HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 020-1941RESOLUTION ,'TH REAS, the water supplied to the CITY 01' BURLINGAME and to a number of other communities in San Mateo County for drinking and other domestic purposes is derived in large part from reservoirs of the San Francisco gater Department, generally referred to as the Spring Valley Lakes, and the tributary watershed lands; and 'vMREAS, the City of San Francisco and its predecessor.the Spring Valley Company expended over �5,000,000 in acqui ine, i..esa watershed lands for the purpose of maintaining the purity of the water supply and protecting it against human polution; and KEREAS, upon insistence of the State Board of Health and other Public Health authorities access to these lands for recreational purposes be prohibited, these lands have been fenced and patrolled against trespass foi• nearly 20 years; and 6`HE REAS, upon the request of representatives of the State Division of Fish & Game, supported by petitions from numerous public bodies, civic organizations and residents of San Mateo County, the City of San Francisco consented to have these watershed lands established as a "State Fish and Game Refuge", to be known as the "San 7r ancisco Game Refuge", upon the understanding that full control of these lands would be retained by the city and that hunting and fishing in the area would be prohibited ana become illegal under the State law; and WHEREAS, according to press reports the State Division of Fish and Game has issued permits to a number of individuals to fish in the Spring Valley Lakes within the San Francisco Game Refuge with a view to testing the right of the City of San Francisco to exclude persons holding permits from the Division of fish & Game from entering on its privately owned properties for the purpose of fishing; and ZEREAS, leading health authorities of the State of California, includingBertram P. Brown, Director of Public Health for the State of California, C. G. Gillespie, Chief of the Bureau of Sanitary Engineer- ing, State of California, Chas. Gilman Hyde, Professor of Sanitary engineering of the State University, Dr. T. C. Geiger, Director of Public Health, for the City of San Francisco have all condemned in strongest terms any proposal to open these lakes and watershed lands to the public for fishing and/or other recreational purposes, as introducing a definite source of pollution to the public water supply and a menace to the public health; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this CITY does hereby go on record as protesting in the strongest terms, against any act or action tending to reduce the precautionary measure for the protection of this public water supply against pollution and does specifically protest against the issuance by the State Division of Fish and Game of any permits, purporting to give to the permittee the privilege or right to fish in, or to enter the San Francisco Game Refuge for the purpose of fishing; and BE IT FURTFRR RESOLVED, that a copy of phis resolution be sent to the Governor of the State, the State Division of Fish and Game, the Mayor of San Francisco and the Public Utilities Commission of San Francisco. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed this 15th day of September, 1941, by the following vote AYES: Councilmen: Buck, Burrows, Coleman, Hunt and McDonald. NOES: Councilmen: None. "WAWINW WWI—" ABSENT: Councilmen: None. (� ATTEST • ( 1 i MAYOR f� II City of Burlingame I U SEP 1G 1941 IN OFFICE OF 6Y