December 1, 2016
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:30 pm by
Commissioner Hinckle.
Present: Commissioner Kirchner, Hinckle, Deason and Kearney
Absent: Commissioner Hunt
Staff: Parks Superintendent/City Arborist Disco and Recording Secretary Borba
Commissioner Kearny made a motion to approve the November 3, 2016 minutes. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Deason and unanimously approved.
1. 2017 Business Landscape Award Timeline
Commissioner Kirchner inquired if the application for the 2017 Business Landscape Award was in
the Parks and Recreation Winter brochure. Secretary Borba responded it will be in the
Spring/Summer Parks and Recreation Brochure. Commissioner Kirchner discussed the timeline with
the rest of the Commissioners.
2. Residential Sustainable Landscape Award
Commissioner Kirchner stated the Residential Sustainable Landscape Award will match the same
timeline as the Business Landscape Award and have the winner presented in September by the City
Council. The Commissioners discussed the possibility of a different time to present the award but
decided to keep it in September. Commissioner Kirchner stated this award is to recognize exceptional
design, sustainable landscape solutions and strategies for reducing potable water use. Commissioner
Kearny suggested Sigalle Michael, Sustainability Coordinator for the City speak to the
Commissioners about sustainability. The Commissioners discussed a wooden plaque that could be
posted in front of the winner's home or a tree planted at Arbor Day as some ideas for the winner. The
nominations will come from the Commissioners and not be open to the public. Secretary Borba will
create a timeline draft.
1. Beautification Commissioner Verne Deason Oath of Public Office
Commissioner Deason was sworn in by Commissioner Hinckle.
2. El Camino Real Task Force Update Commissioner Kirchner
Commissioner Kirchner explained the purpose of the El Camino Real Task Force. Arborist Disco
added that the ECR Task Force is a joint effort with Caltrans to look at two blocks of El Camino Real
to see if a solution could be agreed upon to ECR challenges which includes retaining the trees and
addressing the safety issues. Commissioner Kirchner will be attending a meeting for the ECR Task
Force on December 7, 2106 and will report back to the Commission.
1. Park Superintendent/City Arborist
a. Arbor Day is Tuesday, March 7th at 10:30am in Washington Park.
b. Tree lighting is Friday, December 2nd at 5pm.
c. The new tree contractor, Bay Area Tree Specialist started work.
d. There is a possibility the January 5th BBC meeting maybe cancelled barring no appeals.
2. Commissioner Hinckle
3. Commissioner Deason
4. Commissioner Hunt
5. Commissioner Kearney
Commissioner Kearney commented on the beautiful trees on El Camino Real.
6. Commissioner Kirchner
a. In Hillsborough at Black Mountain Road and Skyline PG&E removed a large amount of trees.
b. At Peninsula Hospital five Redwood trees were removed for the helipad.
The next Beautification Commission meeting is January 5, 2017. There being no further business, the
meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Borba
Recording Secretary