HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 041-1946RESOLJI-,TIO?? NO. 41-46 WTI-hR AS, the Hills ,"Vater Company$ a corporation, has made an offer to lease and sell to the City of Burlingame all of the assets of the said corporation, pursuant to the terms of an offer, a copy thereof is attached hereto and included herein by reference; and lV:IEREAS, the City Council of the City of Burliname dee.iiing it to be for tine advantage and best interest of the City that the said offer be accepted; NOVI THEREFORE, I IS IIEzEBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Eurlingame, at a special rneeting }yield for the purpose of considerinr,, the proposition, that the offer of the Hills Water Company. a corporation, ,to lease and sell to the City of Burlingame, all of the assets of said corporation according to the terms set forth in said offer, a copy of which is hereto attached, D. and the same is hereby accepted; that the City !':lerk imr�_ediately notify said Dills Water Company, of the acceptance of the offer to lease and sell its property to the City of Burlingame, and accordin to the terms t1le-rei n set forth. IT IS q'URT-�ER RE'SOLITED that the City Attorney and t:3e City Enn—i.neer are designated to ne otiate for the consilinyriation of the aSreeraent and upon final conclusion, rep ort the s ar:ie to the City Council for approval. f', erbert Larris - �'ayor I, Herbert K. j1,Vhite, City Clerk of the City of Burlin-re do ;Hereby certify that the foregoing resolution `eras introduced at a special meetinm of the rurlin„ame City Council, held on .iovezri)er 2Z, 1946, and au.opted by the ollu ir.q� vote: A` ES: COUTIOIIIJEN: Dahl -Harr 1.s-Hun t-Si:.nonds - NOES: C None ABSENT CO:UFCILITEIv: Maitsell HILLS WATER COMPANY 1319 HOWARD AVENUE BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA November 22, 1946 To the Honorable Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Burlingame Burlingame, California Gentlemen: The undersigned, by resolution of its Board of Directors, duly adopted and authorized ,�t here,,,�,,FY of �f'ers to lease to the CITY OF BURLINGAI,E all of the" x1 c�a"T'p4roperties of HILL WATER COIVPANY, a corporation, including land, reservoirs, trans- mission and distribution mains, services, meters, hydrants, valves, fittings, pumping plant and all appurtenances, maps, meter books, record books ana all other physical properties of said company at a monthly rental of T1.1,10 L'UNDRED ANT- N01100 DOLLAMS ( 200.0 ayable in advance commencing on the tenth (loth) day of ' r, 194Y and thereafter on the loth day of each consecutive month up to and including June loth, 1947. The CITY OF BURLINGA 3 shall have the right to collect and�-.,, withhold as its own all proceeds of sales of water after 10th, 1944�' - water bills and consurners accounts to be pro -rated as of that date. C40h a►� aece,ftfr reee-Prw6/e hof �nc,wda� hT 1{�'� n addition to the foregoing lease, the said HILLS VATER C014PAITY hereby grants to the CITY OF BURLINGAME an option to purchase all of the above mentioned physical properties for the sum of THIRTY FIVE THOUSxND ANM N01100 DOLLARS (��,35, 000. 00 ) cash, provided that this option to purchase be exercised and the offer accepted on or before June 10,1947. Time is the essence of this agreement, Yours truly, MILLS svAT iR 00YIPANY "'W71, i .� , .__ �, _100, T 1 � Secretary Nave r.,,ber 27, 1046 Hills Vlater Company 1311 11ovmrd Avenue i Burlingame,, California Gentlemen: At a special meotln7 - 11 , of the City Council ;.,-old Oaturday,, 1"3rd, your o:Ter, dated 11ove--,Abor 22n,d, to '.ease with the option to Purellaso t1ae assets of the -Hills ','ater Company was accepted. The Council at this raeetin:; adopted Posolution ITo. 41-460 authoriZing the accopt"m--ce of Vie of"far. It was dul-7 passed. Yours very tzaly.. CITY OP BURLINGAME TITMOFIE, City