HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2018.07.121 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, July 12, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:01 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Israelit, Bush, Londer, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: Martos 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The approval of the regular June meeting minutes will be included in the August TSPC agenda packet. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA No public comment. 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Community B/PAC Update (Informational Only) Commissioner Wettan provided a brief update regarding the B/PAC meeting this evening. In summary, he stated the B/PAC Chair and Vice-Chair were not present but the remaining members went over suggestions regarding the City’s resurfacing efforts with the Transportation Engineer. Vice-Chair Bush noted the B/PAC is also working on the overall Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. b) Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 4 Grant Update Mr. Wong provided a presentation regarding the ATP Cycle 4 Grant, including an overview of the additional improvements requested as part of the School Area Pedestrian Enhancement Project scope at last month’s TSPC meeting. 2 Commissioner Wettan made a renewed plea to consider additional safety measures at the intersection of Hillside Circle and Hillside Drive, such as framing the zebra striping and adding school signage (children crossing). Mr. Wong indicated staff would take a look as the walking audit was completed prior to the reopening of Hoover School. Commissioner Israelit requested the proposed signage also be considered on Hoover as part of the grant application or as a standalone improvement. Mr. Wong agreed to get back to the Commission as to whether or not the School District is eligible to apply for the ATP Grant and whether or not pedestrian paddles are suitable at some of the identified intersections. The Commissioners continued to engage in a discussion and crafted the following motion. Motion: To authorize Vice-Chair Bush to review and finalize a draft letter to be signed to endorse the grant application. M/S/C: Wettan/Israelit; 4/0/1 c) School Speed Limits Mr. Wong provided a presentation with the updated street segments to implement the reduced 15 MPH school speed zones as discussed at last month’s TSPC meeting. Commissioner Wettan disagreed with Alvarado and Oak Grove being removed from the list of streets identified for school speed limit reductions and requested City staff consult with the City Attorney to confirm whether or not a fence would disqualify those streets due to the rules under California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 22358.4. Commissioner Israelit requested Broadway east of Vancouver be reviewed for a 15 MPH zone as well. Mr. Wong confirmed the plan is to make the additional speed reductions a one-year pilot program as the City has in the past with Quesada, Cabrillo and Cortez. Commissioner Wettan suggested updating parents and faculty about the upcoming speed reductions at Back-to-School-Night. After additional discussion, the Commission crafted two separate motions. Motion: To approve the program as suggested by City staff for all the current streets that have been proposed. M/S/C: Wettan/Londer; 4/0/1 Motion: To request that City staff consult with the City Attorney to assess the 3 feasibility of adding Alvarado, Broadway, and Oak Grove to the pilot program along with the streets that are otherwise going to be added. M/S/C: Wettan/Israelit; 4/0/1 d) Easton Addition Halloween Mr. Wong provided a presentation regarding staff’s planned actions to increase safety in Easton Addition as a response to the dense population of people that frequent that neighborhood on Halloween. Aside from the actions outlined in the presentation, Mr. Wong agreed to reach out to the Easton Addition residents regarding block parties and other ways to alert drivers in the area about pedestrians on the evening of Halloween. No formal motion was made. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided updates on the following Public Works – Engineering projects and activities. • California Drive Roundabout – Stage 1 construction (1 of 4 stages) is underway and currently involves waterline installation and relocation. Work for this stage is anticipated to last three to four months, with project completion tentatively scheduled for January 2019. • Lime Bike – Not able to obtain June data. • California Drive Complete Streets – Bid opened on June 26 and the City Council approved the construction agreement with Crisp Company on July 2. The project is anticipated to be constructed this summer. • TSPC Priority List (Updated July 2018): TSPC Led Effort 1 Downtown Parking Strategies 3/8/18: Item 6b 2 Downtown Modal Access 3 Grant Opportunities 7/12/18: Item 6b 4 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd. to BPAC 5 SR2S Review 7/12/18: Item 6b 4 6 School Traffic Issues 7 California Complete Streets 6/14/18: Item 7a 8 Neighborhood Traffic Calming 9 Broadway Parking 10 Public Shuttles/Transit 5/10/18: Item 6c 11 ECR Corridor (ECR Task Force) 12 Bay Trail 13 Intro to Paving 5/10/18: Item 6b 14 Halloween Traffic Impacts (July) 7/12/18: Item 6d 15 Parking and traffic considerations w/ Planning Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR/Floribunda 2 Hoover School Update 5/10/18: Item 6b 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 3/8/18: Item 7a 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 5 California Roundabout 4/12/18: Item 7a 6 General Plan – Circulation Element 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd. to BPAC 8 Rec Center Parking 9 Carolan Complete Streets Update 3/8/18: Item 7a 10 Grant Opportunities 7/12/18: Item 6b 11 Grade Separation 3/8/18: Item 7a 12 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC 13 School Speed Limit Updates 7/12/18: Item 6c 14 Burlingame Point - Bay Trail 15 School Safety Improvements 7/12/18: Item 6b 16 California Complete Streets 7/12/18: Item 7a 2018 Agenda Item Action Status 1 Chap. 13.52 of BMC Adopted 2 Council Direction Regarding Improving Short-Term Parking in the Burlingame Avenue Downtown Area Presented at June 4 Council meeting 3 Citywide Parking Restrictions Introduced at July 2 City Council Meeting 4 TSPC’s Lot N Parking Structure Recommendation Submitted to Planning Staff for inclusion into future staff report. b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Ford provided an update regarding collision statistics over the last reporting 5 period. He stated there were 33 accidents of which 13 were classified as minor and 3 as major injury accidents. Sergeant Ford indicated there were no accidents at the intersection of El Camino Real and Floribunda. Additional collision statistics were provided as a handout and reviewed by Sergeant Ford with the Commission. c) Farmers Market Commissioner Londer indicated participation for the August Farmer’s Market will be ironed out at the August TSPC meeting. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications No update. 7. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos & Wettan) No update. b) Broadway Parking (Bush & Wettan) No update; however, Commissioner Londer stated the Broadway merchants have requested changing the 1-hour parking meters to 2-hour parking meters. Mr. Wong agreed to include Vice-Chair Bush and Commissioner Israelit in the meeting with the Broadway Business District regarding the parking meters. c) School Traffic (Israelit & Londer) No update. Commissioner Wettan indicated Commissioner Londer will take over his seat on B/PAC and he would take on the School Traffic Subcommittee in exchange. As acting Chair, Vice- Chair Bush approved the changes in assignments. d) Citywide Transportation Alternatives (Londer & Wettan) No update. 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Broadway Parking • Hoover School Update • Our Lady of Angels Update 6 9. ADJOURNMENT 8:56 p.m.