HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 031-1948RESOLUTION NO. 31-48 APPROVING AND ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE SEVENTY-FIVE FOOT AERIAL LADDER TRUCK; AND INVITING BIDS FOR THE SAME, The City Council of the City of Burlingame does hereby resolved and order: That the specifications for one seventy-five foot Aerial Ladder Truck, heretofore submitted by the Fire Commission, attached hereto and made a part of this resolution be, and the same are hereby approved and adopted. It is further Resolved and Ordered that the City Clerk be authorized and directed to immediately give notice and invite sealed proposals or bids for the material as in the aforesaid specifications provided and that all such sealed bids or proposals shall be filed with the City Clerk on or before five o'clock., p.m., August 25, 1948. U. S .1 ri.onds,`�r,, _ layor I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk of the City of Burling me , do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a special meeting of the City Council held on August 9, 1948, and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dahl-Harper-Hunt-Simords-Love NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None ber h, a ite, C1r�� SPLO IFICATIONS FOR 75 FOOT AERIAL LADDER TRUCK The engine shall have a minimum of 185 brake horsepower. In order to carry the Aerial Ladder, this apparatus shall consist of a ladder truck and motor on a corm. -ion chassis with wheel base and turning radius which will permit ready operation in the streets and at a fire. Brakes shall be provided on all wheels. The Aerial Ladder shall be in three sections, with a suitable raising device so arranged that the upward movement of the ladder is rapid, smooth and without undue swaying or vibration. It shall be equipped with suitable control devices, and automatic safety locks. A turntable shall be provided for revolvint; the Aerial Ladder, so arranged that it will rotate with little resistance. The mechanism of the turntable shall be so constructed that the platform and the Aerial Ladder can be operated in a complete circle to enable the ladder to be out in any position. The turntable shall be fitted with a positive lock so as to retain it in any desired position. The stabilizers shall be constructed so that apparatus can be moved without raisinE. stabilizers. The Aerial Ladder, in addition to tests specified for other ladders, shall be designed and so powered that from a horizontal position it will lift a weight of at least 100 pounds on the free end of the butt ladder without lead hose or ladder pipe. A suitable ladder pipe with a 3" lead hose and 3 way inlet connection shall be provided, so arranged that it can be quickly attached to the Aerial Ladder. Tips provided shall be 1�"-12"-1 3/4". Specs. for 751 Aerial Ladder Truck--P. 2 In addition to standard lighting, there shall be 2 red flashing lights in front and one at rear of truck with a minimum of 6" diameter lens. The siren shall be free rolling and brake equipped. Painting and lettering as per Burlingame Fire Department specifications. Basic equipment about 2001 of assorted ladders. The following equipment shall be provided: 4 pick head axes assorted. 2 electric hand lanterns. 2 crowbars. 1 door opener. 2 wall picks. 2 wire cutters with insulated handles. 1 tin roof cutter. 6 pike poles assorted lengths. 2 shovels square point. 2 pitch forks. 1 life net. 1 auto jack. 6 life belts. 2-1001 life lines --cotton for rescue work. 4 scaling ladders. 2 folding attic ladders. 2 scoop shovels. 2-50' lengths manila rope a" in diameter. 1-22" cellar pipe. 1 pull down hook and chain. 1 claw tool. 1 first aid kit (24 unit). serial LaG�3_er Truck—P. #3 4 Gas Masks --approved type for fire department service. 1 hack saw with 12 blades. 1 cross out saw. 1 key hole saw. 1-12" stilscn wrench. 1-116" stilsor_ wrench. 2 monkey wrenches 16" and 24". 1 ball rein hauler--2 pound. 2 claw harmiers. 1 pair tin snips. 1 brace and set of bits. 3 corn brooms. 2 crops. 2 squeegies. 1-501 lens;th sash cord. 2-12 cat. water pails. 1-2" au � r. 2-3 ton jacks. GUAIUNTUE The ITIanufacturer will be required to _u.arantee that the condition of said apparatus, delivered under these requirements at the expirEtion of three (3) years from date of service will be in as good condition as when delivered to said City of Burlingame, laith the exception of tires, reasonable gear of the apparatus and its working; parts, and defects caused by accidents. The rrianufacturer shall agree to repair, replace and install any and all parts of the said apparatus and eg4lipnient that ma-r prove defective during; said three (3) years of P. #4--Specs, for 75' Aerial Ladder Truck guarantee in strict compliance with these requirements and in a manner satisfactory to the Chief of the Burlingame Fire Department. The manufacturer shall further submit with his bid, an additional guarantee or warranty covering; proponent parts of the motor, the power plant, and the chassis in general. The manufacturer shall furnish two (2) complete specifications of the type of 75f Aerial Ladder Truck to be furnished together with drawirws and other literature. The manufacturer shall furnish two (2) complete specifications including one certified horsepower curve. Each bidder shall be required to submit a guaranteed delivery date. The successful bidder will be required to post a bond of at least 30% of the bid conditioned on strict performance of contract. NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Pursuant to the specifications approved by Resolution No. 31-48, adopted on August 9, 1948, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame, and pursuant to said Resolution directing; this notice, said Council hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for one Seventy-five Foot Aerial Ladder Truck. Each bid shall be in accordance with specifications and other contract document nov, on file with the City Clerk at the City Ilall, Burlingame, California, where they may be examined and copies obtained. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive any informality in a bid. Said sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the City Clerk at the City Hall in Burlingame not later than 5 o'clock, p.m., on August 25, 1948. Bids will be publicly opened and examined on Thursday, August 26, 1948. Dated: Herbert e August al. 1948 City Clerk City of Burlingame