HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2009.09.17MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, September 17, 2009 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Shanus at 7:02 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Shanus, Castner-Paine, Carlton, Fisher, La Mariana, Eaton, Hesselgren Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Director of Parks & Recreation Skeels; Recreation Superintendant Mutto, Administrative Secretary Joleen Helley Others Present: Tom O'Connor, 411 Rollins Rd MINUTES The Minutes of the August 20, 2009 regular meeting were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENTS — Chair Shanus recommended moving the Public Comments section to after Old Business Item #4-B - Aquatics Audit and Report. The Commission concurred. OLD BUSINESS A. Use of Inflatable Jump Houses in Parks — Director Skeels distributed and explained the results of an in house survey of local cities in regards to Jump Houses in public parks. The majority of Cities on the Peninsula allow Jump Houses in public parks either accompanying a picnic permit or by special permit. Other conditions include, varying extra fees, various limits in size and usually specified locations listed within the designated parks. Discussion of staff recommendations regarding the location and any restrictions in Burlingame parks led to Commission asking staff to bring the topic back at the October meeting with greater details before they would deciding to recommend the issue to Council. B. Aquatic Audit — Superintendent Mutto played the video of the audit performed in July on the Aquatic Center by the organization Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). The lifeguards were observed from a distance to assess head movement/eye scanning of pool, appropriate dress and safety equipment. The auditor also observed a lifeguard station shift change and described the layers of safety protection provided when senior staff is there to backup the working guards. During the observation, a shift manager was observed walking the perimeter of the water. The lifeguards were also interviewed and asked to perform safety drills. The auditor was impressed with the skills exhibited by the lifeguards who were tested. A copy of the auditors' credentials was passed out for the Commission to review. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes September 18, 2009 — Page 2 Director Skeels pointed out the training shown on the video is done by staff on a regular basis. Skeels encouraged the Commission to witness the training and stated the training schedule. Mutto distributed two recently revised and updated aquatics manuals, (one City procedure manual and a User Group manual), an overview sheet of the aquatics center stating each of the three user groups' responsibilities at the facility and a flyer to be posted at the facility with information on how to submit any comments or suggestions to the City regarding the facility. Also distributed was an organization flow chart for the aquatic center detailing the three user groups relationships. Commissioner briefly reviewed the materials and agreed that the Cities procedural manual has improved in detail and comprehension. Several comments of appreciation for all the attention and work that staff has given this issue were voiced. C. Cuernavaca Renovation Ceremony — Skeels spoke with Parks staff regarding holding an official "Opening Ceremony" for the renovated Cuernavaca Park completed in April of 2009 and it was decided to let the Commission determine if they would like to plan a ceremony. Commission discussed the issue and decided against holding a ceremony. Chairperson Shanus opened the floor to Public Comment PUBLIC COMMENT — Tom O'Connor praised the amount of work the staff has done on this matter. He encourages staff to give the Coordinator in charge of the facility an office on site. He has seen improvement in the lifeguards the last couple of months and encourages staff to continue to be diligent in monitoring them. NEW BUSINESS None REPORTS/HANDOUTS A. Staff Reports 1. Monthly Report— attached 2. Review of Agenda process 3. T-Mobile Cell Tower Proposal — Washington Park — Skeels reported that the City has been approached by the cell phone service provider, T-Mobile, to place a receiver at Washington park on the third baseline light tower. The company will replace the light pole and attach the receiver to the top. The project has yet to be approved. Skeels will keep the Commission apprised of any decisions made. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes September 17, 2009 — Page 3 4. City Attorney letter regarding Approval to Publish Personal Information 5. Correspondence - None 6. Sale of Items in City Parks (attachment) - Skeels distributed an application to be used for anyone wishing to sell items in City parks. Any person wishing to do so must first obtain a business license from City Hall before applying for authorization from the Director of Parks and Recreation. The Commission reviewed the applications and suggested adding site specific information on the form to exclude parks that currently have snack shacks run by non-profit groups or food vendors in place. B. Commissioner Reports 1. Foster City Vibe Teen Center Tour — Commissioner Castner-Paine reported that the Foster City facility is located at Leo Ryan Park near the lagoon. The center has pool and ping pong tables, a TV room and a computer lab/study room. The facility can be used for meeting rooms and holding recreation classes. 2. Commissioner Hesselgren reported that during the summer camps the patio area of the park was littered with refuse and asked that in the future, the camp leaders make sure the patio is picked up after lunches and before they leave for the day. 3. Commissioner Eaton reported that he attended a soccer club meeting and the group would like to volunteer to do field improvements or work with staff to maintain the fields. Skeels stated that he would talk to the Parks Supervisor and report back to Eaton. Eaton also requested background information on the Golf Center. He is interested in possible other uses for the facility and what the benefits are to the City. This item will be placed on the October agenda and staff will bring back the information requested. 4. Commissioner Shanus requested that two items be placed on the October agenda. The items are discussion/information about the City looking at the field fees they charge groups and a look at recreation program reductions including Art in the Park. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:36 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Administrative Secretary Burlingame Parks & Recreation