HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2007.09.20MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, September 20, 2007 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Dittman at 7:00 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Muller, Hesselgren, Shanus, Larios, Castner-Paine, Comaroto Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz; MTEP Participant Brewer; Recreation Supervisor Hager Others Present: Tom Paine, Burlingame; Josie Ewing, Burlingame Director Schwartz introduced Danielle Brewer, a Recreation Services Manager from the City of San Bruno who will be working for the City of Burlingame for three months as part of the Management Talent Exchange Program (MTEP). MINUTES The Minutes of the August 16, 2007 regular meeting were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENTS —None NEW BUSINESS B. Recreation Center Report (This item was moved up on the agenda by Chairperson Dittman) — MTEP Brewer referenced a recent newspaper article that indicated much seismic work needs to be done on the existing Recreation Center and then listed several facts that were not present in the article. Those facts included: • Brick/masopa public buildings constructed after 1935 used steel reinforcement. The 1948 plans for the Recreation Center show the use of steel reinforcement inside the auditorium walls. • Almost no buildings constructed before 1989 meet the current seismic codes — updated after the 1994 Northridge earthquake. • San Mateo High School was built in the 1920's — nearly 25 years before the Recreation Center and before the use of steel reinforcement. • The City conducted a Facility Master Plan study in 2004 to determine the needs to City facilities, including the Recreation Center, and to prioritize those needs. • The study indicates only the Auditorium wall facing Burlingame Avenue is in need of retrofitting and did not recommend closure of the facility. • Upon receiving the report, the City Council developed Measure H to address the needs of the City's facility needs including many improvements to the Recreation Center. • While Measure H was defeated last November by less than 2 percentage points, the City Council remains committed to finding a source to fund the retrofit. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes September 20, 2007 — Page 2 Director Schwartz stated that staff s recommendation to the Commission and City Council for a new Recreation Center has continually been based on the lack of indoor recreational facilities in the City rather than in the safety of the current Center. Schwartz indicated that most cities in the Bay Area provide amenities such as a dedicated area for senior citizens to congregate, a teen facility or a City gymnasium. Commissioner Comaroto stated that the existing Center is not in compliance with the fire codes by having upstairs offices with only one route of escape and the lack of fire sprinklers throughout the facility. Commissioner Larios said that the City Council has never taken a proactive stance on constructing a new Recreation Center and pointed out how recreation facilities are a priority in other cities, citing San Carlos' Youth Center as an example. Commissioner Castner-Paine stated there is no money in the City's budget for a new Recreation Center and suggested repairs to the existing facility and then waiting until funds are available. She also suggested that the City consider the purchase of the Post Office facility as a site for a new Recreation Center. Schwartz commented that the 2001 committee on recreational facilities considered over 20 locations within Burlingame for a new Recreation Center, many of them in downtown locations. The committee's findings were that a new Center should be constructed at the west end of Washington Park to allow Center users easy access to other facilities in Washington Park and Burlingame High School such as open park space, the playground, the swimming pool and ball fields. When the committee's recommendation was discussed by the Parks & Recreation Commission, it was revised to have the new Center located immediately adjacent to the Park on Burlingame Avenue. This concept would still allow for the use of Washington Park and Burlingame High School and would also allow for more open space in the Park. The City Council approved the revised approach and had indicated their intent to place the funding for this plan on the 2002 ballot. However, due to the downturn in the economy, this was not done. Since then, the largest question related to a new Recreation Center has been whether the facility should be placed in Washington Park or can additional funds be found to purchase land adjacent to the Park. Castner-Paine made a motion that "The Parks & Recreation Commission recommends to the City Council that funds be provide within six months for retrofitting the portion of the Recreation Center that does not meet the current seismic codes". The motion was seconded by Larios and passed unanimously. Larios also stated that this motion does not address the other issues indicated in the report, such as the lack of program space, over crowded offices, lack of storage, need to improve the mechanical systems, compliance with fire codes and upgrades to the electrical systems. He repeated that the Council needs to be the advocates for a new facility and noted that he will be leaving the Commission at the end of his term to form a group that will place a new recreation center as a priority for the community. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes September 20, 2007 — Page 3 OLD BUSINESS A. Arsenic Update — MTEP Brewer gave a recap of the September 171h City Council meeting presentation by representatives of the San Mateo Union High School District and State Dept of Toxic Substance Control. The current plan calls for (1) the back field to be removed beginning in the upcoming few weeks and the installation of the synthetic field to be completed by mid -February and (2) the work on the front of the School to begin in late October or early November. Sixty percent of this $40 million project will be paid for with State funds. The District also reported that they are consulting with arborists and are caring for the trees in front of the School and those along Carolan Avenue. NEW BUSINESS C. Preschool Registration Process (This item was moved up on the agenda by Chairperson Dittman to accommodate Mrs. Ewing) - Director Schwartz stated that Josie Ewing's grandchild was not placed in the lottery as a resident for the Department's preschool program at Village Park because she could not show proof that the child lived in Burlingame. Mrs. Ewing appealed the staff s action to the Director who supported the registration process and informed Mrs. Ewing that she could also appeal to the Parks & Recreation Commission. Mrs. Ewing appealed this item to the City Manager who also found the current practice as acceptable. The city manager was told that the grandchild does live with his parents in San Bruno and told Mrs. Ewing that further appeals needed to be made to the Commission. Mrs. Ewing indicated to the City Manager that she did want a hearing before the Commission. Recreation Supervisor Hager reviewed the current registration process that includes a lottery and was approved by the Commission approximately three years ago. Prior to that, the process was first come, first served and had many people camping in Village Park for more than a day prior to the start of registration. Commissioner Comaroto asked how much larger the program could grow if more space was available. Hager responded that there appears to be enough need in the community for the program to nearly double in size. She also stated that she approached the Burlingame School District a few years ago seeking space for a transitional kindergarten program. While that did not result in additional space for a city preschool program, it did lead to a partnership with Community Gatepath for an integrated program at their new facility. Commissioner Larios asked if younger children are given a priority into the program if the first child in the family is admitted to the program. Hager stated that is the policy for Village Park and nearly all other preschools. Commissioner Shanus asked how the price of the Village Park preschool program compares to the cost of other preschools in the area. Hager did not have the specific information immediately at hand, but indicated that most of the other programs are substantially more expensive that the City's program. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes September 20, 2007 — Page 4 Chairperson Dittman then opened the discussion for public comment. Josie Ewing stated that she has been a 17 year resident of Burlingame and that her daughter attended both Burlingame Intermediate School and Burlingame High School. Mrs. Ewing is the grandparent of a two year old and a six year old. The six year old was denied admission to the City's preschool program and had to be placed in a preschool elsewhere that cost much more than Burlingame's program. Her two year old grandson, Dante, stays with Mrs. Ewing 13 hours each week day and should be considered as having dual -residency in Burlingame. She stated that her daughter lives with her husband in San Bruno and has a very good job at PG&E. Mrs. Ewing watches Dante while her daughter and son-in-law are at work. Dante was considered a non -Burlingame resident and was not allowed into the lottery. She would like the children of grandparents and caregivers who live in Burlingame to be considered Burlingame residents. In response to a question from Commissioner Comaroto, Ewing stated that not allowing Dante into the lottery has been difficult for her and caused her to find another preschool. The six -year old had to attend the preschool at Our Lady of Angels at a cost of $3,500. Tom Paine, Burlingame resident, spoke to the Commission that he was unaware of the City's preschool and was very impressed by the description of the program and the process. Chairperson Dittman then closed the public comment portion of the discussion. Commissioner Shanus discussed how children are allowed to attend elementary school within the district boundaries of a caregiver. Larios responded that this situation differs in that local school districts are given funds by the State based upon the district's average daily attendance. Larios also stated that he would like to see a provision made for grandparents' residency to be considered, as more and more adults and their children are living with the grandparents. Commissioner Castner-Paine agreed saying that grandparents are different than cousins, aunts and uncles. Larios asked if grandparents can be given a weighted priority or a limited number of places in the program. Schwartz clarified that Larios was suggesting a three-tier system that would include (1) Burlingame parents or legal guardians, (2) Burlingame grandparents, (3) registration open to the public. Shanus suggested that after Burlingame parents are given time to register for the program, the program be open to both Burlingame and non -Burlingame residents to be placed on a waiting list. Hager stated that is the current policy. Shanus asked if Mrs. Ewing could have been placed on the waiting list. Hager stated that the waiting list is open throughout the year beginning the morning after the registration, but Mrs. Ewing's daughter did not wish to have Dante placed on the waiting list. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes September 20, 2007 — Page 5 Chairperson Dittman asked how you can prove that someone is a grandparent of the child, how do you prove someone is the caregiver and why not extend the residency offer to other members of the family. Caster -Paine suggested that the person registering for the program could sign an oath under penalty of perjury that they are the care -giver for the child. Schwartz reminded the Commissioners that any priority system developed will need to be something that can be enforced by the staff at the Recreation Center when someone is registering. After more discussion, a Motion by (Larios seconded by Hesselgren): "Deny the appeal and to continue with the current preschool registration policies". The motion was and was approved by a vote of 6-0-1, with Castner-Paine abstaining. Shanus asked that the preschool program fees be placed on an upcoming agenda for the Commission to consider, citing the recent ten percent increase in program fees for programs held on Burlingame School District campuses. OLD BUSINESS B. Letter regarding _ Women's Soccer Lead — Chairperson Dittman reminded the Commissioners that a letter was read to the Commission at last month's meeting from a participant in the women's soccer league who stated a high chance of injury in the program because referees allow too much contact. MTEP Brewer reported that she has spoken with staff in charge of the league and they have started a new practice of allowing the coaches to evaluate the referees after each game. She also stated that the coach of the team whose player wrote the letter dismissed the letter and the high chance of injury due to referees calls. C. Update on Walk of Fame Procedures/Process — MTEP Brewer reported that the City Council discussed the Walk of Fame procedures at their last meeting and approved the recommendation of the Commission by a vote of 5-0. NEW BUSINESS A. Tennis Court Fees — Because of the lateness of the meeting, Chairperson Dittman and Commissioner Hesselgren agreed to table this discussion until the next Commission meeting. B. Afterschool Programs _— Director Schwartz stated that the additional ten percent fees are being collected by the Department and that the City and District are working on an Agreement that will describe the partnership and common programs. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes September 20, 2007 — Page 6 REPORTS/HANDOUTS A. Staff Reports 1. Schwartz read a portion of a memo from the City Manager stating that those serving on City commissions can be removed if they are absent from 33% or more of the meetings in a calendar year or if they miss four consecutive meetings. 2. Monthly Report dated September 18, 2007 — attached 3. 2007-08 Revenue Report — attached B. Commissioners 1. Commissioner Hesselgren noted that one light and one motion detector do not appear to be working by the fragrance garden in Washington Park. 2. Chairperson Dittman asked why the small backstop was removed from Ray Park. (Follow-up: the small back stop at Ray Park was tipped over and in pieces City staff contacted Burlingame Girls Softball who will be making the repairss ) 3. Commissioner Shanus reported that Danny, one of the operators of the snack shack at Bayside Park, recently passed away and the League is considering donating a picnic table to the Park in Danny's memory. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 pm. Respectfully submitted, Randy Schwartz Parks & Recreation Director