HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - BC - 2016.09.01CITY O p ipQRATED , Thursday, September 1, 2016 1. ROLL CALL City of Burlingame Meeting Agenda - Final Beautification Commission 2. MINUTES a. Meetina Minutes of Julv 7. 2016 Attachments: Meeting Minutes 3. CORRESPONDENCE 4. FROM THE FLOOR 6:30 PM BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 Burlingame Recreation Center 850 Burlingame Avenue Speakers may address the Commission concerning any matter over which the Commission has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda. Additional public comments on agenda action items will be heard when the Commission takes up those items. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are asked to fill out a "request to speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff, although provision of name, address or other identifying information is optional. Speakers are limited to three minutes each, although the Commission may adjust the time limit in light of the number of anticipated speakers. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. 2016 Business Landscape Award - 2016 Buisness Landscape Award Winner Mondi Hair Salon and Award Presentation at Council Meeting September 19, 2016 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Beautification and Parks and Recreation Commission ODeninas Attachments: Staff report Exhibit b. 2017 Business Landscape Award Chairs C. Private Tree Removal Permit Tracking Attachments: staff report City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 8/26/2016 Beautification Commission Meeting Agenda - Final September 1, 2016 7. REPORTS a. Staff b. Chairperson C. Commissioners 8. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Next Regular Meeting: Notice: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7330 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The Agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.org. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Burlingame Beautification Commission regarding any items on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at 850 Burlingame Avenue during normal business hours. City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 8/26/2016 BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION July 7, 2016 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:30 pm by Commissioner McQuaide. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner McQuaide, Hunt, Kirchner and Kearney Absent: Commissioner Hinckle Staff. City Arborist Disco and Recording Secretary Borba MINUTES Commissioner Kirchner made a motion to approve the June 2, 2016 minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hunt and unanimously approved. CORRESPONDENCE None PUBLIC COMMENT None OLD BUSINESS 1. 2016 Business Landscape Award — Vote on Nominations The Commissioners discussed the nominations for the 2016 Business Landscape Award and voted by ballot. Mondi Hair Salon won by a 3-1 vote. Commissioner Hinckle/Business Landscape Award Chair will prepare a write up about Mondi Hair Salon. Commissioners McQuaide and Hunt will contact Dale Perkins regarding the watercolor that will be presented to Mondi Hair Salon at the Council award ceremony on September 19, 2016. John McQuaide will take pictures of Mondi Hair Salon for the Commission to use. Commissioner Kirchner will add Mondi Hair Salon to the flyer of the Business Landscape Award winners and prepare a power point of the winner for the Council Award presentation. NEW BUSINESS None REPORTS 1. City Arborist Music in the Park will take place every Sunday in July for 1-3pm in Washington Park. The Parks Division has a part-time/temp employee watering approximately 48 trees every day throughout the City. 2. Commissioner Kirchner None 3. Commissioner Hinckle None 4. Commissioner McQuaide None 5. Commissioner Hunt None 6. Commissioner Kearney None The next Beautification Commission meeting is August 4, 2016. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:13 pm. Respectfully submitted, llD y.e,W AC7O Uf f Gina Borba Recording Secretary BURLINGAME STAFF REPORT To: Beautification Commission Date: September 1, 2016 From: Margaret Glomstad, Parks and Recreation Director Subject: Beautification and Parks and Recreation Commission Openings RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission review the staff report. BACKGROUND On Monday, August 15, 2016, the Council called for applications to fill two impending vacancies on the Beautification Commission due to the expiring terms of Commissioners Anne Hinckle and Leslie McQuaide. The due date for applicants is Friday, October 7, 2016. This will allow applicants two opportunities (September 1 and October 6) to attend a Beautification Commission meeting. In addition, the Council called for applications to fill two impending vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Commission due to the expiring terms of Commissioners Julie Baird and Steven Baum. The due date for applications is Monday, September 19, 2016. This will allow applicants two opportunities (August 18 and September 15) to attend a Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. The City's current commissioner appointment procedure calls for any Commissioner desiring reappointment to apply in the same manner as all other candidates. All past applicants on the two-year waitlist will be informed of the vacancies. FISCAL IMPACT None EXHIBIT A. Beautification Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission Ordinance Chapter 1 3.28.010 Exhibit A Chapter 3.28 BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION Sections: 3.28.010 Organization —Terms of members --Compensation. 3.28.020 Removal of member from office ---Filling vacancies. 3.28.030 Meetings --Officers. 3.28.040 Record of proceedings kept by secretary —Filing. 3.28.050 Powers and duties. 3.28.010 Organization —Terms of members —Compensation. There shall be a beautification commission in the city consisting of five (5) members, appointed by the council; their terms of office shall be for a period of three (3) years and until their successors are appointed and quali- fied. At the time of their application for the commission and throughout their terms as commissioners, they shall be registered, qualified electors of the city. The members shall serve without compensation, but all necessary ex- penses shall be paid by appropriate council action. (Ord. 884 § 1 (part), (1968); Ord. 1593 § 3, (1998); Ord. 1866 § 2, (2011)) 3.28.020 Removal of member from office -- Filling vacancies. The city council may remove any appointed member of the beautification commission from office prior to the expiration of that member's term of office, with or with- out cause by an affirmative vote of not less than three - fifths of all the members of the city council. Vacancies on the commission, except as to ex officio members, shall be filled by appointment by the mayor, subject to the confirmation of the city council. (Ord. 884 § 1 (part), (1968); Ord. 1637 § 19, (2000)) 3.28.030 Meetings —Officers. The commission shall hold regular meetings at least once each month when there is business to conduct and a quorum present, and may hold such additional meetings as it may deem necessary or expedient. A majority of the commission shaII constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting the business of the commission. The commis- sion shall, as soon as practicable, after the time of the annual appointment of a member to the commission, elect a chair, vice chair, and a secretary thereof, who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. (Ord. 884 § 1 (part), (1968); Ord. 1637 § 20, (2000)) (Burlingame Supp. No. 18, 11-11) 30 3.28.040 Record of proceedings kept by secretary Filing. The secretary of the commission shall keep a record of all proceedings, resolutions, findings, determinations and transactions of the commission, which records shall be a public record, and a copy of which record shall be filed with the city clerk as clerk of the city council. (Ord. 884 § 1 (part), (1968)) 3.28.050 Powers and duties. Subject to the approval of the city council, the beauti- fication commission, shall: (a) Act in an advisory capacity to the city council, the city manager, and the director of parks and recreation in all matters of city trees and protected private trees and to cooperate with other governmental and civic groups in the advancement of sound reforestation and tree protec- tion planning and programs; (b) Recommend, develop, sponsor, and implement programs and activities to promote community aware- ness and participation in city beautification; (c) Recommend a master street tree plan for adop- tion by the city council; (d) Recommend an "Official Street Tree List" to the city council for adoption, designating specific types of trees which can be planted on any street, based on perti- nent local street and tree factors; (e) Recommend specific types of street trees for any new subdivision; (f) Recommend a survey to be made from time to time to determine those street trees which are to be re- tained and those which should be removed to conform to the street tree planning and maintenance program, having regard for both the immediate and long-term needs of the city; (g) Recommend or comment on plans and programs for the planting, maintenance and removal of all street trees in the city; (h) Recommend or comment on plans and programs for the uniform planting, care and maintenance of street trees and of shrubs, grass plots and other ornamental or beautifying plantings upon the streets and highways; (i) Recommend or comment on plans and programs for the development and beautification of the public parks, parkways and buildings belonging to, or leased by, the city; 6) Consider the annual budget of the parks and recreation department during the process of its prepara- tion and make recommendations thereto to the city coun- cil and city manager and, in the case of capital improve- ment, also to the planning commission; 9*41-113411 r—� (k) As part of each commission meeting, provide the opportunity for citizens to address the commission; and (l) Perform such other duties as maybe delegated to it by the city council from time to time. (Ord. 884 § 1 (part), (1968); Ord 1637 § 21, (2000)) C�} 31 (Burlingame Supp. No. 2, 9-06) 3.32.010 Chapter 3.32 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Sections: 3.32.010 Organization —Terms — Compensation. 3.32.020 Removal of member from office —Filling vacancies. 3.32.030 Meetings —Officers. 3.32.040 Record of proceedings kept by secretary —Filing. 3.32.050 Powers and duties. 3.32.010 Organization —Terms — Compensation. There shall be a parks and recreation commission in the city consisting of seven (7) members, appointed by the council; their terms of office shall be for a period of three (3) years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. At the time of their application for the commission and throughout their terms as commission- ers, they shall be registered, qualified electors of the city. In addition to the seven (7) voting members, the city council will appoint two (2) non -voting members to the commission to represent the interests of youth in the community. The members shall serve without compensa- tion, but all necessary expenses shall be paid by appro- priate council action. (Ord. 883 § 2 (part), (1968); Ord. 1593 § 4, (1998); Ord. 1637 § 22, (part), (2000); Ord. 1655 § 3, (2001); Ord. 1722 § 2, (2003)) 3.32.020 Removal of member from office — Filling vacancies. The city council may remove any appointed member of the commission from office prior to the expiration of that member's term of office, with or without cause by an affirmative vote of not less than three -fifths of all the members of the city council. Vacancies on the commis- sion, except as to ex ofFicio members, shall be filled by appointmentby the mayor, subject to the confirmation of the city council. (Ord. 883 § 2 (part), (1968); Ord 1637 § 22 (part), (2000)) 3.32.030 Meetings —Officers. The commission shall hold regular meetings at least once each month when there is business to conduct and a quorum present, in the recreation center or such other place in the city as the commission may designate, and may hold such additional meetings as it may deem nec- essary or expedient. A majority of the voting members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting the business of the commission. The com- mission shall, as soon as practicable, after the time of the annual appointment of a member to the commission, elect a chair, vice -chair, and a secretary, who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. (Ord. 883 § 2 (part), (1968); Ord. 1637 § 22 (part), (2000); Ord. 1655 § 4, (2001)) 3.32.040 Record of proceedings kept by secretary —Filing. The secretary of the commission shall keep a record of all proceedings, resolutions, findings, determinations and transactions of the commission, which records shall be a public record, and a copy of which record shall be filed with the city clerk as clerk of the city council. (Ord. 883 § 2 (part), (1968)) 3.32.050 Powers and duties. Subject to the approval of the city council, the parks and recreation commission shall: (a) Act in an advisory capacity to the city council, the city manager, the director of parks and recreation, in all matters of public parks and recreation, and to cooper- ate with other governmental agencies and with civic groups in the advancement of sound recreation planning and programming; (b) Recommend policies on recreation and park service for approval of the city council; (c) Advise the director of parks and recreation on problems of development of recreation areas, facilities, programs and improved recreation services; (d) Recommend the adoption of standards on areas, facilities, programs and financial support; (e) Make or cause to be made, periodic inventories of parks and recreation services that exist or may be needed; (f) Aid in coordinating the parks and recreation service with the programs of other governmental agen- cies and of voluntary organizations; (g) Review the effectiveness of the parks and recrea- tion programs with the director of parks and recreation; (h) Interpret the policies of the city and the functions of the parks and recreation department to the public; (i) Make studies and recommend rules and regula- tions for adoption by the city council for the use and enjoyment of all public parks and recreational facilities, and particularly of specific recreational facilities, includ- ing, but not limited to, playgrounds, play fields, recrea- tional centers, swimming pools, ball diamonds, basket- ball courts, golf facilities, boating areas and such other recreational areas and facilities as may require regulation from time to time; r i (Burlingame Supp. No. 2, 9-06) 32 -"" 3.32.050 (j) Review the annual budget of the parks and rec- reation department before presentation to the city man- ager and make recommendations thereto to the city council and the city manager and, in the case of capital improvements, also to the planning commission. (k) Consider the issues and needs of the senior popu- lation of the city in recommending programs, policies, and facilities. (Ord. 883 § 2 (part), (1968); Ord. 1049 § 5, (1975); Ord. 1637 § 22 (part), (2000); Ord. 1655 § 5, (2001)) 33 6URLINGAME STAFF REPORT To: Beautification Commission Date: September 1, 2016 From: Margaret Glomstad, Parks and Recreation Director Subject: Private Tree Removal Permit Tracking RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission review the staff report. BACKGROUND Historically, tracking of private tree removals was documented by date of permit in a word document. This type of documentation did not allow for easy access to tally the type tree, the type of species, whether it was approved or denied and the reason for removal. Due to number of questions in the recent past during appeals of private tree removals and the lengthy staff time it took to compile the information, staff has been working on developing a database that would be able to track private tree removals in a manner that would allow for quicker access to questions that are asked about past tree removals. Based on the questions raised about removals in the past, the Protected Tree Removal Permit form has been modified to include when the removal was part of a building project. The additional information includes..... To date, staff has completed entry for 2014 and 2015. Protected Tree Removal Permits from 2016 will be entered next and as they are submitted going forward. Staff will be inputting earlier years as staff time is available. 1