HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2006.04.20MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, April 20, 2006 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Heathcote at 7:10 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Heathcote, Hesselgren, Larios, Shanus Commissioners Absent: Schreurs, Muller Staff Present: Randy Schwartz, Parks & Recreation Director; Joleen Butler, Account Clerk III. Others Present: Bobbi Benson (550 El Camino, #103, Burlingame) MINUTES Commissioner Dittman noted that her comments of agreement to limit the amount of signage towards Mills Canyon were not included in the February 16, 2006 minutes. The minutes of the February 16, 2006 regular Commission meeting were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bobbi Benson of Friends of Mills Canyon reported the trees have been removed from the canyon and they are waiting for stumps to be mulched. The California Conservation Corps has worked to re-route two washouts on the creek side trail and two new bridges have been put into place. There has been a landslide on the creek side, which was just a matter of time. Public Works was out with a consultant to assess the damage caused by the earth movement but the bottom of the trail may need to be let go. Ms. Benson mentioned that FMOC is still working on obtaining 501 c3 non- profit status. They had 24 volunteers out in the Canyon in March to help widen trails and take out poison oak. FMOC has taken the neighbors comments and concerns to heart and the organization is working to remove deadwood and hanging limbs. In addition to making the views better this will also make it easier for homeowners to self -patrol and easier for the police department to patrol the area. Ms. Benson mentioned that she checked with the Fire Marshall, Roque Yballa, regarding gating off the side trails to keep people out of the Canyon in the evening hours. Ms. Benson invited the Commission and public to the May 7, 8:00 am Planting Day on Burlingame Avenue at Primrose. Approximately 1/3 of the planters on those streets are full. Ms. Benson also mentioned there is a workday on April 29 at 9:00 am at the Arguello entrance to the Canyon. The phone number and website for Friends of Mills Canyon are as follows: (650) 558- 7325 & www.finoc.org. OLD BUSINESS A. Senior Resource Handbook — Commissioner Dittman worked on the last publishing of the handbook. Dittman informed the Commission that the handbook is published approximately every two years. In 2002-03, the handbook was also put onto the City's website. High school volunteers and Youth Advisory Committee members call all the organizations in the handbook to confirm the information and to update any outdated information. On the website, the Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes April 20, 2006 —page 2 organizations with websites are actual links to the sites. Dittman reported that the handbook is amazing and she has given copies to many people. The first run was 1,000 copies, and then more copies were run off. Dittman said it was time to update the handbook. Dittman asked who could be contacted to start the volunteer process. Commissioner Larios said to talk to Sue Glick at Burlingame High School to organize another time. He suggested picking a date about 2-3 weeks out to get things moving. Director Schwartz said to contact Tony Riccomini at the Parks & Recreation Department to ask for Youth Advisory Committee volunteers. Commissioner Heathcote asked to whom we distribute the handbooks and who does the distribution. Schwartz said that the handbook is distributed to City Hall, the Recreation Center, local churches, libraries and many of the organizations in the handbook itself. As for the distribution, the Senior Coordinator for the Recreation Department, Arlene Castro, handles it. Dittman asked how we find out about new Senior Services in the area. Schwartz said there is a County handbook and it is a good idea to compare our handbook to that one and add anything we do not have, as the County book is very current. Commissioner Shanus asked if the handbooks are distributed to the local Senior Homes as they may have resources of their own to add to the handbook. Larios asked who would do the crosschecking of the County handbook to the City's handbook. Schwartz replied that the volunteers would call to check if service is current and check the web links to see if they are active. Dittman mentioned the contact names could also be checked. The volunteers mark up hard copies. These changes will be collectively put into one book and Dittman will update the website. Dittman asked if there are phones and computers available for the volunteers. Schwartz said that there are phones and computers at the Recreation Center. Larios mentioned that this should be done on a weekday after school as most of the businesses and organizations would most likely be open during the week as opposed to a Saturday. Larios asked what happens if there are not enough volunteers. He offered his help. .- Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5First line: o^ A. UUDdate on Senior Citizens — Ms. Butler reported that Arlene Castro, Recreation Coordinator, and Tricia Pinney, Recreation Supervisor, were unable to attend this meeting. However, a packet of information had been put together listing programs and services offered by the Parks & Recreation Department. The packet was handed out to the Commission for review. Commissioner Dittman asked if senior lunch is still offered twice a week. Schwartz said that the County lunch program was discontinued about two years ago, however, in its place is offered a Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes April 20, 2006 —page 3 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5" ------------ B-. Bingo-n-Bag lunch every Tuesday. Attendees bring their own bag lunch and a dessert is Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5 No bullets or numbering provided by the department. The program is well attended. EB. Capital Improvement Projects — Schwartz reported that the Bayside Restrooms project is out to public bid. The project will begin in early July after the BYBA tournament, as the renovation will require closing off the new parking lot. Pershing Park renovation is completed and the remainder of the money from that project will be transferred to the Cuernevaca Park renovation project. Commissioner Shanus asked what the scope of the Cuernevaca project was. Schwartz replied that Cuernavaca was the last playground to be renovated for ADA compliance and playground safety standards. Schwartz also said the Department would invite the neighbors to join a Cuernavaca Committee. He also discussed some new playground equipment that was exhibited at a CPRS conference earlier this year. Currently there is $50,000 annually in the Eucalyptus tree management and $50,000 in earmarked for landscaping improvements, which will be used for improvements to the Bayside and Washington Park pathways. Schwartz explained the Long-term CIP Replacement Plan. Schwartz explained that several items were not on this list. Examples are new capital improvements such as a synthetic grass field for lower Bayside Park and some maintenance items such as fencing or path lights. Commissioner Larios asked if there is a priority to the CIP Plan. Schwartz replied the Long - Term CIP Replacement Plan is a maintenance only plan; however, the Parks & Recreation CIP Plan is prioritized with safety items at the top of the list. The Parks & Recreation Department will be receiving $270,000 in CIP funds for 2006-07 that will be used exclusively for safety items such as park pathways and playground surfacing. Commissioner Dittman asked if one of the Commissions old CIP lists is still available. Schwartz stated that staff would pull one of the old lists for discussion at the next commission meeting. He also said the only two items he remembers from the old list that have not been completed are the bandstand in the park and the front entrance to Washington Park which is now being addressed as part of the Burlingame Avenue train station discussions. Commissioner Hesselgren added that it would be good to have discussions at the next meeting regarding the benefits of Parks & Recreation noting the recent press regarding obesity in children. Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Bold, Italic Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes April 20, 2006 —page 4 Commissioner Dittman asked if the staff could provide blurbs, study guides and important points to keep in mind when they are out and talking to the public. Schwartz will send some out to the Commissioners. REPORTS/HAND-OUTS A. Parks & Recreation Department Reports 1) Monthly Report (see attached) Director Schwartz reported that the portables are to be removed soon from the BHS backfield. There is a meeting scheduled for April 26, 2006 at 5:30 pm with the neighbors involved in the renovation of the backfield. Commissioner Dittman asked what the status is on the high school football field as there are ruts and bunched areas of the top surface. Schwartz also reported the addition of a small dog area to the dog park at Bayside Park. 2) 2004-5 FY Revenue Report (see attached) Commissioner Larios asked when the pavement at Pershing Park was due to be resurfaced. Schwartz said it was due for maintenance and resurfacing in 2007. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, May 18, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. ...--- Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Bold, Italic ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Butler Parks & Recreation Account Clerk III