HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2009.03.19MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, March 19, 2009 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Shanus at 7:03 pm at Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Shanus, Castner-Paine, Carlton, Fisher, La Mariana, Eaton, Hesselgren Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Recreation Superintendent Mutto; City Manager Nantell; Administrative Secretary Joleen Helley Others Present: Tom O'Connor, 411 Rollins Rd, Burlingame MINUTES The Minutes of the February 19, 2009 regular meeting were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENTS — Tom O'Connor requested if public comments can be moved to after the aquatics issue on the agenda as he would like to be able to hear what the Commission has to say and be able to ask questions and respond. Nantell explained that consistency in the agenda posting is the preferred method due to public notice. However, it is up to the Commission if any change is made. The public can approach the Chair of the Commission prior to the meeting to request a change in order or to make "a comment during an item". O'Connor officially requested that the public comments section be moved to after the aquatics issue was discussed. Chairman Shanus and the Commission agreed to the change. OLD BUSINESS A. Update on City Budget Status — Superintendent Mutto distributed the current budget sheets and explained the tiers and the reductions that have been and are to be implemented. Staff will be working to determine which programs may have to be eliminated. Commissioner Eaton inquired if there are any revenue increases available to help out. Mutto explained that the class registration fee has been increased by two dollars and pre-school fees have been raised by about 5%. City Manager Nantell stated the options for reductions are being pursued as the hotel tax report for January shows that revenues for the last four months have been down 11 % from the previous year and all total 16% from last year. If the bond measure is not successful, a third round of reductions needs to be implemented. Currently the Parks Superintendent has been reduced to a %2 time position and Brisbane may help out by picking up % time Director position. The Parks Division will be reducing high climbing tree work by $50,000 for the 2009-10 year. The Recreation Division is looking at options such as eliminating the pre-school program or raising the fees to cover the direct costs of the people in the program and the person running the program. (Handout is being revised; the final version will be attached upon completion) Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes March 19, 2009 — Page 2 Nantell explained that the recreation department needs to look to provide programs that no one else offers. Decisions need to be made such as if you want to play a sport that someone else offers then go to them, we reduce the workload on staff by eliminating those types of programs. Areas that will be looked at are Aquatics, seniors and pre-school. Nantell went on to explain that if the storm drain bond measure fails (if the measure passes it will bring in two million to cover the Storm drain repairs, if the bond measure fails then the two million for repairs will come from the general fund which covers general operating costs), we need to look at what programs to eliminate or enhance (fully fund). The public needs to know what will happen if the measure does not pass. If the union's agree to a salary freeze and pay ten percent of medical costs, it will help, if not, then we have to look at cutting programs. Commissioner Castner-Paine voiced that she does not relish the idea of cutting senior programs. She stated a concern that the needs assessment survey does not ask what programs the public would pay more for and finds that disappointing. Easton inquired if we have any information on what programs the seniors can and cannot afford. Castner-Paine explained that the Citizens for a Better Burlingame is putting together a list of senior statistics. Most seniors are covered by Medicare; they own their homes, cannot afford to sell them and are living off $20,000 a year per couple. There is a senior community out there that needs assistance financially. Seniors want programs as each generation they are "younger" and more tech savvy. Commissioner Shanus stated that the teen programs will be evaluated as well. Commissioner La Mariana spoke in response to Nantell's comments regarding the pressing financial situation within the City. He just had the same conversation with the county manager. It is tough all over as evidenced by the fact the he will be leaving the meeting early to give similar news to a city in the southern part of the peninsula. La Mariana suggested that on the aquatic issue perhaps the day could be split up between the City and Burlingame Aquatic Club, a handing off of responsibility. La Mariana inquired of Nantell if there was any word or sense that the Bond measure would not pass. Nantell expressed concern about the measure not passing due to the residents not understanding the severity of the financial situation. Nantell stated that Mutto was trying to come to grips with what the tier 4 & 5 cuts means in the long run. This is a challenge for us. What does the impact really mean? Example: No Art in the Park, Hole -in -One tournament, etc. The public does not understand the impacts until they hear that we have no more preschool, we had to cut for financial reasons. Commissioner Carlton inquired as to the prospect of sharing a director and whether we have looked down the line to keep our programs by job sharing other positions. Nantell responded that the only position considered is sharing a police chief and partner up dispatch centers. These options save $100 for so here and there to save a position or so. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes March 19, 2009 — Page 3 Commissioner Shanus pointed out that the City is running the BSD afterschool sports program. BSD provides the facility and the City is also giving them ten percent of the fees collected for the programs. He questioned how much staff time we are really putting into that program. He suggested we work with BSD to possibly provide personnel to help out. Nantell stated that when he worked in recreation in San Mateo, when they stopped offering afterschool programs, a non-profit opened up to provide the program. Mutto is thinking if an afterschool program is eliminated it would be the elementary program as the BIS kids need the constructive activities more. Nantell stated that the District has no operating money, they have capital money. The artificial turf they are installing they can charge for to use for education and reduce operating costs. (Mutto stated that the City currently maintains BSD's fields) Eaton inquired if the department has asked for volunteers to run the afterschool programs. Mutto responded that currently, BIS coaches, (who are often teachers) get a stipend. Elementary teachers have not traditionally helped out. At that level it is mostly volunteers who are parents, high school kids, etc. Nantell stated that the savings at the elementary school level is a savings in staff time. B. SMUHSD Fee Structure Update — Nantell reported that a sub -committee of council has met and been able to clear up some frustration and confusion on both sides. It appears the situation is getting better. Eaton stated that he often has the chance to speak with a representative from SMUHSD due to his affiliation with another organization and that the District is confused why some groups are charged different rates by the City. Nantell explained that non-profit youth groups go through a process with the Parks & Recreation Commission to be certified to get a per person/player fee per group rate. SMUHSD does not understand this process. Mutto has amended the fee schedule to reflect this fact. An example of why the fees are so different would be that most of the Burlingame High School baseball team is non- residents and they are being charged accordingly. Burlingame High School wants to use two fields and the batting cage which costs extra. Nantell explained that SMUHSD is still frustrated that we do not charge AYSO (AYSO is a certified group) the same as we do them. Connie and Liz drive by the high school track and see the lights on and people who aren't kids and think we are lying to them about the fees — we do not pay for lights for our programs per giving SMUHSD $600,000, per the contract, we do not pay for lights for our programs. The frustration of SMUHSD is that we are not charging Burlingame School District the same as them. We have a 1955 agreement with the Burlingame School District. Fees for public programs cannot be more than the cost to run the programs. Carlton asked if we were getting closer to a common ground and Mutto responded that she felt things were getting better. Nantell mentioned that at a meeting with SMUHSD the issue of control of the lights was handed over to SMUHSD. Carlton was told this by Connie of SMUHSD and had asked her the procedure for requesting light hours for Lacrosse. Mutto explained that revenue on both ends has been lost due to inefficient scheduling in the past by SHUHSD. By handing over the control of the light schedule to SMUHSD, hopefully this issue will be resolved. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes March 19, 2009 — Page 4 C. Aquatics Update — Mutto explained that there was a meeting held on the first Friday of the month with the Burlingame Aquatics Club and the high school. The manual was discussed, Suze gave here changes and Alyse will be working on those. Also covered were the opening/closing procedures which will be posted at the pool with a checklist/initial sheet. There is more work to be done on the checklist. Eaton asked if there was an overlap in categories such as "last employee to leave or last person to leave". Mutto explained that some things will be unchecked on the list. Some maintenance issues were covered at the meeting as well. Saturday will be another in-service training day. Eaton asked if topics such as dress, lifeguard location and topics of lifeguard conversations will be covered. Mutto stated that these will be covered in spot checks. The City has signed up for an unscheduled audit to be rated. Carlton asked that staff report the results back to Commission. Eaton mentioned that he has frequently walked by the pool and has noticed that the pool covers have been on and the door/gate closed. He extended his compliments to the improvements that he sees at the pool. Carlton stated she was pleased to see that the lifeguards were not hanging out under the awning and that they are sitting in the chair. She witnessed a shift change that was done properly. She spoke with Carlos and asked him about the AED and some other small items. She is happy to see some improvements have been made. Commissioner Fisher asked if the operations manual corrections would still have to wait for Lindsy to return. Mutto confirmed that they would have to wait as Alyse is working on the training manual. Fisher also asked if the City has received any comments on the improvements being observed from the public. Mutto responded that no comments have been received. As per Commission decision earlier in meeting to move Public Comments to after the Aquatics item, the Public Comments section are now open. Public Comments — Tom O'Connor suggested that push button shower knobs with timers be installed at the aquatic center to save on water. He mentioned that he has seen improvements in the procedures at the pool as well as implemented with a spirit of cooperation. Safety issues are key in this case. He requested that the City share the results of the surprise audit with the Burlingame Aquatic Club as well. He noted that he has noticed the gate between the pool and the high school has been left ajar during programs and after hours. He mentioned that the BAC board is going through their goals. They are a competitive club but also would like to be community oriented as well. Nantell asked if there was stability in their board. O'Connor confirmed that Suze and Kurt have been with the club for many years. Eaton asked Nantell if the City is at a point in the budget to think about giving up the swim program. Nantell said not at this time, however, if the bond measure does not pass, perhaps that is a possibility. Mutto mentioned that we are all set for programming for the summer of 2009. If any changes were to be made, it would be in 2010-11. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes March 19, 2009 — Page 5 Tom stated that the BAC has made an effort to hire Suze as a part-time manager. He asked if the Commission was familiar with Menlo and Team Sheeper. The City of Menlo Park has entered into an agreement with Team Sheeper Multisport to operate the Burgess Pool facility and it seems to be working well. Shanus thought it reasonable to partner with a non-profit to provide the service if the City so chose. Hesselgren stated that she was walking by the pool and there were two large charter buses blocking the roadway. The neighbors were complaining. Mutto pointed out that was a rental group of the pool and that it would be made clear to future rentals to park in front of or in the back parking lot the school. NEW BUSINESS A. Washington Park Tennis Courts — Mutto reported that the BIS Team will be using the Washington Park courts in lieu of the BHS courts this year. The Recreation Departments Serve `n Splash program will be using the Washington Parks courts from ten in the morning to one in the afternoon. Shamus asked if we have reached out to the tennis club that is behind the high school to see if their courts would be available. Hesselgren said that the club runs there own summer program and all the courts are full. B. Art in the Park 2009 Kids Booth— Shanus stated that the kid's booth did not make it into the contract between the City and Pacific Fine Arts. Mutto mentioned that AITP is being handled differently this year. The Youth Advisory Committee will not be participating and there will be no booth for young artists in the artist area unless the City pays for the booth. Shanus felt the booth was important in terms of educational and self esteem for the young artists. Mutto stated that volunteers were needed to staff the booth. This includes setup Saturday and Sunday mornings, monitoring during the event both days, teardown on Saturday & Sunday evenings. Shanus stated that he would try to find a parent or two who would be willing to volunteer for the weekend to run the booth. (A youth and teen art booth at Art in the Park will be run by Raziel Unger. He can be contacted at razieiOrazieiungar com. 650-773-8277) REPORTS/HANDOUTS A. Staff Reports 1. Monthly Report— attached 2. Correspondence — attached. Mutto read an email from Ray Park neighbors. 3. Revenue Report — attached Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes March 19, 2009 — Page 6 B. Commissioner Reports 1. Commissioner Hesselgren reported that she was on the committee for the Walk of Fame for the second year in a row. She felt there was some clean up that needed to be done on the applications and the process as written. She felt that the Walk of Fame needs to be made more of an honor than it currently is. Hesselgren will meet with staff to make corrections. Hesselgren mentioned the battle on the Burlingame Voice regarding the Washington Park batting cage and how it is always locked. Comments about the cage being on public property and it should be open for use. Mutto stated that the cage belongs to BYBA and they have control of the cage and who uses it. They allow other groups in if they provide insurance and their coaches must attend a batting cage safety training session. They provide special insurance as well. (The gate in the outfield at Washington Park has been removed.) 2. Commissioner Castner-Paine has received several complaints about dogs off - leash on off -hours in Washington Park and she asked that P.D. do drop in's around 8 am and 5 pm. 3. Commissioner Eaton inquired about status of the and soil sampling for the turfing at Bayside Park He mentioned that he spoke with engineers last week and they said the cap did not need to be touched in order for the turfing to be done, that grading the area was all the was necessary. He will be meeting with another engineer to get a second opinion. 4. Commissioner Shanus reported that he and Commissioner Carlton attended the youth sports programs evaluation in the fall and they had a series of recommendations. None of which seem to have been implemented by staff. He suggests that if any of the programs will around still with a staff person to run them, then the issues should be discussed again. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:56 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Administrative Secretary Burlingame Parks & Recreation