HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2006.10.19MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission October 19, 2006 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Dittman at 7:00 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Castner-Paine, Comaroto, Dittman, Hesselgren, Larios, Muller, Shanus Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Randy Schwartz, Parks & Recreation Director; Joleen Butler, Account Clerk III; Others Present: Anaselia Galli - 2321 Ray Drive, Dean Kahn — 1451 Cappuchino, Amy Showen — 133 Valdeflores, Joel Samuels —1290 Howard Ave, Rosemary Rayburn — 500 Almer Rd. #304, Ed Paning, Sandy Comaroto — 1576 Cypress Ave., Caitlin and Peter Comaroto — 1576 Cypress Ave. Schwartz introduced new Commissioners Castner-Paine and Comaroto and reminded the commission that they needed to add the two new members to the Chair rotation. The Commission agreed that commissioners appointed concurrently would be placed on the rotation alphabetically by last name. Chairman Dittman invited the new and continuing Commissioners to introduce themselves to the group. MINUTES The minutes of the September 21, 2006 regular Commission meeting were approved. PUBLIC COMMENTS None NEW BUSINESS Youth Advisory Committee's 2006-07 Events (This item was moved to the front of the agenda by Chairperson Dittman to accommodate the schedules of the Youth Committee members) Three representatives from the Youth Advisory Committee presented activities that the group has been involved in over the past year. The group organizes and hosts several dances during the school year for the 7tn & 8tn graders that live or go to school in Burlingame. These dances are well attended at approximately 350 - 400 kids per dance. They have also put on a Battle of the Bands, and they sell BBQ for Music in the Park, sell snacks, popcorn and cotton candy at Movie in the Park and Art in the Park. Other events organized by the group include a Lock -in, ropes course for team building, ski trips and Disneyland trips. The group participated in the recent American Cancer Society's Relay for Life @ Burlingame High School. Approximately 14 YAC members participated. Parks & Recreation Commission October 19, 2006 Minutes — page 2 OLD BUSINESS Senior Resource Handbook Chairman Dittman reported that the Senior Resource handbook was complete and would soon be emailed. The updated book includes a section on Identity Theft and current websites for many businesses. Capital Improvement Projects Director Schwartz explained a time schedule handout that includes the list of facilities in the City and the typical life expectancy for each of the areas that require maintenance. A second handout includes expected monetary totals for each year. The monetary total includes each item that requires replacement in that given year. Schwartz explained that prior to 2001 the Department was receiving $700,000 per year for capital improvement projects. When the economy took a down turn, no money was provided for this purpose. The Department relied on bond monies and left over monies from previous projects to complete any maintenance projects during the years 2001-2006. This year, the City was able to provide $270,000 for CIP maintenance needs. The Department is now playing catch-up on maintenance that had to be deferred. Commissioner Comaroto asked if the budget numbers were based on past experience. Schwartz said that they were based on past experience or estimates from similar projects. Schwartz said staff would be showing the Commission a 3-year plan regarding capital improvements at the January or February meeting. Included on this plan is the plan to put a synthetic field on Bayside Park ball field, making it a twelve month field. Commissioner Larios explained the savings of having a synthetic field is generated by the additional use time on the field and the general maintenance. The field would then be available for non-scheduled times to the general public. Commissioner Castner- Paine asked how much of the synthetic field is actually for drainage. Schwartz said staff was still getting the numbers together after talking to representatives from companies that would do the work, but speculated that 75% of the cost of the field is in the sub -grade work. Commissioner Hesselgren asked why the Laguna Courts were on the schedule to be re -surfaced in 2006, but have not been completed. (This item is on the 2006-07 CIP list and staff will try to get the project done by the end of the fiscal year) Commissioner Shanus asked why Mills Canyon was not on this list and if Friends of Mills Canyon (FOMC) organization has obtained non-profit status yet. Schwartz mentioned that FMOC has not obtained non-profit status yet to his knowledge. Schwartz also stated that FEMA had re-imbursed the City for the landslide. Commissioner Muller asked for more specific information on Measures H & A that are on ballot for the November election. Schwartz explained that Measure H, which City Council is endorsing, is the Flood Measure to fix the storm drain system in Burlingame. The Bond is asking for $44 million. $37 million would go to storm drains and $7 million would be used to repair ADA, safety and other regulatory or health issues in City facilities. Commissioner Hesselgren said she thought that some of that $7 million was earmarked for the Recreation Center. Schwartz said that the Recreation Center would receive some of the money for much needed HVAC and electrical improvements, but the money was not to be used for a new Recreation Center. Parks & Recreation Commission October 19, 2006 Minutes — page 3 Schwartz also explained Measure A on the ballot. This measure is a collaboration of San Mateo County, the cities and three special districts to provide Parks & Recreation Departments with much needed monies. The measure proposes a 1/8 cent sales tax increase that would then be distributed to all the participating agencies. Burlingame's approximate share would be about $300,000 a year, increasing with the cost of living. This measure does need a two-thirds majority vote to pass. Commissioner Castner-Paine said it would be a great thing for Parks & Recreation if Measure A were passed. Schwartz distributed an article regarding Path Parkways and the importance of keeping them maintained for the safety of the public. Shanus asked if there were path lights at every park. Schwartz stated that there were not path lights at every park. Castner-Paine asked if there was money in the budget for lights in Washington Park to be replaced so people could safely walk through the park to the train station. Schwartz stated that there are funds in the annual budget for routine maintenance projects such as this, but the project on the CIP list referred to replacing the entire system. Muller mentioned that her neighbor fell on the sidewalk in front of the Recreation center and that she was disappointed with the patchwork manner in which the City used to repair the uneven pavement. Schwartz stated that this matter should be agendized for the next meeting as it is not within the current agenda parameters. Dittman directed staff to place the item on the November agenda. Art in the Park Butler distributed a summary handout from the Art in the Park Planning meeting that took place on 9/26/06. Hesselgren, Heathcote and Shanus were on the Sub -Committee that attended the meeting to represent the Commission and report the main points of what was discussed. Schwartz explained that Pacific Fine Arts is the vendor that is in charge of marketing, security, artist selection and clean up for the event. The City handles the food/beverage, entertainment and music. Dittman asked whose vision was listed on the handout. Hesselgren stated that the recorded vision was derived from Pacific Fine Arts original vision combined with the City's vision. Shanus reported that there was a fair amount of discussion regarding family type activities and merchandise for children to purchase. Also discussed was the appropriate use of corporate sponsors. Hesselgren stated that sponsors are needed to underwrite the event; however, the dilemma is where to place the booths. Artists do not want to be next to a sponsor but the sponsors want to be near the foot traffic. Larios asked if any local artist were turned down by PFA during the jurying of artist selection and if there were any artists with materials of interest to children. PFA did not turn down any local area artists that we know of and, although none was present, PFA has a list of artists for children to draw from. Hesselgren mentioned that PFA felt that the family area should be separate from the artist area. Schwartz stated one idea mentioned was an area for kids to have an "art experience" themselves while parents shopped. Parks & Recreation Commission October 19, 2006 Minutes — page 4 Castner-Paine thought using any extra booth space to present classes offered by the Recreation Department would be a great addition to the event. Comaroto asked what the 2006 net revenue was for the event. Schwartz said the event's net profit was approximately $22,000; up from $18,000 in previous years. Schwartz stated that there will be a Food/Beverage meeting on November 7, from 3:00-5:00 pm at the Recreation Center. The information from this meeting will be brought back to the Commission at the November meeting, after which a recommendation could be made to Council regarding the vision for the event. He then asked for volunteers for a sub -committee. Hesselgren and Shanus volunteered to be on the Committee. REPORTS / HAND-OUTS Staff Schwartz reported that the Recreation Department has hired two new Supervisors. Tim Barry being promoted from Coordinator to Supervisor and welcomed Stacey Poncia as a new Supervisor to the Department. The search for a Recreation Coordinator is currently in progress and he hopes to announce a new hire for that position at the next meeting. AYSO opening day was September 9 and youth soccer season is fully underway with 2,000 participants. Adult programs such as Private Piano, Cooking Classes, 40 and over Softball and Senior Citizens trips are doing well. Something new this year is a Fall Fashion Show and Luncheon for the Seniors on November 29 at the Recreation Center. Schwartz handed out "Law Principles for Public Servants", an article from the Institute for Local Government explaining that it was for the general information of the Commissioners from the City Attorney. Schwartz also explained to the Commission that the Attendance Rule for City Commissions is based on the calendar year. If a Commissioner is absent 1/3 of the calendar year or misses three meetings in a row, they are to be removed from the Commission. Schwartz also stated that the City Council has directed staff to indicate on the minutes if a commissioner is late for the meeting or leaves early. Schwartz read an email he received from a citizen requesting that the Washington Park Basketball courts be re -lined and have lighting added. The courts can be relined; however, lighting is costly and would most likely be opposed by the neighbors. Schwartz stated that three requests for additional gymnasium space came in during the past month. Castner-Paine asked about Victoria Park Basketball courts and if they are used as much as in the past. Larios mentioned that a hoop was removed from the courts, as there were large groups of teenagers congregating, being loud and getting out of control in addition to using the courts for their intended purpose. Parks & Recreation Commission October 19, 2006 Minutes — page 5 Commissioners 1. Commissioner Shanus asked about a Burlingame Intermediate School and Parks & Recreation intramural program he read about in the BIS newsletter. Schwartz explained that Parks & Recreation would be putting on various activities, such as free throw basketball contests, during the 35-minute lunch break and a show choir program before school. 2. Commissioner Muller had heard that the business at Hoover School (Shinyoen program) was not doing well and she thought it was a nice piece of property for the City to look into. Schwartz explained that the current owner, Shinnyo-en, was moving their program to Redwood City. The City has already rejected the idea of running programs out of the school with the Burlingame School District due to the cost, a lack of parking and the property being in a remote location. 3. Muller also asked about the condition of the tree worker that was hurt about a month ago. Schwartz reported that employee was home from the hospital and recovering slowly. 4. Commissioner Larios asked about the possibility of installing strap swings next to the bucket swings at Pershing Park as some parents have children of both ages that they take to the park. Schwartz said does not think this is compliant with the current safety standards, but he would confirm that information and report back to the commission. (update: playground safety standards do not allow for a bucket seat and strap seat to be placed in the same bay) 5. Commissioner Dittman asked about the possibility of adding lap swim hours on Friday evenings at the pool. Schwartz said he would ask the aquatics coordinator if this is a possibility. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Butler Parks & Recreation Account Clerk III