HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2018.12.131 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, December 13, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:01 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Bush, Israelit, Londer, Martos, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) November 8, 2018 Meeting Minutes Motion: To approve the minutes of November 8, 2018 as written. M/S/C: Israelit/Londer; 4/0/1 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Adrienne Leigh made two specific requests to the Commission on behalf of the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC)—to revise the name of the Commission and the City’s transportation goals to be all inclusive. More specifically, Ms. Leigh stated B/PAC felt that the Commission name should be Transportation Safety and Parking Commission. Additionally, she stated the B/PAC would like to see the goal of the Commission revised from the current verbiage, which states on the City’s website to improve roadway safety and reduce congestion for all modes of transportation (cars, pedestrians, and cyclists). She suggested the following revised language on behalf of the B/PAC. Improve roadway safety, increase efficiency, convenience and access for all modes (cars, bikes, pedestrians) of transportation and for all users of the transportation system, including children, seniors, and the disabled. Manito Velasco reported a bicyclist injury on southbound California Drive in front of Village Park and suggested improved lighting and trimming of the trees and bushes in the area. He 2 also suggested better lighting on Carolan Avenue. Mr. Velasco also requested an update regarding the acceptance of the California Drive Complete Streets Project and placing the 2018 resurfacing efforts on an upcoming agenda. Lesley Beatty requested a future agenda item to discuss and understand the role of the Police Department as it relates to new projects and traffic enforcement. 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Community B/PAC Update (Informational Only) No update, but Commissioner Wettan thanked the B/PAC members in the audience for their service and ongoing efforts. b) Parking Restriction along North Carolan Avenue Mr. Wong provided a presentation to the TSPC and members of the audience regarding the revised proposal to restrict parking on North Carolan Avenue between Edwards Road and 150-feet north of Whitehorn Way between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The revised proposal also included expanding the parking height restriction to include North Carolan Avenue between Edwards Road to 150-feet north of Whitehorn Way. Mr. Wong indicated that with the revised proposal, staff will monitor the parking in the area to determine if further restrictions need to be implemented in the future. Chair Martos opened public comment. Nicole Weigand, the owner of Burlingame Motors inquired about street sweeping as a possible mitigation measure as it was discussed at the previous TSPC meeting. Mr. Lee expressed concerns that the parking problem will just get pushed to the surrounding streets, such as Rollins Road. Chair Martos closed public comment and the Commissioners discussed the comments provided by the public on the revised proposal in order to craft the following motion. Motion: Move to restrict parking on North Carolan Avenue from Edwards Road to approximately 150 feet north of Whitehorn Way from 2 a.m. – 5 a.m. and apply the 6-foot height restriction to the entire length of North Carolan Avenue. M/S/C: Israelit/Londer; 5/0/0 In closing, the Commissioners requested a report back on the parking conditions with the new restrictions in roughly two months. c) 2019 TSPC Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations 3 Vice-Chair Bush will serve as Chair and Commissioner Israelit as Vice-Chair for the 2019 calendar year. All Commissioners were in agreeance. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided an update on the following Engineering activities: • California Drive Roundabout – Stage 3 is underway and the overall project is on schedule for completion in January 2019, weather permitting. The majority of the electrical system has been installed. The Contractor is completing irrigation and landscaping work for the remainder of December. Residents can find additional information on the project website: http://www.burlingame.org/roundabout. • Lime Bike – November data was attached to the agenda packet for review. • Bicycl e/Pedestrian Master Plan Update – City Council has approved the agreement with Alta Planning + Design for the project. The project will involve community meetings and will include the TSPC and Community B/PAC. • McKinley School Turn Restriction – City staff is working with BSD staff and McKinley staff to notice and implement improvements beginning next year. • TSPC Priority List (Updated December 2018): TSPC Led Effort 1 Downtown Parking Strategies 3/8/18: Item 6b 2 Downtown Modal Access 3 Grant Opportunities 7/12/18: Item 6b 4 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd. to BPAC 12/13/18: Item 7a 5 SR2S Review 7/12/18: Item 6b 6 School Traffic Issues 12/13/18: Item 7a 7 California Complete Streets 9/13/18: Item 7a 8 Neighborhood Traffic Calming 9 Broadway Parking 9/13/18: Item 6c 10 Public Shuttles/Transit 5/10/18: Item 6c 11 ECR Corridor (ECR Task Force) 12 Bay Trail 13 Intro to Paving 5/10/18: Item 6b 14 Halloween Traffic Impacts (July) 10/11/18: Item 7a 15 Parking and traffic considerations w/ Planning 4 Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda 2 Hoover School Update 9/13/18: Item 6b 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 9/13/18: Item 7a 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 5 California Roundabout 9/13/18: Item 7a 6 General Plan – Circulation Element 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd. to BPAC 12/13/18: Item 7a 8 Rec Center Parking 9 Carolan Complete Streets Update 3/8/18: Item 7a 10 Grant Opportunities 7/12/18: Item 6b 11 Grade Separation 9/13/18: Item 7a 12 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC 13 School Speed Limit Updates 7/12/18: Item 6c 14 Burlingame Point - Bay Trail 15 School Safety Improvements 7/12/18: Item 6b 16 California Complete Streets 9/13/18: Item 7a 2018 Agenda Item Action Status 1 Chap. 13.52 of BMC Adopted 2 Council Direction Regarding Improving Short-Term Parking in the Burlingame Avenue Downtown Area Staff working with PEO staff to notice and implement changes 3 Citywide Parking Restrictions (BMC 13.36.020) Adopted 4 TSPC’s Lot N Parking Structure Recommendation TSPC recommendation included as part of December 10th Planning Commission Meeting 5 School Speed Reductions Staff working with BPD and school staff to notice and implement changes b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Ford reported a total of 29 traffic accidents. In his report, there were a total of 18 injury accidents and one major injury accident. Sergeant Ford reported two accidents on El Camino Real and Oak Grove Avenue. The primary collision factor during this reporting period was unsafe backing or starting (which usually equates to unsafe speed). c) Farmer’s Market Commissioner Londer stated they are still working with the Chamber of Commerce 5 regarding the new cost to participate and have a table at the Farmer’s Market. Commissioner Londer said a possible resolution is for members of the TSPC to assist with the Wine and Art event (approximately 25 hours of volunteer time) and to direct traffic at the close of each Farmer’s Market. He stated participation should resume at the end of January 2019. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Vice-Chair Bush mentioned the recent incident on California Drive where a vehicle did not honor the 3-foot passing rule and nearly hit a bicyclist. Vice-Chair Bush also mentioned a concern with the queuing of cars on Californian Drive that are trying to get to Broadway to travel southbound on Highway 101. Lastly, Vice-Chair Bush also mentioned a concern with vehicles failing to stop for pedestrians in the high-visibility crosswalk on California Drive in front of Christie’s. Chair Martos stated Mayor Colson would like to form a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Committee to review and discuss ideas proposed by the City’s consultant. He stated the Mayor would like to have two representatives from the TSPC, two from the B/PAC, along with herself and Vice-Mayor Beach. The Commissioners agreed to form a Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan Advisory Committee—no specific appointments were identified as Mayor Colson requested. 7. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos & Wettan) No update. b) Broadway Parking (Bush & Israelit) No update. c) School Traffic (Israelit & Wettan) No update. d) Citywide Transportation Alternatives (Londer & Wettan) No update. 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Prioritization and goals; • Potential downtown parking solutions; and • Review of California Drive Complete Streets (emerging issues, evaluate outcomes, identify follow-up items, and clarify enforcement). 6 9. ADJOURNMENT 8:48 p.m.