HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2008.03.20MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, March 20, 2008 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Dittman at 7:00 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Hesselgren, Shanus, Castner-Paine (left at 8:1Opm), Comaroto (left at 8:20pm), Carlton, La Mariana, Fisher Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz, Account Clerk III Butler Others Present: None MINUTES - The Minutes of the February 21, 2008 regular meeting were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None OLD BUSINESS A. Arsenic Update — Director Schwartz reported that the synthetic grass is scheduled to be installed in mid -April. Commissioner La Mariana stated that the repairs to the track have been completed. NEW BUSINESS A. Allowing Dogs Off -Leash in City Parks — Chairperson Hesselgren presented information from several cities that allow dogs off leash from 5:00 to 9:00am. Wear and tear on the park was not a problem and the residents who walk their dogs do a very good job of policing the area. Hesselgren suggested a trial program in Washington Park from 5:30 to 7:30am for a few months. Commissioner La Mariana stated that he is a dog owner and sees a need for this type of area. He noted that there are occasionally aggressive dogs at the Dog Park and this gives another option. As long as the selected area is not used for sports events, he is supportive of the trial project. Commissioner Shanus said that the gravel at the Dog Park tears up the paws on some dogs and asked if the trial period should take place at more than one park. Parks & Recreation Commission March 20, 2008 Minutes — page 2 Hesselgren suggested that this may be a volatile issue for the community, so she would like the trial at one park and then, assuming it goes well, the program could go Citywide. Commissioner Castner-Paine agreed with the concept of a trial program at Washington Park before considering this at other parks. Commissioner Carlton noted that the Police Department would need to be diligent about enforcing the hours carefully so the ending time does not get extended. Commissioner Fisher asked how the public would be made aware of the program and suggested that the trial program should also be conducted at Cuernavaca Park so residents from the northern section of the City would not have to drive to Washington Park. Hesselgren responded that the dog owners would let each other know about this through word of mouth. Commissioner Comaroto expressed concern over the program due to the potential feces that would be left on the lawn areas. MOTION by Castner-Paine (seconded by Carlton): To recommend to the City Council to waive the off -leash dog ordinance until 7.30am each day for the Eastern most lawn area of Washington Park behind the Recreation Center and the upper field at Cuernavaca Park for a period of 90 days. MOTIONPASSED 6-1 (Comaroto opposed). B. Parks Facilities — This item was tabled until Commissioner Castner-Paine has time to prepare more information. C. Capital Improvement Prot Director Schwartz described the status of the City's Capital Improvement Project (CIP) budget to the Commissioners. Prior to the drop in the economy, the City was able to invest $7 to 8 million annually into the CIP's. From 2002 to 2006, the City had to drastically reduce that amount, as the City's revenue was not covering its operating expenses. In the past two years, the City has been able to fund the operating budget, but only a portion of the CIP's. Where the City has determined that the CIP critical need for an on -going basis is $4 million to maintain the current condition, the City Council will only be able to consider funding $2.5 million of CIP projects for the 2008-09 fiscal year. The items on the list from the Parks & Recreation Department include improvements to the parks' pathways, a new boiler for the Aquatic Center (City's share — 65% of total cost), synthetic grass on Bayside Park fields 3 & 4 and funds for a tree planting program that can be used as a cash match for upcoming grants. Parks & Recreation Commission March 20, 2008 Minutes — page 3 Schwartz stated staff s priority of Bayside Park field is based upon the feedback from the various non-profit groups, the field already has lights, there are no neighbors in the area and the project would give the community approximately 2,000 new hours of usable playing time. In addition, the field would save hundreds of hours annually in maintenance time and hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. The opportunity to receive a substantial savings on the cost of the material and installation are also key factors for moving forward with the project at this time. Schwartz has requested the City Council fund $150,000 so the project's pre - construction phase can be completed in the upcoming fiscal year. The Council has asked staff to work with the field user groups to gather their financial support for the project before the City's budget meetings in June. Staff has called a meeting of the user groups for April I". Commissioners Shanus and La Mariana volunteered to represent the Commission at the meeting. Commissioner La Mariana stated his support for the synthetic grass field at Bayside Park. He spoke about the positive environmental impacts of the field such as saving water and fertilizer. He asked if the carpet can be recycled at the end of its useful life. (Staff later asked the manufacturer and learned the material can be recycled). MOTION by Comaroto (seconded by La Mariana): The Commission supports the renovation of Bayside Park Fields 3 & 4 with a synthetic grass field for year round usage. MOTIONPASSED 6-0 (Castner-Paine absent). D. San Mateo Union High School District Fees — Commissioner Shanus had asked that a couple of news articles be distributed to the Commissioners about the San Mateo Union High School District's proposal to increase fees for its facilities. Schwartz stated that the SMUHSD Board of Trustees, at their March 13th meeting approved "an increase in fees and the ability of the administration to negotiate with the cities and non-profit groups to develop standardized fees and to hire a part-time facilities position and to recoup as much of the direct costs as possible using the proposed fee schedule as a starting place for the negotiations." Commissioner Fisher asked what leverage the community has in this matter and if the City should consider an injunction to stop the District's proposal. Schwartz replied that staff representatives from Burlingame, Millbrae, San Bruno and San Mateo met to learn the current arrangement each City has with District and to discuss their shared interests. Schwartz suggested waiting to see where the negotiations go before taking more aggressive steps, but reminded the Commissioners that a portion of their role is to talk to the public about these issues to learn the concerns of the individuals or groups. Parks & Recreation Commission March 20, 2008 Minutes — page 4 REPORTS/HANDOUTS A. Staff Reports 1. Monthly Report — See attached. 2. 2007-08 Revenue Report — See attached. B. Commissioners 1. Commissioner Shanus acknowledged the great job the Parks crews did to prepare the ballfields for BYBA's opening day despite the rain. 2. Commissioner Carlton reported that the Cuernavaca Playground Committee has reviewed plans from three different companies and is focusing on imaginary plan equipment. 3. Carlton also reported that staff has not contacted her yet to discuss Art in the Park sponsorships. 4. Commissioner Fisher reported that the Walk of Fame Committee reviewed the four applications and will recommend two individuals. The two are Martha Rosman May, a 32-year volunteer who started the Burlingame Historical Society, and Mary Janney, who has been involved in Burlingame Rotary, the Burlingame Community for Education and other community groups for over 20 years. 5. Chairperson Hesselgren reported that she, Shanus and La Mariana met to discuss giving the resident rate to local businesses. The committee is considering placing a coupon in the Chamber of Commerce newsletter that businesses can redeem at the Recreation Center for the resident rate. The committee will talk to Georgette Naylor, Executive Director of the Chamber, before the next Commission meeting. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission will be held on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 7:OOpm in Conference Room "A" of Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Butler Account Clerk III