HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 005-19431 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION & DELIVERY OF DEED 2 TO BURLINGAME ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT 3 4 WHEREAS, The City of Burlingame, a municipal corporation, on June 10, 1941 entered into an agreement with Burlingame Elemen- 5 tary School District for the purchase of five (5) separate parcels 8 of land, described in said Agreement; and WHEREAS, said Burlingame Elementary School District is 7 now ready to receive a conveyance of Parcel No. 2 described in 8 said Agreement and to pay the purchase price therefor; NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Burlin- 9 game does hereby resolve to convey to Burlingame Elementary School District the following described parcel of land situated in the 10 City of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, State of California, to -wit: 11 12 Parcel No. 2 BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly line of Devereux 13 Drive S 33' 531 20" W 483.948 feet from the southwesterly 14 line of Balboa Avenue as said Devereux Drive and Balboa Ave- nue are shown on that certain map entitled "Ray Park, Bur- lingame, California," filed April 16, 1941, in Book 23 of 15 Maps, Pages 45 to 58 inclusive, in the office of the County 16 Recorder of San Mateo County, California, and running thence S 560 061 40" E 346.427 feet; thence S 83' 311 20" W 180.658 17 feet; thence N 390 471 45" W 217.387 feet to the southeast- erly line of Devereux Drive• thence along said southeasterly 18 line of Devereux Drive N 33� 531 20" E 56.052 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.60 acres of land more or less. 19 20 That the consideration for the said conveyance is the sum of three thousand ($3000.00) dollars as provided in said Agreement and that the Mayor of the City of Burlingame be, and 21 he is hereby authorized to execute and deliver said Deed for and 22 in behalf of the City of Burlingame. 23 This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame held on March 1, 1943, and 24 adopted by the following vote; 25 AYES:Councilmen Burrows - Coleman - Lz _. - Aunt - Roth 26 NOES:Councilmen None 27 ABSENT:Counci m 29 ATTEST: 30 =L0_ 31 ity Clerk 32 I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution acopted by the City Council of the City of Burlingame at a regular meeting held on March 1, 1943. City Clerk. 1. DEED z 3 CITY _>F BURLINGAIM, a duly incorporated municipal 4 corporation, the first party, grants to BURLINGAME ELEaENTARY 5 SCHOOL DISTRICT, the second party, the following described parcel 6 of land situated in the City of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, 7 State of California, to -wit: 8 Parcel No. 2 9 BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly line of Devereux 10 Drive S 330 531 20" W 483.948 feet from the southwesterly line of Balboa Avenue as said Devereux Drive and Balboa Ave- nue are shown on that certain map entitled "Ray Park, Bur- 11 lingame, California," filed April 160 1941, in Book 23 of Maps, Pages 45 to 58 inclusive, in the office of the County 12 Recorder of San I,,ateo County, California, and running thence S 560 061 40" E 346.427 feet; thence S 83° 311 20" W 180.858 13 feet; thence N 39° 47+ 45" W 217.337 feet to the southeast- 14 erly line of Devereux Drive- thence along said southeasterly line of Devereux Drive N 336 531 20" E 56.052 feet to the 15 point of beginning; and containing 0.60 acreas of land more or less. 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the first party has ca�ised these 17 presents to be executed this %ir5 day of ;;;arch, 19433 by 18 its Mayor, after the adoption. of a resolution duly author- 19 izing such execution, a copy of which is attached hereto. 20 21 22 23 24 25 ATTEST: 26 27 28 'City Clark. 29 30 31 32 CITY OF BURLINGAME, A Municipal