HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 020-1948RESOLUTION NO. 20 - 48 WHEREAS, the State of California has acquired the property described in the attached application for cancellation of 1947 - 1948 and subsequent taxes as appears from the application of the Division of Highways of the State of California, dated April 15, 1948; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney of the City of Burlingame has consented to the cancellation of said taxes, as required by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, and it is hereby ordered that the 1947 - 1948 and subsequent taxes against the said property above referred to be, and the same are hereby cancelled. U. S. Simonds, Jr., - May - I, Herbert K. Vchite, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on 'ray 3, 1948, and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL-MhN: DAHL. H Rp1�M. I-tiLjM, LoVF. & gTljn Tne NOES: COUNCILMEN: HOME ABSENT COUNCILIaN: NONE . erbert K.-White, City Clerk - �► STATE OF CALIFORNIA lw� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT IV 2001 VAN NESS AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO 9. CALIFORNIA ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO P. O. BOX 3366, RINCON ANNEX SAN FRANCISCO19 City Council city of Ouurlingame City f."all 5urlin gaae, California April lb, 1948 PLEASE REFER TO FILE No. TV Deed. ido . 162 y deead dated October 2;�, 14, executed by the State of California acquired fee title to the property described on the attached sheet. This property was acquired for a public use, State .Highways. Therefore, it is requested tiiat there be ccelnceleci, in accordance v,,*ith Section 4986 of the Revenue and Taxation code) the • *•: &Ud a and that said property be removed from the assessment roll. . Very truly yours, d110. H. 6li,613Tv8 District Engineer By ORIGINAL SIGNED BY GEO, S, PINGRY e Geo. S. PingryCw District Right of Way Agent Encl. cc: City Attorney same address Portions of that certain tract of land conveyed to George F. Lyon by Trustees' dead from 3oston investment Co. a corporation, dated April 25, 1930 and recorded on Mvy 1, 1930 in volume 466 at page 42, Official Records of San Mateo County described in the following parcels: PA13Ci�1, 1 Co.:vs ncin,, at a point on the southwesterly line of tl_a existing, Bayshore Higj way, bean; the :ost northerly corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to the State of ::aliCornia as Parcel Three of that certain deed from A. Ralston Curtis, at nl, dated October 28, 1941 and recorded on Deeeaber 4, 1941 in Volume 939 at page 074, Official Records of San Mateo County; thence from said point of commencement along the northwesterly line of said Parcel Three, S 330451 W- 103.55 feet; thence from a tangent that bears .1. 27058127" W., along a curve to the left with a radius of 100 feet, through an angle of 16023135", a dis- tance of 28.61 feet; thence N. 44022102" W., 249,89 feet to a line parallel it th and 115 feet southwesterly at right angles from the centerline of the Department of Public Torks survey Yor the 13ayshore Freeway, thence alon- said parallel line, N. 50041130" V., 1964.31 feet to the property line common to the lands now or formerly of George F. Lyon and Mills Estate incorporated; thence along said common property line, N. 35020t15" E., 230.56 feet to a line parallel with and 115 feet northeasterly, at right angles, from the center line of said survey; thence nlon„ ;;aid parallel line S. 50041130" E., 1463.49 feet; thence leaving last said paral- lel line along a curve to the left, tangent to the last des- cribed course, with a radius of 50 feet, through an angle of 1530 03t09", a distance of 133.56 feet to a point of cusp on said southwesterly line of the existing Bayshore Highway; thence slon said southwesterly line, from a tangent that bears S. 23 44'39" E., along a curve to the left with n radius of 2762.50 feet, through an angle of 13009121", a distance of 634.31 feet; thence continuing along last said line, com- pounding along a curve to the left, tangent to the last mentioned c.:rve, wth a radius of 2962.50 feet through an angle of 30170 56.5", a distance of 170.58 feet to the point of cord-:encement. ContaininO, 10.939 acres more or less. PARCEL 2 Commencing at the most n certain tract of land conveyed to Parcel Two of that certain deed f dated October 23, 1941 and record volume 989, at pate 274 Official thence from said point of commenc line of said Parcel Two, S. 33045 to the southwesterly line of Pacl tower line right of way; thence a northwesterly U.85 feet; thence line, N.4020V ., 148.70 feet; the scribed course, along a curve to 100 fact, throu6h an angle of 500 feet to the southwesterly line of mentioned deed to the State of Ca said line S. 6201400" E., 55.50 line of that certain 0.021 acre t State of California by deed from recorded on February B, 1943, in cisl Records of San Mateo County; westerly and southwesterly lines ortherly corner of that the state of California as rom A. Ralston Curtis, et al, ad on December 4, 1941 in records of San Mateo County; ement along thenorthwesterly t7. 59.23 feet, more or less, fic Gas and Electric C,`o.°s long said right of wad* line leaving said right of way ace tanent to the list de - the left, with a radius of 7Q3", a distance of 9.81 Parcel Three of the above lifornin; thence along last feet to the northwesterly Tact of lend conveyed to the Irma D. Danziger, at vir, Volume 1045 at page 405, Offi- thence along the north - of said 0.021 acre tract 5. 60"4bl W,p 7b.21 feet and S. Ww14130" L., 43.56 feet to the southwesterly line of that certain 0.54E acre tract of land conveyed to the State of California by George F. Nosbitt, Jr., ct al, by deed recorded on October B, 1942 in Volume 1033 at page 325, Official Records of San Mateo County, thence along last said line, S. 560151h., 16.68 feet to the point of com- mencement. CONTAINING 0.100 of an acre more or less.