HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - PR - 2013.08.15BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Agenda 7:00pm, Thursday, August 15, 2013 Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave, Burlingame 1. Roll Call Baum, Bulotti, Griffith, Lau, Eaton, Martin, Hesselgren 2. Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the June 20, 2013 regular meeting 3. Public Comments Members of the public may speak about any item not on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State and local agency open meeting law) prohibits the commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are asked to fill out a `request to speak' card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff, although provision of a name, address or other identifying infomation is optional. The Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 4. Old Business A. Refund Policy B. Tennis Court Rentals — Staff Report 5. New Business A. Pet Parade 2013 B. Dog Exercise Park Improvements — Staff Report C. Commissioner Application Process D. Single A Minor League Baseball Team Proposal 6. Reports / Hand -Outs A. Parks & Recreation Department Reports 1. Monthly Report a. Family Campout Friday, Aug. 23 b. Movies in the Park Friday, Aug 23, Sept 6 & Oct. 25 at 8pm c. Community Center Master Plan Update — Next Community Meeting Wed, Sept. 18 at 7pm d. Halloween Event — Sat, Oct 26. e. Community Garden Update f. Artzfest Recap B. Correspondence C. Commissioners Reports 7. Future Agenda Items 8. Adjournment Next Meeting Thursday, September 19, 2013 NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7323 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.oM AGENDA.8/15/13posted 8/12113 UNAPPROVED MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, June 20, 2013 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Baum at 7:02 pm at the Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame. 1. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Baum, Bullotti, Eaton, Lau, Griffith, Hesselgren, Martin Cornnissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Supervisor Barry, Recreation Program Coordinator Rath and Secretary Borba Others Present: Ralph Richart, BSC; David Wisnom; BSC 2. MINUTE00 The Minutes of the May 16, 2013 regular meeting were approved. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 4. OLD BUSP ITESS a. Burlingame Soccer Club Presentation — Presentation held until after Items B and C. b. _Status of July Meeting - Commission voted to cancel the July meeting due to vacation schedules and reconvene in August. e. Tennis Court Lessons — Supervisor Barry reported that Recreation Coordinator Buchanan will be researching a permit process to rent out the cowls for private lesson and a report will be brought to Commission at the August meeting. a. Burlingame Soccer Club Presentation - Representatives from the soccer club presented a slideshow that included statistics such as hours of field time for games and practices, numbers of players by age, cities served by the program, number of coaches employed, money paid to the city from the soccer club for field rental. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Community Garden — Staff Report available. Barry reported that the proposed location of Bayside Fields fits the parameters required for raised beds, sunlight, parking and water and irrigation. Attached to the staff report is a Site Plan of proposed community garden; pictures of the proposed location and Community Garden Policies, Rules & 'Waiver. Three trees will be removed on the site and three new ones will be planted on site. The work will be done by City park staff. The garden will be managed NJ Rath, Recreation Program Coordinator with Leslie McQuaide as a community garden liaison. Staff is recommending approval by City Council. MOTION by Resselgren (seconded by Bullotti)' Commission supports the placement of a community garden at Bayside Fields at the base of the car turnaround between the batting cage and a city storage shed. MOTION PASSED 6-0. 5. P.1 PQRTS/liAr DOUTS a. Parks & Recreation Reports 1. Monthly Report — a. Pet Parade 2013 — 2013 is the 10 year anniversary of the parade. The parade will take place on September 28, 2013. 2. Community Center Master Plan Update — Kiosks with information will be set up at all the community events to further promote public engagement. The next focus group meeting is set for July 24 h. And a community meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18 at 7 pm at the Recreation Center. 3. Correspondence — None b. Commissioner Reports — None 7. Adiournment— The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame Recreation Center. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm. Respectfully submitted, Gina Borba/Joleen Helley Recording Secretary REFUND/DEPT. CREDIT POLICY "Full check refunds less the $19 department fees ($12 registration, $7 processing) will be given to cancellations received 7 days prior to the first class of the session, unless otherwise noted in the program description. Failure to attend a program, "no shows" or if a class has already concluded, will not be granted a refund. If you are not satisfied with any of our programs, please contact the Front Office at (650)558-7300 and they will further direct you. Full refunds are given for classes cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Department. "Certain recreation programs have specific refund policies that differ from what is listed above, including, but not limited to: Village Park Preschool, Mature Adult Trips and Theater Classes. These special provisions are clarified in their program class descriptions." Rai CITY G� STAFF REPORT �Nwim �uxc6• TO: Margaret Glomstad, Parks & Recreation Director DATE: August 15, 2013 FROM: Kevin Buchanan, Recreation Coordinator SUBJECT: Court Rentals and Private Lessons RECOMMENDATION Recreation Staff recommend the Parks and Recreation Commission approve an amended tennis court rental program that would allow staff to rent out public tennis courts on a broader scale. BACKGROUND The Department staff has received calls from members of the community looking to rent the City tennis courts. However, the existing tennis court rental policy has many restrictions on renting courts which makes is difficult for residents to rent the courts. Examples of these include no weekend rentals, Washington Park courts only permitted in the mornings, and no rentals for private instruction. These restrictions have led to a situation where only one group rents courts during the entire year; a women's tennis league rents courts for league play weekday mornings at Washington Park. The department has not allowed courts to be rented to private instructors for tennis lessons because of an informal office policy of not offering competing programs. At this time the Department contracts with Bill Smith for both group and private tennis lessons. However, Bill Smith does not get a lot of interest in private lessons. Further, staff has been made aware of instances where instructors are conducting lessons on city courts which is prohibited by Burlingame Municipal Code 10.55.028 (g). There is nothing in the Burlingame Municipal Codes that prohibits additional tennis court rental options. DISCUSSION . Recreation staff proposes renting to private tennis instructors who have a Burlingame business license on file with the city. Both San Mateo and Hillsborough rent courts to private instructors and both those cities see private instructors working with the city to carve out times on the courts that have minimal impact on the public. To.do this a change in the rental times is needed to include weekends, afternoons, and evenings. The rental rules would be modified to state that each, park must always have at least 1 court available for public play. The purpose of this is to ensure a court is available of open play. The idea is more to allow select courts to be rented but in a way where multiple locations aren't being rented at the same time so as to drastically reduce available public courts. This amended policy would provide instructors (who already conduct private lessons) a means to legitimately offer lessons on Burlingame courts. FISCAL DIPACT It is expected that increasing tennis court rental opportunities will generate more revenue for the City. At first, this might be a relatively small amount, estimated around $500/year. However, as word spreads and as tennis signs at courts are updated to inform the public that rentals are available, revenue should continue to grow. It is expected that increasing tennis court rentals for private lessons, parties, and reserved play could increase revenue by $1,000-$2,000/year. EXHIBITS A. Proposed tennis court rental form City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. MEBtIRLINGAME 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 Pa I,- ........ phone: (650) 558-7300 • fax: (650) 696-7216 COURT RENTAL APPLICATION�?? Be a Email completed form to: kbuchanan@burlingame.org Date of Application Organization Name Name Non Profit Number Address Type of Use (circle one) City League Play Private/group lesson Party State/Zip Code Reserve Play Other (specify) Phone Number Burlin ame Business License on file with City? Yes No Email (permits are sent as a PDF) Court Requested Dates Times RENTAL RULES rnaran an exemption to the 6 ball/ct limit? Yes I No Explanation: jAmount Due: I I Users are responsible for any damages sustained to the facility or equipment occurring through the occupancy or use of facility. Insurance may be required for facility use with the City of Burlingame as additional insured. If Insurance Is not required, it is the user's responsibility to inspect the facility before each use, paying attention t both the courts and nets. Users must contact the Parks & Recreation Department immediately upon finding any hazardous conditions and will refrain from use of the facility until such condition has been corrected. Applicant hereby agrees to hold the City of Burlingame, Its City Cound and Commissions, the individual members thereof, and all officers, agents and employees free and harmless from any loss, damage, liability, cost of expenses that may arise In any way by such loss or occupancy of park and recreation facilities. alcohol on any court, nor can I sublet my court space to another group or Individual. I will see that my activity will abide by these rules. I also realize that the tennis court permit Is granted with the understanding that the Burlingame Parks and Recreation Department has the right to cancel the permit If the agreed upon facility Is needed for a city sponsored event. 1, understand, hereby certify that I will be personally responsible on behalf of the applicant for any damages sustained to the facility or equipment occurring through the occupancy or use of said facility by the applicant. Applicants Signature Date Une court at each location must always be left available for public play. Washington Park Lesson Court #1 has limited availability Ray & Laguna courts are not rented on the same day/time as rentals at ashington Park Permit should be brought to the courts on rental dates Courts and surrounding areas must be left clean and clear after each use Recreation staff has the discretion to limit the number of rental days In a lendar year All tennis instruction needs to have a tennis court permit and a Burlingame siness license Individuals with a paid rental permit get court priority for the date and time :ed. Non -permitted individuals must surrender court to paid rentals. RENTAL RATES _ WP: Res I WP: Non-res Events I $30/ct- I $50/ct- I $18/ct- I $28/ct- 4 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs Profit i $16/ct - I $20/ct - I $16/ct - I $20/ct - ructor Rate I 1 hr i hr 1 hr 1 hr bicycles, skates, or skateboards allowed on courts at any time finis shoes must be worn at all times en players are waiting, play is limited to: One set for singles Two sets for doubles 45 minute time limit for those not playing a set One person cannot hold a court mis is the only authorized activity to be played on courts smoking or alcohol is permitted on public tennis courts ,ate lessons are not allowed on public courts without a tennis court permit from Burlingame Parks & Recreation Department I can be asked to abide by the rules by anyone on the courts ;ervations available. Call the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Department at 65f 1-7300 to make a reservation more than 6 balls on a court City Representative Date a STAFF REPORT To: Parks and Recreation Commission Date: August 15, 2013 From: Nicole Acquisti, Recreation Supervisor Subject Dog Exercise Park Community Meeting 813/13 RECOMMENDATION Review the information gathered from the Bayside Dog Park Community meeting. BACKGROUND In order to improve the locations used by dog owners throughout the City, the Parks and Recreation Department has been involved in community outreach. This included a community meeting on August 3, 2013. Department staff met with the users of the Dog Exercise Park at Bayside Park. This meeting served as an open forum for community members and dog exercise park users to give input as to what improvements they would like to see at the park. Representing the City of Burlingame Parks and Recreation Department was Director Margaret Glomstad, Recreation Supervisor Nicole Acquisti, Landscape Architect John Cahalan, and Parks Lead Worker Rich Holtz. From the community, there were approximately 15 community members throughout the course of the meeting. For those people who were unable to attend, a meeting synopsis was sent to them via email with an invitation to provide any additional feedback. DISCUSSION To open the meeting, Nicole Acquisti welcomed those attended and gave brief introductions. This meeting was described as an open dialog forum. Questions and comments were encouraged. It was also mentioned that this is a fact finding mission; one that enables the City of Burlingame to find out from the users what improvements they would like to see made. Throughout the meeting, valuable input was be given by the Landscape Architect and Parks Department Lead Worker. Director Glomstad gave a background of the off -leash areas in Burlingame. This is the 2"d Community Meeting the department has initiated; the 1" being for the off -leash area in Washington Park. Over the course of the past couple months, Nicole Acquisti has gone out to the Exercise Park and spoken with users about what improvements they'd like to see at the park. A list of the top 4 was created; additional water fountains, a shaded area, more seating and removal of the small dog enclosure. Dog Exercise Park Meeting on 8/3/73 8/993 Additional Water Fountains: Discussion about adding one on the small dog enclosure end. Also mentioned: putting fountains outside the fenced area for people using the trails; adding a dog washing station, exchanging current fountains for more of the faucet type, fixing the drainage. Adding a Shade Area: Discussion included taking into account time of day, sun verse shade, and seasons. Blueprints of the clay cap and the sewer lines were provided to visually see how far into the ground can be dug before hitting the clay cap. Attendees were also able to use stickers to mark where they wanted shade placed. More Seating: Discussions included taking into account time of day, sun verse shade, and seasons. A large map of the park was provided and attendees were able to use stickers to mark where they wanted benches placed. There was some discussion as to what type of bench would be good for the dogs, as well as ones that would be sustainable. Removing the Small Dog Enclosure: Attendees stated that they liked the enclosure, but suggested adding a new gate that could remain open. This would allow the small area to be part of the larger park area. However, if needed, the gate could be closed to have a separated area. Additional suggestions (other than those noted above I. Eliminate the mud pits around the park 2. Remove the wood strip that was previously used to separate the dirt and grass I Do not bring grass back 4. Add additional trees (without the boxes -water is getting under and creating mud pits) 5. Use a cement slab for the shade structure. 6. Having Thursday be the day for spraying the weeds 7. Add agility course, or other features that challenge dogs 8. Add a slalom course FISCAL IMPACT Fiscal impact will be assessed once a plan of action has been determined. EXHIBITS A. None Burlingame Dog Exercise Park Community Meetin August 3rd from 10:00-11:OOam outside the Burlingame Dog Exercise Park *This meeting served as an open forum for the community members and dog exercise park users to give input as to what improvements they'd like to see done to the park. Representing the City of Burlingame Parks and Recreation Department was Director Margaret Glomstad, Recreation Supervisor Nicole Acquisti, Landscape Architect John Cahalan, and Parks Lead Worker Rich Holtz. From the community, there was approximately 15 community members throughout the course of the meeting. To open the meeting, Nicole Acquisti welcomed those attended and gave brief introductions. This meeting was described as an open dialog forum. Questions and comments were encouraged. It was also mentioned that this is a fact finding mission; one that enables the City of Burlingame to find out from the users what improvements they would like to see made. Throughout the meeting, valuable input would be given from the Landscape Architect and Parks Department Lead worker. Director Glomstad gave a background of the off -leash areas in Burlingame. This is the 2"d Community Meeting the department has initiated; the 1" being for the off -leash area in Washington Park. Over the course of the past couple months, Nicole Acquisti has gone out to the Exercise Park and spoken with users about what improvements they'd like to see at the park. A list of the top 4 was created; additional water fountains, a shaded area, more seating and removal of the small dog enclosure. Additional Water Fountains: Discussion about adding one on the small dog enclosure end. Also mentioned: putting fountains outside the fenced area for people using the trails; adding a dog washing station, exchanging current fountains for more of the faucet type, fixing the drainage. Adding a Shade Area: John Cahalan and Rich Holtz took notes as to what and where feedback stated was best. Discussions included taking into account time of day, sun verse shade, and seasons. Blueprints of the clay cap and the sewer lines were provided by Nicole Acquisti to visually see how far into the ground can be dug before hitting the clay cap. Attendees were also able to use stickers to mark where they wanted shade placed. More seating: John Cahalan and Rich Holtz took notes as to what and where feedback stated was best. Discussions included taking into account time of day, sun verse shade, and seasons. A large map of the park was provided and attendees were able to use stickers to mark where they wanted benches placed. There was some discussion as to what type of bench would be good for the dogs, as well as ones that would be sustainable. Removing the small dog enclosure: Attendees stated that they like the enclosure, but suggested to use a latch gate so that it can opened if necessary. Additional suggestions (other than those noted above): *Eliminate the mud pits around the park *Remove the wood strip that was previously used to separate the dirt and grass *Do not bring grass back *Add additional trees (put into boxes) *Use a cement slab for the shade structure. *Having Thursday be the day for spraying the weeds A follow-up meeting will be scheduled at the Recreation Center towards the end of the calendar. If there are any topics that I've missed, or any further suggestions/concerns/feedback, please do not hesitate to email me. Thank you! Nicole Acquisti City of Burlingame Recreation Supervisor (650)558-7337