HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2019.02.21PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION APPROVED Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 21, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Milne at 7:01 pm at the Burlingame Community Center, 850 Burlingame Ave, Burlingame. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Milne, Palacio, Holzman & Lee Ardito, Lewis & Matthews Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Recreation Supervisor Acquisti, Recreation Coordinators Rath, Sanchez, Fuhrman and Roman & Administrative Assistant Helley None Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve the January 17, 2019 minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holzman and was approved. 4-0-3. (Ardito, Lewis & Matthews absent) C�KI :: YZI ►] �I13 *016 l None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. New Community Center Programming Survey Results Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes February 21, 2019 Recreation Coordinators Sanchez, Rath, Fuhrman and Roman introduced themselves and stated their areas of responsibility within program planning for the Department. They reviewed the findings from the survey, the number of responses, the events staff attended to reach out to the public for input, the demographic that responded and input / feedback from the respondents. The survey assisted in identifying the current strengths of the Department and areas for improvement. Also illustrated were the opportunities the new community center will afford for the programming of the center. With the new layout and increased square footage of the building, additional hours of programming and offerings can be achieved. The presentation PowerPoint is attached with additional information. Commission expressed appreciation for the detailed work the coordinators put into this project and a presentation well done. Comments and questions from Commission included inquiries about the possibility of having a caf6 offering snacks/beverages for patrons, the possibility of opening the center in the early morning for fitness classes, having later public hours on weekend days, an area for local art display, increasing the drop -in options for varying age groups, focusing on service to the community and not revenue focused, and ensuring that long term rentals do not become "entitled" to the space they use in order to be open for public use not exclusive use. b. Proposed Lorton Park Director Glomstad stated the City is working with a developer on the recently approved "Village at Burlingame", a five story — 132 unit affordable workforce and senior apartment development on the site of Parking Lot F near Howard Ave. The project approval includes a passive park of 45' x 150" at the rear of the site off Lorton Ave. that will be developed as part of the project and after the maintenance period ends, the park will become a City park and the Parks Division will take on the maintenance. Since the City will ultimately be the owner of the park, Parks Division staff has provided input on the trees, soft scape plants, irrigation, etc. 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports Glomstad reported on the following: There is a Teen Job Readiness class at the community center on March 7 & 14 from 4-6pm; Arbor Day is March 7 at 10:30 am in Washington Park; Recreation program registration for spring/summer starts on March 6; the Compost Giveaway is on March 16 and the Department is participating in the Princess Project again this year which is accepting gently used prom dresses. Glomstad handed out a map of 3 identified park clusters with `loops" for biking or walking. She requested the Commissioners take some time to walk or bike the paths and report back at the April meeting with feedback about safety and the possible need for signage improvements or alternative routes. b. Commissioners Reports Commissioner Holzman met with AYSO and found the group thought that the validated user process was smooth and they had good things to say about working with City staff. 2 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes February 21, 2019 Chair Milne stated that Burlingame Girls Softball will be having a change in leadership and Milne will meet with them again later in the year once the new people are in place. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:42 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Burlingame Community Center. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Recording Secretary Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes February 21, 2019