HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 013-1940RESOLUTION N0. RESuLVI'Ds That the City of Burlingame does 'tereby a-,ree to accept from ?;arket Street Railway Company the terms ana conditions set forth in a,certain letter dated September 9, 19400 addressed to the City of iurlingane, a copy of which letter is attached hereto and made a part hereof, in granting per- mission to install a temporar;, truck crossing; over the ri„ht of way of Market Street Railway Company, 160 feet north of Sanchez Avenue; and BE Il' FURTHER RESOiVEDI That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized, for and in behalf of said City of Burlin a.e, to sib the acceptance of said terms. The foregoing, Resolution was introduced by Cotu,cil-:an _ =;,T seconded by Councilman BUCK , and unanimously adopted on the 23ra day of September, 1040. MAYOR. CITY CL'MK v `. COPY '-.ARKET STREET RAILWAY COMPNwf San Francisco, California. L. V. NEWTON Vice President September 9, 1940 City of Burlingame, Burlingame, San Mateo County, California. Attention: Mr. C. L. Longson, Superintendent of Public Works. Gentlemen; Pursuant to your letter of September 5, 1940, we are pleased to grant to the City of Burlingame permission to install a temporary truck crossing over the private right of way of Market Street Railway Company, 160 feet north of Sanchez Avenue, upon the following conditions: (a) City of Burlingame will remove sufficient of the fence now installed on the private right of way and, upon completion of the work, will restore the same to the satisfaction of Market Street Rail- way Company. If said fence is not so restored, Market Street Railway Company is hereby authorized to replace said fence, charge the cost thereof to the City of Burlingame, and the City of Burlingame agrees to pay the same. (b) City of Burlingame hereby agrees to hold, and does hereby hold, Market Street Railway Company free and blameless from all responsibility or lia- bility for any accident occurring or that might occur by reason of the operation of said trucks over said crossing, whether from collision of cars of Market Street Railway Company with said trucks or other vehicles or arising from any other cause while oper- ating said trucks over said temporary crossing. (c) City of Burlingame agrees to furnish the necessary flagmen to warn the motormen of cars of Market Street Railway Company that trucks are being driven or are about to be driven across said tempor- ary crossing. (d) City of Burlingame agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this letter after having been first duly authorized by resolution of its City Council. Very truly yours, Accepted: MARKET STREET RAILWAY COMPANY CITY U INN By L. V. Newton (sued) By Mayor. Tito Chi.t,, of Bnrlinputr SAN MATEO COUNTY CALIFORNIA September 23, 1940. The Honorable City Council Burlingame, California. Gentlemen: - Attached hereto for approval and execution, is an agreement with the Ivarket Street Railway CoLipany Wherein is granted to the City of Burlingame a temporary truck crossing over their rails for the purpose of transporting materials for the construction of a storm drain now under way. Accompanying the agreement is the resolution auth- on sing the Mayor to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of 3urlingame. Respectfully submitted, . L. LongsonT Nt of Buuc li,jrl,.- y of 3ur1 izigaiie .