HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 034-1948RESOLUTION NO. 34-48 CONDEMNING THE BUILDING SITUATED ON THE PROPERTY DESIGNATED AS NO. 18 BAYSIVATER AVENUE, CITY OF BURLINGAME WHEREAS, on February 2, 1948, the Chief of the Fire Department, the Building Inspector and the Sanitarian of the Health Department filed with the City Clerk a report of their joint inspection of the premises known as No. 18 Bayswater Avenue, in the City of Burlingame and in substance stated that the premises were entirely devoid of sanitary facilities, ivith- out water- and needed re -wiring and that the house itself was generally in bad disrepair and reported that the premises not be used for living purposes until the minimum requirements of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California had been complied with; and WHEREAS, on July 19, 1948, the City Council of the City of Burlingame adopted Resolution 28-48 wherein it appointed the hour of eight o'clock, P. m., on Monday, August 2, 1948, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said City as the time and place where all persons interested in the said premises may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the building should not be condemned as a nuisance and ordered removed and directed that a copy of the resolution be posted in a conspicuous place upon the property and a copy thereof be mailed to the owner at his last known place of residence five (5) days before the hearings; and WHEREAS, the matter came on for hearing at the time and place fixed in Resolution No. 28-48 and the City Clerk reported that he had personally posted a copy of Resolution No. 28-48 in a conspicuous place upon the property mentioned therein five (5) days before the hearing and also mailed a copy of said Resolutions to William F. Crosby, Administrator of the estate of Alfred Swansen, deceased, the representative of the heirs and owners of the said property; and WHEREAS at the public hearing had at the time and place last above mentioned various persons appeared and discussed the matter for and against the condemnation and after a full and complete hearing; The City Council does hereby Resolve and order: That the building upon the premises known as No. 18 Bayswate: Avenue in the City of Burlingame is in such a state of di s re- pair and lacking in sanitary facilities that the said premises can not be used for living purposes without completely demolish- ing the saidb uilding; said building is a fire hazard and is a menace to the health of the residents residing within the vicinity and should be removed; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the building upon the aforesaid premises is hereby condemned and ordered removed; that the Administrator of the estate of Llfred Swansen, deceased, be served with a copy of this resolution and a copy be posted. upon the premises, �X`s, and that if the Administrator neglects to cause the said building to be removed within twenty (20) days from the date of the adoption of this resolution, then the Director of Public Works in the City of Burlingame is hereby authorized and directed to cause the said building to be removed from said premises and the cost of such removal shall be reported to the City Council and a. statement thereof be served upon the said Administrator of the said estate of Alfred Swansen, deceased. �. �imonas, jr., - I, Herbert K. white, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the Council held on _ August 169 1948 and adopted by the following vote: AXES: COUNCILMEN: DA4L-FTA,�PER-I-UITm TONE STi,,To Tr, NMS: COUNCIIZI N: NODIE ABSF14T COUNCILITEN: NONE Herbert 7. r7hite, City Clerk