HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2009.10.15MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, October 15, 2009 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Shanus at 7:03 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Shanus, Castner-Paine, Fisher, La Mariana (arrived at 7:55), Eaton, Hesselgren Commissioners Absent: Carlton Staff Present: Director of Parks & Recreation Skeels; Administrative Secretary Joleen Helley Others Present: None MINUTES The Minutes of the September 17, 2009 regular meeting were approved as submitted with the following corrections (Old Business Item A- last line "deciding" changed to "decide"). PUBLIC COMMENTS —None. OLD BUSINESS A. Use of Inflatable Jump Houses in Parks — Director Skeels distributed and explained the staff recommendations and map of designated areas in Washington Park for possible placement of Jump Houses. The Commission noted the following concerns/suggestions: possible electrical cord trip hazard, possible circuit breaker trip issue and the possible need to limit the size of the Jump Houses. Commissioner Shanus would not recommend supplying electrical power due the possible circuit breaker trip concern. Commissioner Eaton reviewed a Jump House rental website on his laptop and explained the size placement needed for Jump Houses. Commission Hesselgren inquired if power was supplied, could it be locked up for limited access. Skeels confirmed that the power source could be secured for use by City staff and made available to picnic renters for the purpose of Jump Houses only. Commission also discussed the "authorized" vendor list that the City could provide to the public and the inclusion of personally owned Jump Houses in the permit. Both suggestions were agreeable provided the renter submitted the proper liability and hold harmless documentation naming the City as also insured. Commission concluded the discussion with a request that staff provide a depiction of the designated locations with measurements so that a size limitation can be added to the permit application. The Commission agreed to review this item at their next meeting. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes October 15, 2009 — Page 2 NEW BUSINESS A. Picnic Permit Locations - Skeels distributed a packet including the current information for picnic reservations at Washington Park, and the City's current barbeque policy. Hesselgren inquired if there was any particular reason that Washington Park was the only reservable park. Staff was unaware of any reason other than Washington Park is the only park that includes restrooms, tables and barbeque pits. Suitable parks to consider for inclusion for reservation are Ray Park, Village Park and Cuernavaca Park. These parks have restrooms and tables (Cuernavaca does not have tables). Discussion regarding the possibility of installing tables and a sun shade at Cuernavaca. Skeels mentioned that the addition of tables and a sunshade at Cuernavaca would require neighborhood notification and staff would need to include the cost into a budget plan. Hesselgren suggested that perhaps donations for tables at Cuernavaca could be solicited. Commissioners have noted that Village and Cuernavaca are steady gathering places for families and felt that these two parks were ideal candidates for the consideration of adding to the reservable area list. Concern was expressed regarding the possible extra cleanup created for Parks crews. Eaton felt that the same traffic pattern would happen whether the areas were reserved or first come, first serve. Commissioner Fisher wanted to be sure that if notification of the neighbors were to happen at Cuernavaca that the City use the largest radius notification possible as the park is used by the neighbors from several block away. Skeels reminded Commission that any policy change for parks requires notification of the neighbors and a public hearing. B. Tennis Court Reservation Procedures — Commission reviewed the handout of the current procedures and the public use rules that are posted at the courts throughout the City. Commission thanked staff for the information and felt no changes were necessary at this time. REPORTS/HANDOUTS A. Staff Reports 1. Monthly Report— attached 2. Sports Fields User Fees — Skeels reported that several meeting are set to take place with Council members, the school district and the City to discuss the formation of a fee schedule that is harmonious for all groups involved and applies to all fields. 3. Program Reductions — Skeels listed the following items as reductions: Art in the Park, BIS afterschool activities, 4/5th grade Summer B-Ball league and adult volleyball league. Commissioner La Mariana reported he had spoken to Lions and Rotary Clubs about the possibility of either groups taking over the Art in the Park event. La Mariana reported there was no interest by either group. 4. Youth Advisory Committee - Skeels distributed a current YAC roster and an example meeting agenda. Commission expressed support for the committee and would like to have a representative visit the Commission with a report on activities planned for the upcoming year. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes October 15, 2009 — Page 3 5. Smoking in the Parks — Attachment. Skeels distributed the current Ordinance and a picture of the sign posted at Cuernavaca Park. Commissioner Carlton was contacted by a citizen regarding the amount of cigarette debris present at Cuernavaca. Commission asked all to pay special attention when cleaning up the area. 6. Correspondence - None B. Commissioner Reports 1. Commissioner Shanus inquired if there were any plans for the horseshoe pits are in Washington Park. Staff noted that the Parks Supervisor may have long range plans for the area. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Administrative Secretary Burlingame Parks & Recreation