commission. The application deadline was set for March 16, 2009 f. CONSIDER APPOINTMENT TO THE BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION Council discussed the various attributes of all commission candidates. Each Councilmember voted for two applicants to fill the two vacancies. Karen Dittman received the unanimous votes of the Council and was appointed to fill the three year term. Mary Hunt also received the unanimous votes of the Council and was appointed to fill the remaining term of Mark Grandcolas ending on October 7, 2009. Council concurred to appoint Karen Dittman and Mary Hunt to fill the two commission vacancies. g. CONSIDER WAIVER OF FIELD MONITOR FEES FOR USE OF WASHINGTON BALL FIELD BY BURLINGAME HIGH SCHOOL CM Nantell reviewed the staff report and provided Council with background information on the billing of the field monitor fees for the use of Washington Park by Burlingame High School. He indicated that in November 2008, staff provided preliminary billing information to the San Mateo Union High School District for the use of the City of Burlingame facilities and the bill was in excess of $61 , 072. The High School District protested the amount and felt it was excessive. The City staff approached the High School District with some alternative suggestions for waiving some of the fees and the District still felt the new fee was excessive. It was concluded that the City would waive the fee until a meeting with the School District takes place in the next two weeks and a compromise is reached. If the meeting is not held within the next two weeks, the City would continue to charge the fee. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR a. APPROVE RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE APPLICATION AND REIMBURSEMENT INTENTION FOR STATE REVOLVING FUND (SRF) LOAN TO FUND THE INFLUENT STORM WATER RETENTION BASIN AT THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT (WWTP) DPW Murtuza requested Council approve Resolution No. 8-2009 stating the City of Burlingame's intention to reimburse for any influent storm water retention basin expenditures paid prior to the City obtaining financing through the State Water Resource Control Board for said project; and approve Resolution No. 9- ^2009 authorizing the city manager and/or public works director to execute and file an application for a financing agreement with the California Water Resources Control Board for planning, design and construction of an influent storm water retention basin. 3 Burlingame City Council February 2, 2009 Approved Minutes b. APPROVE BOARD APPOINTMENT TO COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY OF SAN MATEO COUNTY CM Nantell requested Council approve the appointment of Mr. Charles Hyland of the Shinnyo-en Foundation to serve as the City of Burlingame's representative to the Community Action Agency of San Mateo County for a three year term. C. APPROVAL FOR OFFICER HEATHER FARBER TO ACCOMPANY EXPLORER POLICE CADETS TO ANNUAL CADET CHALLENGE EVENT IN WASINGTON STATE COP Van Etten requested Council approve out-of-state travel, February 21 -22, 2009, for Officer Heather Farber to attend the annual Cadet Challenge event in Federal Way, Washington. Councilwoman made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilman Deal. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 54 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings each of them attended on behalf of the City. 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS Charles Voltz, 725 Vernon Way, spoke on the aging low income homeowners in Burlingame and asked that consideration be given to reestablishing a senior commission. There were no further comments. 12. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 13. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Deal discussed possibly establishing a citizen voluntary committee to work with the City. Mayor Keighran discussed an email she received from a Council Member in Redwood City requesting a Council Member from Burlingame participate in informal meetings to discuss concerns about high speed rail. Councilman Deal volunteered to attend the first meeting on Friday, February 6, 2009. 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Civil Service, November 10, 2008; Traffic Safety & Parking, December 11 , 2008; Parks & Recreation, January 15, 2009; Planning, January 26, 2009 b. Department Reports: Police, December, 2008 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Keighran adjourned the meeting at 10:55 p.m. in memory of William Armanino, father of Dave Armanino, owner of Il Piccolo CafR and of Iry Amstrup, former Mayor and Councilman. 4 Burlingame City Council February 2, 2009 Approved Minutes Respectfully submitted, Al Mary Ellen Kearney City Clerk 5 Burlingame City Council February 2, 2009 Approved Minutes