HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 018-1942R SOLUTION the "L eSislature of the State of California at its 1941 session enacted a statute requiring 'roards of Supervisors to accord to cities within their respective counties hearinct or an application thereof for a share of the subvention of One Cent (1�) per gallon of gasoline tax, and 'FFRhAS the California State Supervisors' Association at its annual convention at .Iollywcod, California, in May, 1941, adopted e re- solution reeommendinc that Boards of Supervisors throughout the state make some equitable division of such gas tax funds with the cities with- in their respective counties,and i'r'I%3! S the population of the twelve cities in this county is 85% or more of the population of the county, and the gasoline taxes paid by residents of said cities constitute approxirA tely the same percentage of gasoline taxes paid within this county, and it is fair ar.c_ equitable for the ;;oard of Supervisors of this county to apportion and allocate to said cities on a population basis a share of the county's One Cent (1�) subvention from the State of California. WITO TfiRrFFORF, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Cit-- of Bur'_in-sre that the Committee of the Penins-.,la Division of the League of California Cities on the Apportionment of County "'asoline Tsx;as to the Cities be and it is hereby authorized to represent this city in its ef- Ports to secure from the I"oard of Supervisors of this count- a fair and equitable apportionment of such gas line taxes as the county receives durin- the fiscal year 1a42-43 and subsequent Nears. Cleric of the City o County of San iWateo