HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2008.06.26MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, June 26, 2008 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Dittman at 7:00 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Hesselgren, Shanus, Castner-Paine, Carlton, La Mariana, Fisher Commissioners Absent: Comaroto Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz, Intern Balzereit Others Present: Allen Menecucci, 1529 Albermarle Way; Zita & John Escobosa, 1516 Adeline Drive; Joseph Zuffi, 1517 Balboa Avenue; Gary Vennarucci, 1430 Paloma Avenue MINUTES - The Minutes of the May 15, 2008 regular meeting were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENTS — Zita Escobosa asked that Ray Park be considered for the trial period of dogs off leash similar to Washington and Cuernavaca Parks. She also presented photos from the recent Billie Sue softball tournament and OLA picnic that were held at Ray Park. The photos show that debris was left by the garbage can area after the tournament and that no garbage was left next to the garbage can area after the picnic. Al Menecucci and Gary Vennarucci also spoke in favor of allowing dogs off leash at Ray Park. Chairperson Hesselgren explained how the trial period came into effect and stated that the item is scheduled to be on the Commission's August agenda for recommendation to Council to expand the program and make it permanent and that the item should be heard by Council in September. Schwartz distributed letters to the Commissioners from Mrs. Martha Benson complimenting the Youth Advisory Committee members and their Advisor, Stacey Poncia, on the May 18th Day on the Green event. The letter also stated her disappointment that no Council members or Commissioners dropped by to see the event. Commissioner Shanus stated that he was in attendance, but does not know Mrs. Benson. OLD BUSINESS A. Consideration of Allowing Businesses to Receive Resident Rate on Recreation Programs — Director Schwartz stated that staff has been unable to develop a process that would give local business owners and employees the resident rate for recreation classes in an easy and efficient way other than to eliminate the non- resident fee. After much discussion and exploration of various options, staff was asked about the practice in other cities. Schwartz replied that he was only aware of one other city that offers such a discount and their practice is to not require any proof, but to just give the resident rate to anyone who claims to work locally. Parks & Recreation Commission June 26, 2008 Minutes — page 2 Chairperson Hesselgren suggested trying the honor system for a session and having the front office staff create a form for the registrant to complete stating the name of the business where they work. Commissioner Shanus stated that the program would then still be advertised to the business community and encourage people to take recreational classes. MOTION by La Mariana (seconded by Carlton): To recommend that the City Council waive the non-resident fee on all Burlingame Parks & Recreation programs for Burlingame based business owners and their employees on an on- going basis beginning with the fall 2008 registration. MOTION PASSED 6-0 (I absent). B. Recommendation on Cuernavaca Playground ound — Commissioners Castner-Paine and Carlton reported that the Playground Committee had their final meeting and discussed the Committee's recommendation. Castner-Paine described the equipment, committee process and answered questions about the type of material, reasons for selection, colors and other information. She stated that the equipment is made from recycled materials but cannot be recycled after its use and expressed disappointment that the manufacturers of the equipment state that the typical lifespan of a playground is only 12-15 years. MOTION by Carlton (seconded by Castner-Paine): To recommend approval of the play structure design to the City Council. MOTION PASSED 6-0 (1 absent). Schwartz stated that a major reason for the short life span for the equipment is the continual changes to legal requirements, such as the Americans with Disability Act and the national playground safety standards. He also thanked Carlton and Castner-Paine for their work with the Playground Committee. NEW BUSINESS A. Recreation Program Participation on Burlingame School District Campuses — Director Schwartz and Commissioner Shanus reported on their presentation to the Burlingame School District Board recapping the participation of recreation programs held on BSD campuses during the 2007-08 school year. Registrations for the year totaled $185,233 dollars. Per last year's agreement, the City has delivered a check for $18,523 to the District. The Commission also discussed the drop in attendance in the 2007-08 year from the three previous years particularly in the after -school basketball programs at both the elementary and intermediate levels. As that cannot be directly linked to the 10% surcharge, Shanus is recommending continuation of the current practice from last year. (Note: This information will be discussed by the City -School liaison committee in the Fall) Parks & Recreation Commission June 26, 2008 Minutes — page 3 B. Consideration of Improvements to Franklin Field — Schwartz and Shanus reported that at the conclusion of their presentation to the School Board, Board member Marc Friedman asked that the Parks & Recreation Commission consider having the District add synthetic grass to Franklin Field with the use of bond funds and then be reimbursed by an increase in user fees to the non-profit youth groups that use the facility. Schwartz explained that the topic was discussed at the April 1, 2008 field users meeting where representatives of AYSO, Burlingame Girls Softball, Burlingame Youth Baseball Association, Burlingame Soccer Club, Coyotes Lacrosse, Gaelic Football and Our Lady of Angels sports club unanimously set Bayside Park and Murray Field as their priority of field improvements. Friedman was aware of this meeting, but continued to ask that the City again make the District an offer regarding Franklin Field. Shanus and La Mariana, who represented the Commission at the April I't meeting, stated that improvements to both Franklin Field and Osberg Field (B.I.S.) were analyzed in depth at the meeting, reviewed the rationale for the group's decision and discussed the benefits of the Field Users' recommendation. The Commissioners revisited the benefits of many of the fields in the Community. Commissioner Carlton stated that the fields at Bayside Park and Murray Field are larger than Franklin Field, already have lights, can better handle the traffic and have fewer impacts on neighbors. Chairperson Hesselgren said that the third priority for improvements should be the small diamond at Washington Park. MOTION by La Mariana (seconded by Fisher): To adopt and support the recommendations of the Field Users' Meeting of April 1, 2008 regarding the priorities for field improvements. MOTIONPASSED 6-0 (1 absent). REPORTSMANDOUTS A. Staff Reports 1. Monthly Report — In addition to the attached report, Schwartz announced that the final Centennial events — 7th & 81h grade dance, Day on the Green and Gala — were all successful. La Mariana asked if the events reached their revenue goals. Schwartz replied that a final finance report is not yet ready, but feels confidant that the Event Committee's goal of being able to return the $50,000 to Council will be attained. 2. 2007-08 Revenue Report (see attached) B. Commissioners 1. Commissioner Carlton asked if the City has a policy regulating trees that block views of another property. Schwartz replied that the Beautification Commission developed a Tree View Policy a few years ago that focuses on conflict resolution of trees blocking views of the Bay and Airport. Parks & Recreation Commission June 26, 2008 Minutes — page 4 2. Carlton also asked if synthetic fields are regularly cleaned to prevent the spread of bacteria. Schwartz stated that they are not cleaned for this purpose, but do have irrigation systems for the removal of gum and other debris. Schwartz also discussed a recent article regarding lead in some synthetic grass fields. These fields use nylon "blades" of grass. The fields that use polyurethane "blades" have not been shown to have any issues associated with lead contamination. Schwartz has been in contact with the County Dept of Environmental Health and the other Parks & Recreation Directors in the County and can find no nylon fields within San Mateo County. He stated that all of the discussions regarding Bayside Park's field involve only the polyurethane type fields. 3. Commissioner Castner-Paine asked if Parks Superintendent Tim Richmond is still working for the City. Schwartz replied that Richmond has officially retired, but is still helping the City complete a couple of projects such as Cuernavaca Playground and some playground resurfacings. 4. Castner-Paine asked that the City provide residents with information regarding the differences in the various artificial lawns available for residential use. 5. Castner-Paine also asked staff to request the Beautification Commission only consider carbon sequestrian trees for the street tree lists. 6. Commissioner Fisher asked about the future of the Parks for the Future measure. Schwartz responded that meetings are scheduled to have those discussions, but no decision has yet been reached. 7. Fisher also inquired as to Commissioner Comaroto's recent absences and the policy for removal from the Commission due to missed meetings. 8. Chairperson Hesselgren asked if staff has received any complaints regarding the dogs off leash in the mornings at Cuernavaca and Washington Parks. Schwartz said that he had one complaint before the trial period began, but has had no complaints since. 9. Commissioner Shanus noted that the fence repairs to Bayside 1 have begun and asked if something can be done to prevent the adult softball players from hitting balls into the fences when warming up. 10. Shanus also mentioned that the tournaments conducted by both Burlingame Girls Softball and Burlingame Youth Baseball Association went well and showed our community pride. 11. Commissioner La Mariana suggested that the failure of the Parks for the Future measure to gain 2/3 of the votes is a reflection on the economy and how the voters feel about "another tax". 12. La Mariana also proudly talked about the Burlingame Flames softball team, for which both of his daughters play, and how they have qualified for the national tournament to be held in Portland, Oregon. Parks & Recreation Commission June 26, 2008 Minutes — page 5 13. Hesselgren asked when the construction fence will be taken down around the back field at Burlingame High School. Schwartz did not know when the fence would come down, but did say that the field is currently in use. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission will be held on Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 7:00pm in Conference Room "A" of Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Randy Schwartz Parks & Recreation Director