HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2009.11.19MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, November 19, 2009 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Shanus at 7:00 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Shanus, Castner-Paine, Carlton, Fisher, La Mariana, Eaton, Commissioners Absent: Hesselgren Staff Present: Director of Parks & Recreation Skeels; Administrative Secretary Joleen Helley Others Present: None MINUTES The Minutes of the October 15, 2009 regular meeting were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENTS —None. OLD BUSINESS A. Use of Inflatable Jump Houses in Parks — Commission discussed the placement of the Inflatable Jump Houses at the Large and Small Picnic Areas in Washington Park. Consensus was reached on adding a note on the permit stipulating the entrance of the Jump House be on the grass area not the sidewalk area. The possibility of electrical being supplied is yet to be determined. Commissioner Castner-Paine expressed the desire to be sure that the neighbors were notified of the possibility of generator use on the weekends for the purpose of inflatable jump houses. MOTION by La Mariana (seconded by Eaton): Commission recommends to Council to allow Permits of Inflatable Jump Houses in Washington Park in conjunction with a Valid Picnic Permit. MOTIONPASSED 6-0. NEW BUSINESS A. Picnic Permit Locations- Extendine Picnic Reservations to Rav and Village Parks - Discussion regarding the feasibility of extending the Picnic Permit Reservations to Ray and Village Parks resulted in Commission expressing concern about being sure the neighbors were notified of the new rule and posting a start date at the sites for the purpose of educating the users of the Parks. Commission also expressed the desire to have a certain percentage of the tables at both sites be left open for first come/first serve basis. (Further research shows that Ray Park has two (2) tables and Village Park has five (5) tables; neither Park has barbeque pits) Staff has suggested that Ray Park permits be limited to Sundays only due to the Park being used by the softball league on Saturdays) MOTION by Fisher (seconded by Carlton): Commission recommends to Council to Allow Picnic Permits to be issued for Ray Park & Village Park starting in January of 2010. MOTION PASSED 6-0. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes November 19, 2009 — Page 2 B. Cuernavaca Park — Consider Establishing a Picnic Area — Commission discussed the parks rule of "no more than 15 gather at one time" and felt was restrictive considering the size of the park itself. Commission felt that serious consideration should be taken into changing this rule for the park. Fisher likes the idea of a trellis to provide shade and Castner-Paine preferred a more natural tree canopy to provide shade for the area. Commission moved to put this item on the next meeting agenda for further discussion. Staff will return with information on how many calls to PD have been made due to loud groups gathering etc and the history behind the 15 person limit. (The process to amend/change this parks rule would require a public hearing) C. December Meeting Status — Historically the Commission has voted to cancel the December meeting due to holidays and vacation schedules. After a vote, the Commission will meet on December 17, 2009. D. Chair Rotation — Commission voted Castner-Paine to become the Chair and Carlton to be the Vic -Chair at the December meeting. REPORTS/HANDOUTS A. Staff Reports 1. Monthly Report— attached 2. Correspondence — Skeels reported that an email was received in regards to the Aquatic Center concerning the attentiveness of a lifeguard during lap swim. Staff has investigated the matter, taken the appropriate action with the employee and responded to the complainant on the issue. 3. Active San Mateo County Workshop — Skeels recapped the County's move to help citizens become more active by creating more and safer bike lanes on main traffic arteries. 4. Approved Fees - Skeels distributed the list of fees approved by City Council. Included are a new fee for Banner hanging, a fee for Non -Profit Group Picnic Fees at Cuernavaca, Village and Ray Parks and Tennis Court and Park Space fees for Teaching/profit and hourly use. Also included was language on the application of fees to the School District by the City of Burlingame. 5. T-Mobile Lease — Skeels explained the approval of a five (5) year Lease Agreement with T-Mobile and the City to install an antenna in Washington Park on one of the light poles. The lease will provide approximately $24,000 in revenue to the City. The Parks Department Tree Replacement Fund will receive $5,000 a year from the lease revenues. The Tree Replacement Fund is sorely in need of funds to continue the planting of the typical 200-300 trees per year to replace trees in City planter strips. 6. Alternate Use for Current Horseshoe Pits at Washington Park — Staff presented plans that John Cahalan had drawn up of the area for a Centennial Plaza. The plans included Bocci ball courts and two horseshoe pits. Staff reported that the Burlingame Lions Club would be donating the materials for the project. La Mariana, the president of Burlingame Rotary, offered to approach the organization for an additional donation to the project. Parks Supervisor Disco's staff would be able to complete most of the work on the project. There is currently no start date scheduled on the project. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes November 19, 2009 — Page 3 7. Children's Bill of Rights — Skeels explained that the City was presented a formal proclamation from the Peninsula Partnership Leadership Council recognizing the City of Burlingame for their efforts and commitment to children. 8. Field User Fees Update — Skeels reported that fees will be in effect as of July 2010. 9. Directors Status — Skeels and City Manager Nantell will be meeting to discuss the current arrangement of the Directors position with the City of Brisbane and the possibility of continuing the arrangement long term. B. Commissioner Reports 1. Commissioner La Mariana stated that he spoke recently with one of the lifeguards from the Aquatic Center and he mentioned to them that the Commission had reviewed the Audit taken some months ago and that the Commission wanted to commend the lifeguards on a job well done. La Mariana stated that he had read in the local paper of the concerns of seismic issues with the Recreation center. He requested a copy of the seismic report from staff. La Mariana also requested an update on the status of Art in the Park from staff at the December meeting. 2. Commissioner Eaton asked staff what the painted arrows on the concrete surrounding Washington Park and the tennis courts was from and if it would be removed. Staff explained that the arrows were from an afterschool recreation event and that the cleanup would done as soon as possible. 3. Commissioner Shanus requested the following from staff for the December meeting: a) An update on the CIP list and the Bayside Fencing replacement; b) Update on the light replacement project by the sewer treatment plant; and c) Requested that the Commission continue to keep a focus on art throughout the coming year. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Administrative Secretary Burlingame Parks & Recreation