HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2007.08.16MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, August 16, 2007 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Dittman at 7:05 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Muller, Hesselgren, Shanus, Larios, Castner-Paine, Comaroto Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz; Account Clerk III Joleen Butler; Others Present: None MINUTES The Minutes of the June 21, 2007 regular meeting were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENTS — Letter received by Director Schwartz from participant in Adult Soccer league was read to Commission. Chairperson Dittman asked staff to research the incident and report back to Commission at their next meeting. OLD BUSINESS A. Arsenic Update— Director Schwartz reported that the San Mateo Union High School District is in a 30-day comment period with the state regarding the arsenic portion of the cleanup at the Burlingame High School. The PCB & Lead clean up has been completed and the arsenic cleanup is to start in the Fall of 2007. Schwartz will be attending the next SMUHSD board meeting and will report to Commission and Council. B. Update on Centennial Celebration — Schwartz reported that the Community Picnic will be on October 6 and the Scavenger Hunt will be on October 7. Mollie Stones will be providing the food for the picnic, the Lion's Club will be barbequing the food and Shinnyo-en will do a recognition ceremony. Registration for the Scavenger Hunt will begin at the end of August. There will be teams of no more than 2 adults and the hunt will be on foot in the downtown and Washington Park areas. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes August 16, 2007 — Page 2 NEW BUSINESS A. Walk of Fame - The Commission discussed the procedure drafted in 2003-04 for the City to recognize individuals contributing large donations or long-term volunteer service. One type of recognition is the Walk of Fame. The following ideas for presentation and placement were discussed: Plaques in sidewalk on Burlingame Ave or around City Hall, plaques along the Bay front Trail, plaques at the site of volunteer service and a plaque at City Hall with recognition marker at choice of site for service. The question of funding for the maintenance of plaques was raised and staff said that an Annual Recognition Dinner would pay for the items and the maintenance involved. MOTION by Muller (seconded by Castner-Paine): The Commission recommends to Council that there be a plaque designating the name, year and type of service hanging in City Hall recognizing each recipient and another recognition marker be placed at the site of their service. MOTION PASSED 7-0. B. Parks & Recreation Department Program & Facilities Master Plan - Schwartz explained that the plan outlines the goals and current conditions of the Parks & Recreation facilities and programs, and how they meet the community's current and future needs. Included is a listing of each park and how it meets the needs of the users, a Capital Improvement Plan for the needs at each park and a survey of the public regarding the condition of the facilities and programs. Commissioner Larios was surprised at the favorable survey results regarding the condition of the Recreation Center, felt that the public was not informed on its current condition and thought there needs to be a sense of urgency to fix the building. Commissioner Comaroto asked if the Recreation Center could be inspected and shut down for seismic issues, similar to San Mateo High School. Schwartz stated that discussion was not part of the agendized topic and should not be continued. Comaroto asked that the Recreation Center discussion be placed on the next meeting's agenda. C. Park Amenities — Discussion of Future Vision — At the request of Commissioner Castner- Paine, Chairperson Dittman postponed the discussion until the September meeting. Castner-Paine would like the time to review the Facility Master plan before discussions. REPORTS/HANDOUTS A. Staff Reports 1. Monthly Report dated August 8, 2007 — attached Commissioner Shanus asked staff the status of the surcharge for recreation programs held on Burlingame School District facilities. Schwartz responded that the Council approved a 10% surcharge and will continue to look for other options to assist the BSD in recovering the costs for the usage of their facilities. Commissioner Castner-Paine asked if the decision can be revisited if the surcharge negatively affects program registration. Schwartz said that issue was brought up by Council in its Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes August 16, 2007 — Page 3 deliberations and will be examined in the Fall. Commission discussion included: • Parents are already taxed for the school facilities • Will the BSD need the surcharge if the BSD parcel tax passes • Will this create more of a need for program scholarships • The Parks & Recreation Dept budget has been reduced and is also in need of these revenues • The original partnership has been changed from one where the City was a "lifesaver" (providing services and programs at City cost that the BSD was no longer able to provide for themselves) to one where the City is now being charged to use and maintain BSD facilities • Can the BSD request more funding from the City in future years • Can BSD provide volunteers to the programs (ex. Scorekeepers) to help lower the costs • Should a lower surcharge be placed on all recreation programs regardless of their location Schwartz stated that the City -School Liaison Committee is continuing to work on each of the issues above and a long-term agreement for use and maintenance of the BSD facilities. 2. 2007-08 Revenue Report — attached B. Commissioners 1. Commissioner Hesselgren inquired as to the fee per hour to rent the Burlingame High School Tennis courts. (The fee to rent the BHS tennis courts is $7.50 per hour for each court) NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, September 20, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:14 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Butler Burlingame Parks & Recreation