HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2019.03.141 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, March 14, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Bush, Israelit, Londer, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: Martos 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) February 14, 2019 Meeting Minutes Motion: To approve the minutes of February 14, 2019 with the following edit: • Page 5, item 7d, line 1 – remove apostrophe from Commissioners. M/S/C: Londer/Wettan; 4/0/0 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA No public comment. 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Community B/PAC Update (Informational Only) No update. b) Subcommittee Future Item Planning Chair Bush stated the purpose of this discussion item was to identify goals and action items related to the TSPC priorities in an effort to have concrete discussions in the future. 2 • Downtown Parking and Access – Commissioner Wettan suggested at least one more subcommittee meeting to obtain more feedback from Council subcommittee members and key staff prior to having a discussion at the May TSPC meeting. Following those meetings, he suggested a larger discussion follow in June with the community and major stakeholders. • Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update – Commissioner Wettan suggested the TSPC discuss the master planning efforts at a TSPC meeting after one or two community meetings. He suggested July as a good time to bring back to the TSPC. • School Traffic and Safety Issues – Commissioner Israelit felt troublesome intersections and addressing the Oak Grove crossing near Burlingame High School were two priority items to consider discussing in the near future. • Neighborhood Traffic Calming – No additional work identified at this time. • Citywide Transportation Alternatives – Chair Bush stated he would share an article he read with the Commission and staff regarding the impacts of ride sharing and driving replacements. Commissioner Londer felt it was worth pursuing the idea of Lyft and Uber subsidies as opposed to a dedicated shuttle. The Commission agreed not to bring this item back as a standalone item at this time. They felt transportation alternatives would be a component of the downtown parking and access efforts. • Electric Vehicles – Commissioner Londer suggested gathering data on the current charging stations would be helpful. The Commission agreed to table this item for now, at least until the currently planned charging stations are fully implemented. • Broadway Parking – Chair Bush mentioned Lots P and Q appear to be at maximum capacity on evenings and weekends. He also suggested they look into improving the flow of traffic from one lot to another and consider updates to the City’s parking map. Commissioner Israelit suggested looking into vehicle size requirements on Broadway as large (long) vehicles tend to obstruct the flow of traffic. The Commission agreed to conduct another parking survey and observations of the Broadway parking capacity but with a focus on the evenings—a 6 – 7 p.m. window. Chair Bush and Commissioner Israelit also pointed out the potential issues with overnight parking by nearby residents in the public lots near Broadway. Commissioner Wettan suggested talking with a few of the restaurant’s regarding the impacts that take-out customers may have on parking. The survey assignments were agreed upon as identified in the table below. Each day of the week is to be surveyed twice with the data gathering period to occur between now and the next TSPC meeting, excluding the week of spring break 3 (March 29 – April 7). Handicap parking spaces will not be included in the survey. The Chase and Wells Fargo Bank parking lots will be included in the survey. Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Bush 1 2 Israelit 1 2 Londer 2 1 Martos 2 Wettan 2 1 Chair Londer and Commissioner Bush indicated they would send their survey templates to Mr. Wong in order to merge the two documents and finalize into one template. The Commission agreed to bring this item back for discussion in April. • Bike Share Feedback – Chair Bush suggested the Sustainability Coordinator present bike share options to the TSPC. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports • California Drive Roundabout – Stage 4 is underway with repaving to be followed by re-striping the roadway over the next few weeks. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17 at 11 a.m. Residents can find additional information on the roundabout at the project website: http://www.burlingame.org/roundabout. • Lyon-Hoag Neighborhood Update – A community meeting was held on February 26 and was attended by approximately 30 residents. Additionally, over 80 respondents participated in the online survey. Staff and the design team are reviewing the feedback. • Bike Share Program – Lime Bike is no longer using bicycles as part of their shared-fleet. Staff is reviewing alternative bike sharing vendors. • Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan Update – Alta Planning + Design has met with both the TSPC and Community B/PAC to obtain input. Alta will now prepare material for the first community meeting, with a date TBD. • McKinley School Turn Restriction – City and McKinley staff were able to meet and coordinate the turn restriction implementation process. Staff will notice the neighborhood, while McKinley will send a message to the school parents. • Electric Vehicle Charging Station – Contractor preparing to start work to install EV chargers in Lot Y (1133 Chula Vista). 4 • TSPC Priority List (revised March 2019): TSPC Led Effort 1 Downtown Parking and Access 2 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 2/14/19: Item 6b 3 School Traffic and Safety Issues 4 Neighborhood Traffic Calming 5 Citywide Transportation Alternatives 6 Electric Vehicles 7 Broadway Parking 8 Bike Share Feedback 9 Parking and traffic considerations w/Planning * 10 Joint meeting with City Council * 11 Halloween Traffic Impacts (July) * Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR Corridor 2 Hoover School Update 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 5 California Roundabout 3/14/19: Item 7a 6 Oak Grove/Carolan Traffic Signal 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 2/14/19: Item 6b 8 Rec Center Parking 9 Old Bayshore Corridor Study 10 Grant Opportunities 11 Broadway Grade Separation 12 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC 13 School Speed Limit Updates 14 School Safety Improvements 15 Lyon-Hoag Neighborhood Traffic Calming 3/14/19: Item 7a 16 300 Burlingame Point Traffic Impacts 17 Broadway/California Update 2019 Agenda Item Action Status 1 Council Direction Regarding Improving Short-Term Parking in the Burlingame Avenue Downtown Area Lots A-3, C, and K-1 have been converted. 2 TSPC’s Lot N Parking Structure Recommendation 5 3 School Speed Reductions Staff working with BPD and school staff to notice and implement changes 4 North Carolan Avenue Parking Restrictions Adoption scheduled for February 19, 2019 Council meeting b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Dave Perna reported 12 accidents in this reporting period. During the reporting period he noted that there was five injury accidents, seven with property damage only, and one DUI accident. There were no bicycle and pedestrian related accidents, nor were there any accidents at the intersection of Floribunda and ECR. c) Farmer’s Market Commissioner Londer indicated there is a Farmer’s Market this Sunday (3/17) but the Commissioners decided not to participate this time. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Commissioner Londer reported receiving questions from the public at the last Farmer’s Market, although none of the inquiries required additional follow-up. Chair Bush noted the recent Lyon Hoag Community meeting. 8. COMMISSION & SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos & Wettan) Discussed in item 6.b b) Broadway Parking (Bush & Israelit) Discussed in item 6.b c) School Traffic (Israelit & Londer) Discussed in item 6.b d) Citywide Transportation Alternatives (Londer & Wettan) Discussed in item 6.b 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Discussed in item 6.b 6 10. ADJOURNMENT 8:32